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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 4


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I have a bunch of DVDs that OVW would sell of their weekly TV before WWE put their foot down, it was really good stuff. One thing though, is that it will really make you mad to see how WWE missed the boat on a lot of guys. The best example probably would be seeing how Johnny Jeter was great in OVW, but got his passion for the busines beat out of him by getting stuck in the Spirit Squad.

Its remarkable they managed to kill four careers in one swipe. Dolph is a survivor. You know Cornette was gone by then, or he would have hit Titan Tower with a tactical nuke. Jeter is sad because he was really trying to get the Spirit Squad over. They were all trying, but he was going all out to give himself a personality.


The Heyman booked shows are very interesting and good in their own way. It feels like Heyman being brought into book SMW in 95 but trying to stay true to both his and Corny's vision.


When reviewing NXT (which he usually praises) he talks about all the restrictions he was given by WWE. Then ponders being given free reign and the ability to spend millions.


Though NXT in some ways shows WWE was right to hide OVW from a more mainstream audience. As you see people locked into gimmicks early on and no effort is made to reintroduce them to the main roster.


I think of guys who have been called up who have done well. Elias has thrived because no one has preconceptions of him good or bad,

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I thought the Tito vs. Kevin Condron match from last week's CWF Hollywood show was a lot of fun. I recently started watching their TV again and had forgotten what a fun product they put out.


I think Condron has the potential to be a really special talent, maybe in the ring, definitely as a super charismatic personality.

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I thought the Tito vs. Kevin Condron match from last week's CWF Hollywood show was a lot of fun. I recently started watching their TV again and had forgotten what a fun product they put out.


I think Condron has the potential to be a really special talent, maybe in the ring, definitely as a super charismatic personality.



I really enjoy his vaping douchebag gimmick.

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I have a love/hate relationship with peeking under the mask of wrestlers. On the one hand I can respect that wrestlers don't really appreciate it, but it's really interesting to make connections and see how guys are able to modify their style from one character to another.

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I have a love/hate relationship with peeking under the mask of wrestlers. On the one hand I can respect that wrestlers don't really appreciate it, but it's really interesting to make connections and see how guys are able to modify their style from one character to another.



I had to wonder if the people who were enjoying Orange Cassidy being Orange Cassidy over Mania weekend, had any idea of how different and good he can be when he's under the mask and not doing comedy.

Yeah this latter idea is sort of how I feel about it. If I had the choice I'd sort of rather not know who every masked wrestler is before they're unmasked but it's a useful bit of knowledge for our sorts of purposes when talking about wrestling and especially in regards to something like GWE. I'd think of Drew Gulak and Fire Ant highly just based on what they've each done under those names but considering the Soldier Ant and Orange Cassidy stuff too it's hard for me to not think of them as top 100 contenders.

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Tom Lawlor vs. Fred Yehi set for MLW next week... Awesome, awesome, awesome!

That’s great. I’m going to need to start watching their show. Always love Yehi and have really been enjoying Lawlor more each time I see him.
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Tom Lawlor vs. Fred Yehi set for MLW next week... Awesome, awesome, awesome!

That’s great. I’m going to need to start watching their show. Always love Yehi and have really been enjoying Lawlor more each time I see him.


Last weeks debut show had Austin Aries vs. ACH and the first Penta vs. Fénix match.


Aries/ACH was OK -- much better live. If you are a fan of the Lucha Bros, then you should watch their match. The show is good fun though and the production is a lot better than the production of the majority of U.S. indys.


Tony Schiavone is also doing commentary on the show, so that is a plus.

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