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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 4


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25 minutes ago, ...TG said:

Saw this on twitter: Akira Taue had stomach cancer surgery in April, and has been in treatment since then. 

Hope he makes a full recovery and beats it, sad to see anybody or their family/friends go through such a shitty thing like cancer.

Also if there are any MMA fans on this board KID Yamamoto from K1 HEROS and UFC fame announced today on his Instagram he's battling cancer as well. Cancer's a bitch man.

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Here's something I was considering last night, should your taste effect match ratings? The reason I ask this is because I was trying to think how I would rate the six man Hardcore match from Triplemania this weekend which to my mind was one of the most entertaining matches I've seen this year but with the flipside being that I know that technically, it was pretty awful. I know I'm more likely to go back and watch that match again and be entertained by it than a lot of critically acclaimed stuff this year that is technically far superior but should that mean it gets a high rating or should it simply be put down to taste and move on? I sort of compare it to my taste in movies. My favourite film ever is the Van Damme film Bloodsport. Now, I'm well aware that it's not technically a great film in the same way as something like Citizen Kane is, but based purely on personal taste and enjoyment, you know it's going to be rated a lot higher in my list of all time favourites than something which is in every way, shape and form, superior. So where does the line become blurred between bad or average matches that were entertaining and genuinely great matches?

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Sometimes, wrestling just needs to be fun, even more than it needs to be good - and the Triplemania matches more often than not were really fun stuff.

The technical aspect of prowrestling should never be the end-all, be-all of this artform, and sometimes it is more than fair to judge a match by the wacky car crash it is. Rating a match highly based on its entertainment aspect shouldn't be an issue when prowrestling is a form of entertainment.

I think that you can make a more nuanced critique of certain aspects while still praising the sheer value the match has, if you must.

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Ratings systems are inherently flawed as what some might consider the greatest match ever, others might consider a boring piece of shit. If you like it, tell people about it. No need to assign a number or star amount too it.

I would solidly give Meltzer's 6 Stars to Harlem Heat vs Public Enemy at Uncensored 97 over Omega/Okada simply based on Dusty Rhodes absolutely losing his shit on commentary while the guys in the ring just wail on each other with whatever "plunder" was available. One was boring to me, and the other has me laughing hysterically every time I watch it.  So, too me, which is better? While to someone else, I probably just blasphemed!

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The Omega vs Okada match was exactly what I was thinking of when I made this post. I know it's a great match in the same way that I know Schindler's List is a great film, but at the same time, I'm not going to sit down and put the Schindler's List DVD in the player when I need an evening's entertainment. 

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5 hours ago, NintendoLogic said:

Any thoughts on the best WWF match of 1983? I don't know of any matches from that year that are considered any good.

Haven't watched them, but jdw had some praise for Backlund's matches with Slaughter and Muraco in his old 80's WWF watching thread.



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5 hours ago, NintendoLogic said:

Any thoughts on the best WWF match of 1983? I don't know of any matches from that year that are considered any good.

Yeah, it's pretty slim pickings but you've got the Backlund-Slaughter series and the Texas Death Match with Muraco. 

Personally, I'm a fan of the Snuka-Muraco Cage Match, so that's my vote. 

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Has anybody ever crunched the numbers on how well Pedro Morales drew as WWWF champion? I've heard Dave and others claim that he drew poorly outside of MSG, which is why they practically begged Bruno to come back. But I recently heard Jim Cornette say that the decision to take the belt off Morales was driven by the constant fear of riots while he was champion. To be honest, that sounds more plausible to me. I find it hard to believe that they'd wait nearly three years to pull the trigger if the territory was hurting that badly.

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Pedro did well as a draw, even better than Bruno in MSG, and fear of unruly crowds was also very real. At the end of the day though, it was a bottom line decision: Bruno was one of the greatest drawing cards ever, and if he was willing to come back for another run in top, you would go with that over Pedro every time 

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16 hours ago, Mad Dog said:

Are there any bigger fuckwits than Izzy's parents? 

Am I the only one not seeing what the big deal was about that? If we're talking about it being a bad idea for a 12 year old to get into a business as scummy as wrestling, I'd understand. Everyone on wrestling Twitter was rending their garments over her taking a chokeslam and how it was "child abuse" and I thought it was going to be some deathmatch shit, or a "Vader breaking a jobber's back" type bump...only to watch the video and see it was a gentle back bump. She was posting pictures with her "opponent" afterwards saying what a great time it was. 

I just don't get the outrage that sprung up over it. As big of a fan as she obviously is, I guarantee she's taken worse bumps in her yard.

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The flat back bumps are a bad idea for someone her age. If you watch the Kenny Omega match, that girl never flat back bumps and more does gymnastic type rolls. 

I think the meet and greets are really fucked up though. There are some real deranged creeps out there and they are potentially exposing their child to them. 

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