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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Has Naylor stopped posting and doing podcasts since he hooked up with FCW? I haven't read DVDVR in a long time. I always loved his appearances on podcasts for his stoned punk rock surfer dude who LOVES wrestling vibe.

Yup. He's been sticking to Twitter and Facebook.
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That was a pretty bad RAW. R-Truth could have seriously been fucked up there. Plus, I just read that Eve had her nose broken too.


This Wrestlemania is shaping up to be one of the worst ever, in my opinion. The Rock Vs. John Cena to headline, a feud built around Twitter & The Rock not being there. Triple H. Vs. The Undertaker part III. Whatever the Hell they do with the Smackdown World Title. Then Punk Vs. Jericho in the battle of who can troll harder.

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I thought the show was pretty boring, but it was hard to top last week's show with the angle and match between Punk and Bryan and Orton and Ziggler getting thrown out there to take up time with a good match. I liked the Jericho/Punk stuff and Bryan's angle with AJ and promo (the "I AM VEGAN!" line seemed really unnecessary though). I liked Otunga's promo and match with Sheamus for what it was, effective booking of both of their (and HHH's) characters. I kind of liked the idea of HHH's promo, but not the execution. HHH's promos put me to sleep, it kind of picked up a bit near the end, but then it ended really flatly and the pre-taped video response from Taker was really lame.


As for Mania, I probably won't enjoy most of the buildup to Taker/HHH or Rock/Cena, but I'm still looking forward to the matches. HHH/Taker last year seemed to have a divided response (self conscious epic), but I loved it, after disliking 70% of the buildup. I'm at least holding out hope that they've learned something from the Survivor Series buildup and will do Rock and Cena the right way (and the "embrace your hate" storyline at least suggests that Cena will take on the heel role at least for this match...though I don't really have faith that it will be done well). I have high hopes for Jericho and Punk all-around. The World Title match will probably end up feeling like an afterthought, but if it's Sheamus and Bryan it should be a really good match and have an interesting buildup at least. Plus, there's probably going to be a match with Big Show and Shaq which would be HUGE in terms of getting out there in the mainstream. They don't have anything to worry about with this card barring a complete collapse in booking.

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I love how Punk and Bryan have stolen each other's gimmicks with Punk now BEST IN THE WORLD and Bryan as the Meatless Messiah (VEGAN MEANS I'M BETTER THAN YOU!).


Also seeing the reaction to the Mania buildup on the internet makes me realize how just completely opposite my tastes seem to be compared to the IWC at large. I was just posting on another forum how this year's WM has been one of the best hyped in years and the potential with three great matches with Rock/Cena, Punk/Jericho, and Taker/HHH (opinions on which will almost entirely be based on what people thought of last year's match, but whatever). Throw in Show/Shaq for the mainstream pub, and a Mike Tyson appearance for the HOF segment, and I don't see how this won't end up one of the biggest Manias ever. That doesn't even take in to account the rest of the card that will at least include a MITB match.

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I don't have a problem with the Wrestlemania build so far. Punk/Jericho just started. Taker/HHH sucks, but it sucked last year too. And Rock/Cena sells itself.


On a completely unrelated note, Vickie's totally being wasted as a manager right now. She rarely gets the chance to cut promos on behalf of her clients, and it seems like she gets tossed from ringside more often than she has an actual impact in matches.

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I totally dug the Taker video. I love the visual of Taker sitting in a lair obsessing on HHH as he healed all year long, looking at newspaper clippings like a maniac, as he knows he's done, and has the streak. But he's driven insane by the fact that he got carried out last year. Now, for all of this to work out for me is for Taker to win at Mania, despite interference, walk out on his own power, and retire.

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On a completely unrelated note, Vickie's totally being wasted as a manager right now. She rarely gets the chance to cut promos on behalf of her clients, and it seems like she gets tossed from ringside more often than she has an actual impact in matches.

I hadn't noticed that, but you're right. For getting a supposed main event push her and Ziggler get no promo time. Casualty of the Ace push I guess.

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They don't even need to build Mania to be honest. Cena vs Rock will do monster business no matter what.

From teh perspective of a guy who can't care for WWE, I'm mor einterested in Mania that I've been in years, simply because of Rock's return in the ring. Plus I look forward to Punk vs Jericho. Taker vs HHH I couldn't care less. If Taker's entrance is as good as last year's (which I doubt), that will be the only thing interesting to me.

Is Shaq the quivalent of L.T. ? Really, I don't follow basketball at all, but I was under the impression this guy was a star in the late 90's.

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Shaq is one of the greatest centers and most famous basketball players ever. He also just recently retired and became a TV analyst. He's a media darling, still has a really high profile and anything he says or does is still news. LT was coming off of being disgraced by a high profile drug bust, and a lot of the media treated it as, "oh, look how far LT has fallen" at the time. LT was a great and famous player, but Shaq is a bigger star, and the situations are completely different. It would probably get more media coverage than Floyd Mayweather, and combined with Rock it would be some of the best mainstream press they've ever had.

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I totally dug the Taker video. I love the visual of Taker sitting in a lair obsessing on HHH as he healed all year long, looking at newspaper clippings like a maniac, as he knows he's done, and has the streak. But he's driven insane by the fact that he got carried out last year. Now, for all of this to work out for me is for Taker to win at Mania, despite interference, walk out on his own power, and retire.

Yeah, I loved that this too. The Undertaker becoming a generic "Criminal Minds" unsub is a pretty great gimmick.
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Also seeing the reaction to the Mania buildup on the internet makes me realize how just completely opposite my tastes seem to be compared to the IWC at large. I was just posting on another forum how this year's WM has been one of the best hyped in years and the potential with three great matches with Rock/Cena, Punk/Jericho, and Taker/HHH (opinions on which will almost entirely be based on what people thought of last year's match, but whatever). Throw in Show/Shaq for the mainstream pub, and a Mike Tyson appearance for the HOF segment, and I don't see how this won't end up one of the biggest Manias ever. That doesn't even take in to account the rest of the card that will at least include a MITB match.

I think the card is going to be solid. I just don't like how we're getting there.


The Rock Vs. John Cena is going to be huge, for sure. The problem is that it has been announced for a year and the whole thing has been built over Twitter, video packages and pre-taped promos.


The Undertaker Vs. Triple H is going to be, at the very least, watchable. However, it's the third time that we're going to have this as a Wrestlemania match (even if we're supposed to have forgotten that X-Seven ever happened). It's also a broken down, bald Undertaker now and a Triple H as an authority figure. Next week Shawn Michaels is going to show up and it's going to be a combined age of 134 years setting up what will take up probably 45-minutes to an hour of Wrestlemania. Which, all three are great entertainers, but WWE right now has a huge problem with established guys at the top and shit like this is just more counter-productivity. Meanwhile, all of the guys that they should start building up as a potential fresh body at the top of the card down the road, will most likely be slapped in a multi-man match where you only shine by doing a big, ridiculously unsafe bump. Many of which have been former World Champions themselves or previous Money in the Bank winners, whom should be "above" that match by now, but because of WWE writing and booking are still just floundering mid-carders with no credibility or star power. Like Jack Swagger or Alberto Del Rio or The Miz (who main evented Wrestlemania last year by the way)


Chris Jericho Vs. C.M. Punk would have made a lot more sense had Jericho won the Royal Rumble. He could have won the Rumble, then said he was going after the RAW brand champion, then explained the whole "Best in the World" thing. Instead, he lost the Rumble, then gets to fight Punk anyway, leading into a pointless February PPV that shouldn't even exist. Jericho & Punk are both great talkers, but Jericho gets heat by coming back and not talking, then Punk gets under Jericho's skin by not talking. I understand what they're doing, but it just seems silly to not exploit the positives of people at all times.


If you just look at the Wrestlemania card in a vacuum, as a DVD on a shelf, it will probably be really good. Once some time passes and we all forget about the build-up anyway, assuming the matches deliver (as they should) it will be an enjoyable evening. That being said, in real time, watching the shows on a week-to-week basis to get to that card? It's just...blah.

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regarding Rock vs. Cena, I checked out their twitter war last night and I was surprised to find that a lot of Cena's shots at the Rock were in regards to him leaving and Cena never leaving. I think that's exactly the angle that Cena needs to come at Rock from if he's going to avoid being completely shit on in this match, but I really think they need to get to the point where he's saying these things on TV to the Rock's face. This match needs a little hate behind it to really put it over the top. With that said, I think things will pick up in this feud once they're done with this stupid Kane program and the Rock shows up on RAW a few times to build up to Mania.

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The Rock Vs. John Cena is going to be huge, for sure. The problem is that it has been announced for a year and the whole thing has been built over Twitter, video packages and pre-taped promos.

Rock is scheduled to appear in-person at 4 RAWs heading into Mania, so it will be interesting to see how they build the match. The hard sell hasn't started yet.

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The Rock Vs. John Cena is going to be huge, for sure. The problem is that it has been announced for a year and the whole thing has been built over Twitter, video packages and pre-taped promos.

Rock is scheduled to appear in-person at 4 RAWs heading into Mania, so it will be interesting to see how they build the match. The hard sell hasn't started yet.


Exactly. A part of me really wishes they'd just turn Cena heel and get it over with. They could have him go the Bret route of coming out every week and bitching about how he's been wronged over and over (in Cena's case he's being wronged by the fans who boo him while cheering a guy who left), and the fans would just totally tear him apart in spite of the thread of truth to what he's saying.

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I'm actually expecting Jericho to win the title at Elimination Chamber so he can drop it to Punk at Mania. We'll see.

That's such an obvious direction for this program that I expect Vince McMahon to change his mind the weekend of Elimination Chamber because it's too predictable.
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I don't give a shit about Rock/Cena. Just two guys sniping at each other over the internet for a year. I hope they do anything to bring some real hate into this. But they are both too chicken to be real heels.


I hope that Cena beats Kane to pulp and when he opens the ambulance doors, Rock is waiting and kicks Cena's ass. Anything but this twitter sniping.

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