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Summerslam 2014


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I still think by far the best possible Wrestlemania story is Daniel Bryan making the biggest comeback of the modern era and trying to accomplish the impossible at Wrestlemania. Even if he loses the match, I think it makes for a far better story. I just don't see how Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns could possibly work.

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Huge props to Cena not just for taking that beating, but also for putting Brock over like that. When has a promotion had their champ squashed on the second-biggest show of the year? (Not just a rhetorical question.)


This. Just this. Wanted to say this but you beat me to it. Kudos to Cena for plainly and completely giving himself up in an extended squash. Team player.

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Well, that was an interesting spectacle and an effective piece of booking. But am I the only one who was expecting a great match and is pretty disappointed?

I feel like they could have told the same story much more effectively in half the time. But, at the same time, that was part of the point - Lesnar was just toying with him.


The zombie sit-up sequence from the desperation AA was glorious. Almost worth the $9.99 on its own.


I have NO idea where they go, unless they feed him Reigns now and build to Cena/Lesnar III or Bryan/Lesnar at WM. Reigns is light years away from being able to hold up his end of a "competitive" match with Lesnar.

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I still think by far the best possible Wrestlemania story is Daniel Bryan making the biggest comeback of the modern era and trying to accomplish the impossible at Wrestlemania. Even if he loses the match, I think it makes for a far better story. I just don't see how Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns could possibly work.


Yup. It won't work. You nailed it previously that if they don't hold out Bryan until post-Mania he's going to hijack the show whether they like it or not. Even if they do that, Reigns feels pretty flat and needs to be reworked ASAP if the goal is for him to headline the biggest show of the year.

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It was uncomfortable watching.

Yes, Cena was probably quite foolish to take those brutal German suplexes with his neck history.

That's what made this match work, though; they basically laid it out like a shoot fight, with some theatrics in the middle. And, in a shoot fight, why wouldn't Lesnar try to blow up Cena's bad neck with a dozen German suplexes?
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I still think by far the best possible Wrestlemania story is Daniel Bryan making the biggest comeback of the modern era and trying to accomplish the impossible at Wrestlemania. Even if he loses the match, I think it makes for a far better story. I just don't see how Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns could possibly work.


I don't necessarily disagree with any of that (especially with where things stand now). At the same time, if WWE is dead set on Reigns being the guy going forward, I think they have to at least give it a shot at moving towards Reigns/Brock at WM. They have seven months to better position Reigns for that match. There is also an opportunity to get Brock more over as a heel (not that it will matter to the WM crowd) by having him rarely defend the title between now and WM. I just think if WWE is going to go with Reigns, they should use this opportunity to put him overly strongly. They might not have another chance to put him over in such a meaningful way.

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You weren't watching last year after Summerslam, Charles. Were you watching when the Nexus angle hit, or during the Pipe Bomb angle? The answer is that they'll fuck it up within a month and a half. I wish it wasn't, but yeah. The only saving grace is that maybe they don't have enough dates with Brock to fuck it up immediately.

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I also think there's absolutely a good story in either Ambrose or Wyatt being the only one crazy enough to wrestle Lesnar.


Those would be good interim feuds to lead up to Mania. What's Bryan's situation with his neck? I'm not sure I want to see Lesnar brutalize him either but if he can recover fully from this it would be a HELL of a story.

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Orton totally undercut Reigns. When's the last time someone did that (and on their big prospect)? Seriously, the two big spots were the powerslam and the RKO counters - Orton's. Then with the sudden finish the win looks a fluke. Shawn would have been proud. I was amazed Vince didn't audible a second spear and powerbomb and then at least you can run with the destructive final few minutes on TV.


Oh. The main event was note perfect.

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