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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Carlos Colon's shoot interview is the lastest in a long series of worthless shoot interviews. No stories, everyone is "good guy, did good business". Of course he says nothing about Brody getting stabbed, he knows nothing about it. Load of bullshit. Feinstein is really bad as always although he kinda tries to ask tough questions at times.

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Have there been any good shoot interviews in the past 4-5 years?

Sure, several. It all depends on who's being interviewed and who's doing the interviewing. Kayfabe Commentaries videos tend to be more interesting in general than RFVideo's line, just because the host is much better and willing to ask interesting questions (albeit sometimes hiding behind the YouShoot gimmick).
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Just seems like Sheik, Honkytonk Man, and Cornette over and over and over again to me.


Feels like there was a shoot explosion around 2003-4 sort of time where most major guys did one, and that in the last few years they've either been scraping the barrel or having guys do their 2nd, 3rd, 4th or even 10th shoot.


Last good one I can remember was probably the massive Flair one with the chewing tobacco.

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KC's History of _ series has been really good but that's all i've been keeping up with of late that I could recomend.


Forget who I first heard bring this up but the rise of podcast really has killed off a lot of the market for your standard sit down, ask a list of questions shoot. Unless you can get someone obscure or have an out of the box idea it's not even worth bothering with now.

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So, stumbling onto the Doc/Kawada '93 Carnival match in full on YouTube, and knowing that the full Misawa/Gordy match is out there, etc, is anyone keeping track of what classic AJ stuff has been unearthed on the Samurai shows or...?


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Guevara also aided the cause of nuclear arms proliferation, and openly admitted that he would've nuked the USA if he'd controlled the missiles. He also has a well-documented history of being a torturer and executioner. Let's not pretend that he was some kind sudamericano equivalent to Gandhi.

You should perhaps consider the unique goals that Cuba was able to achieve by nuclear proliferation and how little sense special criticism of a figure for merely talking about the possibility of nuking the only country with the distinction of actually using nuclear weapons against non-military targets to achieve a political end makes. And I'm certainly bothered by all the jackboots, rapists and thugs he executed. Liberals, man.


Che teamed up with Mando and Hector in the AWA right?
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This is pretty mind-blowing to me & something that I didn't think that I would ever say/type, but as far as U.S. wrestling goes (that has television) between the "big three" I think the order looks like TNA > WWE > ROH right now.


I'm genuinely excited for Destination-X & Ring of Honor feels downright unwatchable.


As far as shoot interviews go, I loved the PWDiary shoot with King Kong Bundy, but I'm a Bundy mega-mark, so maybe take that recommendation with a grain of salt?

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RoH is terrible in every stretch of the word. Their tv show just fails on every level imaginable. The squashes are too long, the announcing is terrible, the promos are awful and even the format is bad. They throw in a couple of matches in a row and then throw 3 or 4 promos back to back on you. It just makes for a really tedious experience.


And Davey Richards is just an ass. His "wrestling is super serious guys" shit is just boring as hell. I'm being honest here, Kevin Steen stuffing his face with cake a fan gave him after winning the title was more interesting than anything Davey has ever done.


Honestly, NWA Anarchy, OVW and NWA Hollywood put on much better television than RoH does.

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Back several years ago I created an EWR promotion with all the biggest bridge burners there were in professional wrestling. It was inspired by how terrible Wrestling Society X was. I had the Ultimate Warrior, Lex Luger, David Flair, Jimmy Snuka, Jake Roberts, Justin Credible, Koko B. Ware, etc. I tortured the fans with the worst matches I could imagine.

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In my TEW2008 Death of the Territories game I've been playing the same MSW career for what seems like years now. It's 1987 (starts in 1983) and Lex Luger is currently my World Champ on a 62-0 winning streak since his debut. He has A* popularity in all my key regions. And even with that, he still puts on quite shitty matches.

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RoH is terrible in every stretch of the word. Their tv show just fails on every level imaginable. The squashes are too long, the announcing is terrible, the promos are awful and even the format is bad. They throw in a couple of matches in a row and then throw 3 or 4 promos back to back on you. It just makes for a really tedious experience.


And Davey Richards is just an ass. His "wrestling is super serious guys" shit is just boring as hell. I'm being honest here, Kevin Steen stuffing his face with cake a fan gave him after winning the title was more interesting than anything Davey has ever done.


Honestly, NWA Anarchy, OVW and NWA Hollywood put on much better television than RoH does.


I honestly don't see why so many people have such hatred for ROH. I don't think the TV is horrible, the announcing was terrible at first but Kevin and Nigel seem to have got their acts together in terms of being an old school straight announcer/ex wrestler color man team. Neither guy is the second coming of Gordon of course, but better than what WWE and TNA offer most weeks.


I'll grant you the formatting is a little odd, having the big "Inside ROH" promo block in the middle of the show like that. I get that they are trying to get guys a chance to show personality to the viewers, but putting it in one block like that just makes it fast forward material.


Davey to me seems like the John Cena of ROH. He doesn't bother me nearly as much as he seems to bother practically everyone else, I just figured that his gimmick was a weeaboo type who favored Japanese pro wrestling rather than like , anime or whatever. He seems like a guy who just watched puro tapes 24/7 without understanding any cultural differences why guys act all stoic and shit. Also I agree Steen celebrating his title win by stuffing his face with cake was by far the best thing they've done so far.


But yeah, I have ROH TV on my weekly DVR rotation and I don't really see why it gets hated on so much. Best I can gather is that it seems like some people are still holding on to the days where Joe, Punk, and Danielson were regulars and of course nothing today is going to compare to that.


Even Dave was comparing Spike's investment with TNA to Sinclair/ROH as proof that perhaps they aren't into ROH for the long run. Of course ROH's production values are going to be less, Spike is part of the Viacom empire which is worth billions. They have the capital to prop up a money losing wrestling venture. Sinclair's earnings are less than $100 million. Not chump change, but they have less room to work with in terms of how much they can burn. Could ROH TV use an upgrade? Sure, but it doesn't seem fair to compare to TNA when they are bankrolled by someone who probably has the net worth of Sinclair lost in their couch cushions.

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Have there been any good shoot interviews in the past 4-5 years?

Sean Waltman's Youshoot is fantastic. Even better, as you'd expect it to consist of the usual moronic video submissions by people who think they are funnier than they are, or people trying to get their 'gimmick' over. I also enjoyed the Adrian Street one, although that was more down to Street and less due to Feinstein (who had clearly done little research, and predictably when talking about UK guys, only asked him about those who had made a name in the US or Japan). I picked up a copy of the Mike McGuirk one last week along with the Sean Morley Timeline (which I didn't care for - and I tend to find the releases from recent years such as the Morley and Lisa Moretti as less interesting/appealing to me), so may give that a watch in a few days.
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Mark Madden wrote his usual lazy article on Wrestlezone full of trolling bluster which caused somewhat of a stir on Twitter among ROH fans & roster members. The backlash inspired one of his better columns on Wrestlezone dealing with the criticism he received. Mark slays those who played into his hands and makes a pretty decent overall point.



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