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So I am sure most if not all of us run across popular opinions on the net, or frequent themes that we just don't understand or completely disagree with. This thread is where you can just confess all your 'sins' as a wrestling fan and get that weight off your shoulder.


-I am actually not all that interested in discussions of best ever __. It's a very frequent theme on wrestling message boards to quantify who is the best wrestler today, who is the best promo, who is the best WHATEVER and I generally don't find the discussion interesting outside of when I can read about guys I don't know much about.


-I am jealous of people like Dylan Waco and ohtani's jacket who seem to have an endless attention span when it comes to watching and analyzing wrestling. I feel accomplished when I just manage to watch 30 minutes in one sitting.


-I am a fickle bastard in general, and in wrestling it is no different. It really doesn't take long for someone to go from being one of my favorites to being someone who I don't care about.

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- I get bored and really can't get into most wrestling from the territories. The most interesting aspects of that era to me are generally promos, gimmicks and crowd heat.


- I think Ric Flair is incredibly overrated in many respects, most of this opinion comes from watching JCP/NWA matches.


- I still mark out for Undertaker. Even though he looks rough, doesn't wrestle to a third of what he once did and probably should have retired following the end of the streak (Taker/Wyatt was pretty crap), I still want to see him wrestle again.


- Even though he's exceptionally talented, has a bright future and puts on great matches, I rate a lot more people in NJPW (many of which work the lower and midcards) above Okada.

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I like the Miz.

+1. Top three or four heel of the last decade easy. I also think he's a decent wrestler.


I also find Flair overrated, based predominantly on NWA matches.


The Young Bucks aren't the worst thing I've ever seen, but they sure aren't good.


Kevin Owens is 100 times better than Kevin Steen.


I don't mind Kane. Stale? Yes. Horrible? No.

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Oh I definitely forgot that one. Not only do I not mind Kane, I kind of like him. I still enjoy him in some of his backstage stuff, especially when he's bickering with Big Show. I mean I don't really care about his matches but that's not different from the majority of the WWE roster. So yea, I'd still take Kane over a more popular guy like Dolph Ziggler who is like the worst promo in WWE.

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' - I am jealous of people like Dylan Waco and ohtani's jacket who seem to have an endless attention span when it comes to watching and analyzing wrestling'


Me too. I always read the 90s yearbook thread after watching matches and kick myself at all the details I missed :(

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I also like Miz. Part of it is that he's from northeast Ohio (he's from Parma, I'm from the eastern suburbs). Part of it is that, after listening to him on multiple podcasts, I do think he's actually not such a bad guy and, love him or hate him, went through a ton of shit to prove he wanted to be a wrestler (bullying from Chris Benoit, for example, sounds like a legit nightmare in retrospect). Then there was that main event run which featured some excellent promos by him - just nothing I really loved in-ring. Finally, and most recently, the Mizdow stuff. The fans may have been clamoring for Mizdow the whole time, but watching those matches, Miz was in the ring, busting his ass, for the majority of the minutes and I thought he was pretty darn good. It is going to take even more improvement for me to consider him a great worker and, lord knows, that baby face run featured some atrocious matches that are hard to forget, but Miz hate is played out to me (especially when "smart" fans bring up how he was on the Real World and just wanted to stay famous - even though he was on that show like 15 years ago and the MTV/WWE partnership ended like 10 years and, in that time, he's done nothing but work hard and try to do a good job). I can understand not thinking Miz is a great athlete/performer, but to question his dedication to pro-wrestling/WWE is so absurd in 2015.


Sorry - had to get that off my chest.

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I like Bruiser Brody


I was a huge Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake fan when I was a kid


I think Arn Anderson and Barry Windham are both far superior to Ric Flair


I find Japanese wrestling mostly uninteresting (although I will admit the language barrier taking me out of the story may be the issue for me)


I eagerly anticipate new DVD releases from PWG, because I think they are currently the best company on the planet.

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I don't care for CM Punk the wrestler in the WWE. He's certainly a great promo, but for me the WWE is all about execution and working your gimmick around the script. And Punk's execution in-ring is not great. Don't get me wrong, it's not Kofi-level sloppy, but I can't put him up there with top tier WWE guys.


Speaking of Kofi, I used to like watching him way back when I watched the occasional RAW/Smackdown in the early 2000s.


I have never liked watching Masahiro Chono wrestle. I will qualify that by saying that I've never seen any of his pre-injury work.


I have yet to care about a wrestler's sins outside of the ring enough to not watch their matches. Jake, Benoit, Carlos Colon, if somebody praises a match of theirs I'll probably watch it and not even think about the horrifying things they did. Not sure if my ability to separate their work from their personal demons is good or completely heartless.


I think Japanese wrestling has been in a slow decline since the early 2000s. The emphasis seems to be on all of the wrong things.


When I started watching Monday Nitro, I would venture a guess that half of my reason for watching on a weekly basis was the luchadors. The other half had to be the Nitro girls and the hope that I could stumble on a Sunny segment while WCW had nonsense on TV. I was old enough where you'd think I would have discovered porn, but instead I did wrestling. When I think about how my wrestling fandom has developed from that point it becomes less sad that it's true. Not all the way less sad, but enough.

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  • I too, like The Chief above me, can not get into Lucha Libre. At all. I have tried. More than once. I think more than anything, it's all the blown spots, the horns in the crowd & the super slow referees.
  • When I think of everything that I dislike about professional wrestling, The Young Bucks are the total embodiment of that. I have no idea why they're popular, especially online with the most cynical of wrestling fans.
  • I wish WCW would have "won" the Monday Night Wars.
  • Most NXT is kinda boring.
  • Trish Stratus & Lita were both terrible.
  • I don't think Jim Ross is the "best commentator of all-time." I don't even think he was better than Gorilla, let alone some of the color commentators over the years (Ventura, Heenan, Heyman even).

I'm sure I could add a lot more but I don't think anyone wants to read all that.

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-Like Coffey, I also find NXT to be pretty boring. I really tried to give it a chance, I watched about 10 episodes leading up to the first Takeover event and then Takeover itself. I just don't get the hype.


-I can't get into Japanese wrestling and I don't understand people who say it's closer to American wrestling than lucha is. I haven't seen a whole lot of no selling and stupid forearm/chop exchanges in lucha while I have seen way too much of it in my limited sampling of Japanese wrestling.

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-Like Coffey, I also find NXT to be pretty boring. I really tried to give it a chance, I watched about 10 episodes leading up to the first Takeover event and then Takeover itself. I just don't get the hype.


-I can't get into Japanese wrestling and I don't understand people who say it's closer to American wrestling than lucha is. I haven't seen a whole lot of no selling and stupid forearm/chop exchanges in lucha while I have seen way too much of it in my limited sampling of Japanese wrestling.

It operates on a closer logic system to American wrestling than lucha. My wife could watch puro and not need any explanation. I would need to explain lucha to her because of the rules differences.

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When my employer would not let me off work to go to Memphis for St. Valentine's Day Massacre in '99 (Austin-Vince in the cage), I quit my job. I thought I'd find another one, but I didn't for three months, so that was the kind of thing you do when you're 19 years old and an idiot.

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I was at Wrestlemania 30 and I just had an OK time. My seats weren't great and the Superdome is a huge arena and I don't have the best eye sight so I brought binoculars and just couldn't get that into any of it. I spent a lot of money and time in a car and I don't know if it was entirely worth it. New Orleans was fun though.

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