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Knowing JBL is the mouthpiece, maybe Vince is pissed JR is doing good business with his speaking shows. Or that there's a lot of people on tweeting about how the WWE Network made them miss JR on commentary.



I'd say it's more because this made it onto TMZ.


Vince McMahon -- CAUGHT SHARTING ON SMACKDOWN ... Says Jim Ross




J.R. is no longer playing the battered, abused housewife who comes back for more quite as much. He's starting to break free just a tad bit.


It appears Meltzer confirmed the theory I posted above, assuming this attribution is accurate.




Typical Vince. Glad J.R. is finally growing a pair of balls. They showed footage on the "greatest moments" episode of Legends of Wrestling with Steve Williams and Oklahoma (which was NOT presented one of the greatest moments, LOL) and it made me wonder how and why J.R. ever forgave Dr. Death. I don't believe for a second that Williams was so desperate and hard-up for cash that he had to go along with that and had no say in stopping it. Please...

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Oh wow, the best part of that story is Brisco shooting on HHH to get away.


Yep. Actually, the best parts are HHH sucking up to McMahon to the point of grabbing Brisco so McMahon could put his shit under his nose, and big steroid ass HHH not being able to hold on to old man Brisco. What a man.

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I don't know that story makes me like Vince more. The sharting story not burying JR.


Also Meltz thinks Steph not mentioning Vince in her promo about her family history on Monday is a sign Vince is returning after Mania



And watching SD and three Raw video packages less than a half hour in. I think they were happy with that show Monday

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I think JR is more comfortable with talking about his time in WWE because he has become more successful outside the company. He used to only have his web site and BBQ sauce as his source but now he has podcasts, a job with Fox Sports in some way, and one man shows as well. It doesn't seem like he needs the WWE as much as needed him in the past.

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Yeah, that HHH bit was fucking great. I absolutely LOVE HHH saying "I'M GONNA BURY DANIAL BRYAN!", I've been saying it for awhile, HHH and Steph are embracing the roles the net have created for them. To the kids and fans who aren't net folk or know about rasslin' talk "Bury" just means, "I'm gonna kill him and bury him" like any other sports brag. To all of us, "bury" has another meaning. :D especially coming out of HHH's mouth. It was a brilliant piece of business.


edit: So, that Bad News Barrett bit was some sort of rib on someone who fell asleep in a meeting. Cole and JBL said "Hey that sleeping during a meeting is getting around" "What kind of an idiot falls asleep in a meeting?" "Someone who was out on Beale Street till morning?"


Hahaha, I wonder who it was? My money is on Micheal Hayes.

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Not going to be on anyone's match of the year list. But Ziggler and Fandango had quite the little WWE match on this week's Superstars. It was worked closer to a PPV match and the crowd were really into it.




Between SS and ME, we got some really entertaining B-show (C-show?) rasslin this week.



That makes me think: I guess RAW is still the A-show, and SD is the B-show -- even though with no brand split, RAW and SD are really just part 1 and 2 of the same show each week.

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What was the last really strong video package WWE put together for a match? I'm sure there's been some good ones since, but the most recent that comes to mind is the "In Time" video from Taker/HHH at Wrestlemania 27.


The whole Punk/Cena MITB-Summerslam run had great video packages. I also really liked one of the first HHH/Taker videos they did for Mania 28, the week after Hunter said he wanted a HIAC match.

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Not going to be on anyone's match of the year list. But Ziggler and Fandango had quite the little WWE match on this week's Superstars. It was worked closer to a PPV match and the crowd were really into it.


I actually quite like Fandango & think Summer could be a big star. I'm surprised that WWE aren't higher on the pair. Maybe they just got scaled back because Summer had to film for Total Divas, I'm not sure.

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