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I don't know what's wrong with these crowds as of late. I wonder if it's because Bryan's circumstances? Sheamus-Barrett had great heat and then the rest of the show just fell flat in comparison. They got into the main event well enough, but they were fucking terrible tonight. A bad crowd always sucks the life out of a show for me, and tonight's crowd did that.

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I don't really blame the crowd. They got a stupid, overlong shield promo, a babyface vs babyface tag match with one of the teams being complete jobbers at this point, two divas matches, midgets, Cesaro who nobody knows whether to boo or cheer against a absolute piece of dogshit, Rusev who'll never get over, Wyatt trying to get 'Whole world in his hands' over when it's too difficult for the crowd to really sing . . They were well into the good stuff (Sheamus/Barratt, Evolution, Cena promo).


Good god I love Ryback.

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  On 4/22/2014 at 4:14 AM, Exposer said:

I don't know what's wrong with these crowds as of late. I wonder if it's because Bryan's circumstances? Sheamus-Barrett had great heat and then the rest of the show just fell flat in comparison. They got into the main event well enough, but they were fucking terrible tonight. A bad crowd always sucks the life out of a show for me, and tonight's crowd did that.

normally I'd agree with you. Lately they've had some crowds that just absolutely sucked despite some cool ass shit going on in the ring, but tonight it's no coincidence that they were hot for Sheamus/Barrett (which owned) and dead very everything else (which sucked).

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So, besides the awesome Kane beatdown that was some bad ass old school Pro Rasslin' style heel shit, this was a really fun show, better than last week, which was really good.

~Holy Fuck, Barrett vs Sheamus was good shit. Bad News is the perfect example of what you always hear guys like Austin and Ross talk about, in regards to "taking a gimmick, making it yours, embrace it, and that's how to get over." The fact that he's gonna be a face sooner than later with this gimmick is cool as fuck, and I didn't see it coming.


~Both Bo Dallas vignettes were god damned genius. I've seen so many dopey videos like these in corporate meetings back in my old profession, and these are dead on. They remind me also of these stupid inspirational presentations they'd show us in high school.


~The promo video for the midget feud was well done, and the match was fun for what it was.


~ Evolution coming out dressed well looked fucking bad ass, and the whole segment kicked ass. The new Evolution TitanTron video was cool showing them young and then now, as was the video proper. Shield coming out with the attitude "Hey Old men, we're the bad asses around here now!" was great, as was HHH looking at them with scorn as he used his power to bring out the heel squad.


~Tag match was ok. We're getting the Rhodes brothers breakup that I'm looking forward to, if just for the promos to explain it. Ryback is so good on the mic, shit..he was the best wrestling announcer all night, besides Cole during the Bryan massacre.


~ Remember the mid to late 80's WWF where no one was married or had a family until Jake Roberts and Cheryl ? No one existed before they were in the WWF and no one had a wife or kids. Now, in one show we see them acknowledging marriages. Times have changed.


~The Crowd DID pop for the pink Cobra to be fair.


~Weird miscue with Paul getting cut off, and boy...a LOT of the camera work tonight stunk. So many cut aways to Heyman during this match and Lana during the Rusev match that looked awful.


~ I need to start a "NO H8" movement for RVD. That match was perfectly fine, and got really good by the end. I realize that RVD could save a widow and ten orphans from a burning building while delivering Meals On Wheels and some of you would still hate him, but I digress.

DAMN, did RVD get killed with that flip powerbomb. And yes,, the crowd didn't care about RVD. You could tell by the crowd chanting "RVD". It's a known fact that chanting a guy's name means they don't care about him. What they didn't care about was headlock spots. I totally loved the Blassie, Albano, Grand Wizard and Bobby Davis mentions. This might have been the first time the Wizard has been mentioned on WWE TV in decades. The ending totally worked, as Cesaro didn't get pinned and they can now have a main event on SD that people will tune in for.


I know "RVD beat Cesaro" causes people to cry and shit their pants, but the way it was done made total sense.


But again, boy...was there some terrible, terrible quick cuts and shots from the production crew here. If there was a choice between showing the ring action or Heyman being all method, they went with Heyman.


~Paige is hot. And she fucking smashed Aksana's nose in.


~Rusev reminds me of the Tazmaniac. A Lot. Match was fun. Handicap match at the PPV seems off. Truth should be able to be a guy who handles Rusev but gets beat solo. I'm guessing they do some sort of "Woods gets beat" and pisses off Truth deal.


~ The whole Wyatt/ Cena deal is so much fun. Wyatt is the PERFECT foil/ arch-enemy for Cena. Cena's had lots of rivals and they've always been about titles pretty much, with some personal stuff thrown in. This is Dusty/ Sullivan, Valiant/ Jones, etc stuff. I want this to go on forever. The fact that they've taken the crowd singing along and waving and using it as a part of the story, ie: Wyatt gaining followers everywhere and parts of the crowd are "rejecting " Cena and embracing The Wyatts is some cool slick work.

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Not that I think a heel turn is coming, but I marked out a little for Cena's "ya'll just fucked me" reaction when they revealed the results of the crowd polling. Probably because it was him actually reacting like a human and not a corporate robot for once.

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To be fair, I liked Sheamus-Barrett (although I thought it was tame compared to their other matches over the years), Torito-Hornswoggle is fun, Paige is fun, and I loved everything with Wyatt tonight minus the finish of the match which could have been done much better. The post-match was awesome though. The two things I was in between on were the Evolution segment and Cesaro-RVD. I thought Evolution wearing suits and showing that video was hilarious, but not necessarily good. Cesaro doing a double underhook powerbomb was awesome. I predicted he'd lose and face Swagger so I expected that. The match was terribly disappointing though. Everything else was either really disappointing to me or fell flat. And RVD was fucking terrible in that Cesaro match.


Oh yeah, Kane-Bryan was a well executed angle. I just don't care about it at all.


I almost forgot how great Ryback was on commentary. Why the fuck hasn't anyone given him the stick yet?

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He was doing really great mic work in the backstage segments with him bullying people and then they cut all that short so they could throw him in to the CM Punk/Paul Heyman feud. They are experts at cutting off any Ryback momentum. I now make a very late apology to Dylan Waco who I disagreed with when he said that putting Heyman with Ryback was killing the act. I thought it would just enhance it, but Dylan you were right, they fucking killed the awesome Bully Ryback.


If you have a Network Subscription and you didn't see SummerSlam 2013, go back and watch the Bully Ryback segment. Skip to the finish of the Divas match and it's right after that, before the CM Punk/Brock Lesnar match.It was the absolute best one and didn't get much love because it was on PPV and not TV.

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Okay. The evil monster who jobbed in three minutes at Mania is now the #1 contender and destroys Daniel Bryan. Midgets. Oberlong babyafce promos from a faction who didn't get over by doing overlong babyface promos (remember when Goldberg got to finally cut promos ?). RVD being pushed in 2014. More emphasis on that red hot Cena vs Bray Wyatt feud with more overdone "evil" stuff (yeah, he's clearly overdoing the whole chanting bit). Well. I was excited by the post WM show. And as always, WWE figured out how to kill my curiosity for their product in a matter of two weeks. Yawn.

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RVD is horrible. Unwatchable a lot of times. And this is coming from someone who loves Van Dam more than most. I don't understand how anyone could defend RVD as anything other than terrible unless they prefer the taste of asparagus over pizza or something.

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