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Shane Douglas is my favorite wrestler ever.


Also amazing? Edge.


I frequently skip the Japanese matches when watching Yearbooks. (Although I'm enjoying current New Japan with English commentary.)


Along the same lines, my favorite Japanese wrestler from the 90s is definitely Masato Tanaka.


I can watch Raven angles for hours. And I still enjoy watching many of those matches.

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Shane Douglas is my favorite wrestler ever.


Also amazing? Edge.


I frequently skip the Japanese matches when watching Yearbooks. (Although I'm enjoying current New Japan with English commentary.)


Along the same lines, my favorite Japanese wrestler from the 90s is definitely Masato Tanaka.


I can watch Raven angles for hours. And I still enjoy watching many of those matches.


That's pretty funny. Last night I went out of my way to check out Dragon Gate's recent big show specifically because I did not want to hear anyone speaking English at me via any medium. Had enough of that nonsense at work. Almost halfway through the show and its been a breeze.

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Shane Douglas is my favorite wrestler ever.


Also amazing? Edge.


I frequently skip the Japanese matches when watching Yearbooks. (Although I'm enjoying current New Japan with English commentary.)


Along the same lines, my favorite Japanese wrestler from the 90s is definitely Masato Tanaka.


I can watch Raven angles for hours. And I still enjoy watching many of those matches.


Shane Douglas is in my all time Top 5, and I also love pretty much anything involving Raven. You are not alone my friend!

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I'm not a very big fan of NWA style heavyweight mat wrestling. I like schtick, brawling, and tag team matches from various territories but most mat based matches wrestled by Americans don't hit me the same way. It's especially frustrating because I love mat based matches in other styles.


I do enjoy some matches like this. I like Bockwinkel, Robinson, Martel, or Murdoch in this setting though I prefer all three in matches with more bombs, brawling, or stooging.


I probably marked out more for the mat wrestling in Sonny King vs Ricky Morton from the Memphis set more than I have for any other pre-2000 mat based match on American soil.


The high ranking Americans on my GWE ballot will be brawlers and tag wrestlers.

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In the summer of 1995 I called the WWF fan hotline and took their trivia quiz. I answered every question correctly and was supposed to win a WWF "fan pack" full of merchandise. When the automated system was about to be transfer to a live operator so I could give my address information I freaked out and hung up thinking my mother would be pissed off for giving out that information


I've been watching wrestling since 1986 and have never owned a wrestling T shirt. Not one

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I am trying to remember if there was anything after that, but I honestly think the last wrestling T-shirt I had was an Ultimate Warrior shirt from when I was like 6. I'm 30 now.


I can't even remember seeing a wrestling shirt that I was like "oh man I want that!" except for this T-shirt Bob Armstrong was wearing on an episode of USA Championship in 1988 with him in The Bullet mask that looked really awesome.

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I called the ECW Hotline once. It was during the time when the Radicalz were making the jump to the WWF. My buddy had the Internet and I didn't but somehow he convinced me Joey Styles scoop on what was "really" going on was too important to pass up. After twenty minutes of "Dean Malenko was somewhat unhappy with this that happened, but, if you believe what was reported, and if you believe Dean said what was reported, you might understand why he reported something similar to what was reported..." I gave up. Reminded me of Homer calling the Football hotline: "the wind......is.......blowing......to the left.....but.......if...."


Needless to say my parents took all of my paycheck that week ;)

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I've got 8 or 9 wrestling t-shirts in my wardrobe, but they're mainly BritWres ones I can wear in public without people being aware of what they refer to. I do, however, own (and wear) a Brie Mode t-shirt that my girlfriend bought me because we watch a lot of Total Divas, and she thought it'd be funny.

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I stop at Goodwill, etc. a few times a year and cruise the black t-shirt racks for old wrestling shirts. I scored a Wolfpac one (with a wolf on it!) and a Goldberg one a couple weeks ago. Made my day, even though I only wear them while walking the dog and amuse my buddies. Plus the wife of one of my friends is a big rummage sale person and has strict directions to purchase any that she comes across in her travels.

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I got married in 1999. When we did the entrance at dinner the stand ups came out to Austin's theme music and we came out to the DX song. I'm still not sure how I talked my wife into agreeing with that.


When I was a junior in high school (1990) I grew a mullet because I thought it looked so damn cool on Scott Steiner.

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- I drove an hour and paid the premium for front row seats just so I could see the Young Bucks wrestle last week in Oswego, NY. I love their act and genuinely dig them as people. Just great guys. I didn't "get" them until I watched them wrestle another tag team with a similar gimmick: 2.0. Both were doing sort of meta indieriffic tag team gimmicks in Chikara. My sense of humor is very in line with the Simpsons episode "Cape Fear." Stepping on one rake is funny, stepping on 3 rakes is less funny, stepping on 37 rakes is hilarious. The Young Bucks hitting a dozen superkicks and yelling 'Suck It!' repeatedly throughout the match greatly amuses me. They take the gimmick too far and I dig that. 2.0 suck.


- When I try to watch wrestling alone, I fall asleep. Always.

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- When I try to watch wrestling alone, I fall asleep. Always.

Not quite the same but if I am having trouble sleeping then I put on some long 20-30 minute match and watch it from bed. Works almost every single time. This may play some part into my phobia of watching any matches longer than 15 minutes.

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I'm the same way with the sleeping thing. I pretty much always throw The Network on at night as I'm getting ready to go to sleep. It's probably why it takes me forever to get through things. I actually find it difficult sometimes to fall asleep without having wrestling on in the background unless I'm just beyond exhausted. I guess wrestling just really relaxes me/helps me unwind. That said, sometimes if it's a weekend and I'm watching wrestling during the day or even a shoot interview/podcast that I find interesting, I'll wind up falling asleep. It's almost never out of boredom either.

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It's almost never out of boredom either.

Yeah, same here, which is why I find it so hard to figure out. I'm interested in the match, I want to watch it...but my eyes won't stay open. Just some sort of biological response that I can't control.


It's terribly annoying because like I say, I have so much I WANT to watch right now.

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