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They were all over the place with that injury angle. The most impressive part was the toss Show gave Reigns, yet they are focusing on the announce table (which looks to be a step above cardboard in its construction) as being the big blow. Then they say it landed on his legs, then that it was the area where he had the hernia, then back to the legs. Never mind the fact that he was wearing body armor, apparently the table being flipped over has injured him to the point doctors have to check on him and cart him off. Meanwhile, it takes cinder blocks and chairs to the throat to take out Ambrose and have him carted off. They could have made it look more vicious than just saying Reigns was injured because a table was flipped over on him.

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Whatev, Chief, you can have that opinion, dawg, I won't fight it.


I do hope they go w/ Bryan instead of Reigns. Reigns just isn't ready.


I think this RAW is so weird cause half the roster isn't there as they were double booked some how.


Orton/Rollins I imagine is still going to happen. Orton has returned on house shows, so I imagine he's coming back soon. Maybe tonight?

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  On 12/30/2014 at 3:52 AM, flyonthewall2983 said:


  On 12/30/2014 at 3:49 AM, The Chief said:


The Ascension makes me miss steroids. Sorry, someone had to say it.

Taking them?

It's a strange choice of gimmick to give guys of that stature. Mizdow looked more physically imposing than Konnor in that match and Ascension look like they're going to be booked as dominating monsters.

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They were barely bigger than the guys they faced in NXT, and being Neo Road Warriors looks even sillier in WWE. That said, I do hope they get a big push since they were dominant champs in NXT and they are good enough to not deserve the Bo Dallas/Adam Rose treatment.

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  On 12/30/2014 at 4:05 AM, sek69 said:

...and they are good enough to not deserve the Bo Dallas/Adam Rose treatment.


How do you figure? I think Bo Dallas and Adam Rose are miles ahead of The Ascension as characters and in the ring.


With that said, I agree with you. May as well push them and be consistent about it for a change.

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The Authority is back because Cena wanted to save...Edge?! *Groan*


Christian's retirement pisses me off. Edge got a big speech, HOF induction, the whole nine. What does Christian get? Jack shit. I'd love to see Christian crack Edge in the neck, hit the Unprettier, and go off on Edge with a scathing heel promo. Won't ever happen, and there'd be no point to it, but it's no less pointless than fucking Edge being the cause of a major angle like The Authority's return. *Groan* again.

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They clearly didn't know how to book a show without having an evil authority figure to call the shots, and I guess having Cena do it to keep Edge from getting crippled was probably the less lame way to do it. It does kind of come off like a big ol' reset button though.

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  On 12/30/2014 at 4:16 AM, tim said:

It's lame that the Authority is back but that was the first time Seth's been good on the mic.


I feel like someone was ribbing him and he had to kill like an extra three minutes of time so he just kept saying "John. John. John? John!" over and over. It was painful and long. And sucked.

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