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Your confessions as a wrestling fan


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I don't particularly love the Divas belt, but I do think that it was really funny that people speculated that Sasha Banks didn't bring the NXT belt with her because of how much better-looking it is than the Divas'. Nope, it's ridiculous, too. All of the NXT title designs are dreadful, especially the main belt.



This is true but the NXT women's title is by far the best. The tag titles look like something that would come with knockoff wrestler figures from the dollar store and the NXT title looks like it was sketched out using lego blocks.

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I feel like I've got lots of wrestling confessions, but off the top of my head:


-Tom Zenk is one of my favourite wrestlers

-I hate Enzo Amore and Big Cass more than any other act in wrestling

-I always thought it was a bit sad when people paid for interval photos with wrestlers, even when local promotions brought in name talent like Marty Jannetty, Super Crazy or X-Pac. However, when Mason Ryan was in town, I was right there with my £5 in hand for a photo

-The more US imports on a card, the less interested I am in going to a show

-Despite hating the chant, last summer I chanted "This is awesome" during a Rob Terry match without a single hint of irony or sarcasm

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I like Ernest Miller. I like Stevie Ray commentary. Todd Pettengill wasn't a good announcer but I found him likeable otherwise. I wish heel Tony Schiavone had gone on longer because I thought his promo was pretty good (the content of it was boring Russo stuff, but his delivery was good). One of the most exciting things about watching 1999 WWF was seeing who would turn on whom each week.

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-Tom Zenk is one of my favourite wrestlers



Yeah, I should probably give that an explanation. My wrestling fanhood stems from watching WCW on Saturday afternoons on ITV, and Zenk was one of the first guys I gravitated towards - he work very colourful trunks, he did a lot of dropkicks and though he didn't win very often, he tried his best. These are all important factors when you're 10 years old, so liking Zenk is a holdover from then.


That said, I do still enjoy watching him, especially as a tag worker. I bought a comp a few years back of Zenk's AJPW stuff, and it's really good. Zenk/Martel vs the Funks, Zenk/Brunzell vs the Fantastics, Zenk/Kroffatt vs Footloose and Zenk/Hansen vs Abby/Snuka are all good-great matches.

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Never loved a tag team more

I cannot tell a lie: As a rule I'm on the side of David and not Goliath, but it would be a little bit amusing if that cheeky show logo and name got this promotion sued. Anyone know how parody/satire/fair use laws work in the UK?

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Here is my latest confession....


In modern wrestling I wish the referee would stop checking on a guy after every fucking move.


I understand we live in a post Benoit world where no one can compete with concussions or injuries, and I certainly don't want anyone getting injured, but man the referee leaping down to get the "I'm Okay" from a guy constantly just pulls me right out of a match more times than not.

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Some ones that have came to me listening to PWO/PTBN pods lately


- I always consider Tajiri to be more fun/entertaining than great

- Sgt. SLaughter had some great matches but I don't think he will be in my top 75 of the GWE poll

- Renee Young annoys me on WWE tv.

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I like the ga-ga of wrestling more than the actual matches themselves. I'm much more likely to watch something that's recognized as a great promo or an awesome angle than I am something that's pimped as a 4+ star match.

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I have seen the Patterson stuff and Backlund series. The Backlund series is good stuff but I prefer Bob vs. Hammer/Patera/Rose, maybe the Adonis match, and dare I say the Muraco Texas Death Match. The Alley Fight is probably one of my top 3 matches of Sarge career (with Shiek match and AWA cage match).


I think me also being lower on Kernodle/Sarge as a team including the Final Conflict tag influences that opinion. I know on the GWE pod, Dylan said that match was a MOTDC type match whereas its around ****1/4 for me.

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OK, a few of mine:


- I think Tully Blanchard was the MVP of the Horsemen and JCP and is an all-time elite guy

- I think Dory Funk Jr and Giant Baba were far too frequently awful to be considered "great"

- I think the Fantastics/MX feud is a lot better than the R&R/MX feud

- I like David Crockett's mic work

- I have a hard time watching joshi because of the (seemingly, to me anyway) constant screeching and screaming

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