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  On 5/4/2022 at 9:45 PM, Coffey said:

The amount of people that complain about graphics & lack of roster size is crazy to me. The one & only thing that really matters is if the game is fun to play. If the games looks beautiful & has 600 wrestlers but plays like shit, who gives a fuck?

50 people is plenty. We don't really need every single jobber having their own character anyway.

Right now, from the trailers I've seen, the game looks very early in development but I heard it was supposed to come out this year? That can't be right. 

Also, don't read the comments on that NoDQ article. Talk about people having an agenda... goddamn.


Video games often look pretty rough graphically until almost the very end, since most of the development is making sure the gameplay/controls are solid. The graphics usually are the last coat of paint added. Also I'm sure there will be a CAW feature so if people want to play as every Dark jobber they should be able to make them. 

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It seems like Tony wants to wait until he knows how much of an increase he's getting with the next TV deal and doesn't want to promise any big numbers he might not be able to back up (although all signs point to AEW getting a substantial raise). I'm sure MJF knows that and also wants to make sure his future earnings are set, so I can see where the impasse comes from. 

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Tony's a big student of wrestling history, and one of the major things that doomed JCP is they backloaded everyone's deals expecting to get tons of PPV money which didn't happen when the WWF cockblocked them from most of the PPV systems. I'm sure he's aware anything can happen even though everything seems to point to AEW getting a substantial rights fee raise, and doesn't want to commit to spending money he doesn't have in hand yet. 

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I salute MJF's efforts to make his potential free agency a legit talking point amongst wrestling fans because he's gonna get a big ass deal from 1 company thanks to this very smart self promotion. But man, speculating on what might happen in 2024 feels very silly to me.

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  On 5/13/2022 at 10:30 PM, Jmare007 said:

But man, speculating on what might happen in 2024 feels very silly to me.


This. Typical Fightful clickbaiting. Who the fuck knows what the pro-wrestling landscape will be in two years ? Who knows what AEW will look like in one year ? Who knows how much money TK will or won't get when the TV rights are renewed ? Will they get streaming or not ? How will WWE look like in one year (ok, Roman Reigns beating everywhere and the booking will globally be shit, that one's easy) ? MJF is right to make himself the talk of the industry two years in advance, but to even think he might leaning toward one decision *now* is completely ridiculous. Hell, who knows if by then some Hollywood agent doesn't grab the guy's hand and have him star in a Netflix show and boom, bye bye pro-wrestling for MJF already.

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  On 5/14/2022 at 11:26 AM, Boss Rock said:

Obviously TK should do everything he can to try and keep MJF, but yeah unless the guy is demanding his release now 2 years is still a long ways away.


Am I the only person who thinks that this whole thing is one giant work? MJF is pretty notorious for trying to stick to what passes for “kayfabe” in 2022.

I remember one of the first press conferences for AEW that was hosted by Conrad Thompson. MJF was there and he apparently took a bunch of shots at Conrad about being overweight. A bunch of Conrad‘s fans were outraged and asked Conrad about it. Conrad admitted to the members of AFS that MJF cleared it with him ahead of time and basically implied you should never trust that anything MJF says publicly is legit. I think he is trying to be as “old school” as possible and take great delight in working people as much as he can.

Nothing would make sure that the AEW fan base continues to hate you more than heavily implying you can’t wait to leave there and go work for Vince.

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He's playing the game brilliantly. He's worked everyone into a shoot with this "hottest free agent" gimmick,  to the point he can drop lines like "that's OK, the guy in the back doesn't want to talk about it (his contract) either" in a promo that was obviously okayed and people are thinking it's proof that he is jumping to WWE as soon as he's able.

Hell, there's a faction in AEW right now getting over as heels because they embrace SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT as their personal saviors, and folks still don't see what MJF is doing.

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  On 5/17/2022 at 1:06 AM, KawadaSmile said:

Yup. MJF only works well for AEW because he's Miz who's allowed to swear. If he jumps ship, he loses that foul mouth and becomes just a worse in-ring version of Miz. No one wins. Maybe WWE gets some merch money, but that's it.


MJF is much superior to Miz in the ring, whatever else one might feel about him. I can't remember an MJF vs. Darby or MJF vs. Punk caliber match in Miz's past.

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I remember liking the matches from the 2016 Dolph/Miz feud, particularly the first one, at least as much as any MJF match I've seen, so I might give Miz a slight edge on peak vs. peak. On the other hand, I can confidently predict that if MJF were to feud with Bryan Danielson, the end result would not be having to turn Bryan heel because the feud had killed his heat as a babyface.

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A bit late, but the VOW guys are pals with some of the AEW wrestlers, so I think this report is credible - 


a source from the AEW locker room tells us that MJF is hardly the only talent feeling some level of discontent, describing the backstage atmosphere as “chaotic” with a lack of structure, with common complaints ranging from not knowing angles or finishes until close to showtime, and things like redundant finishes and angles to set up matches being very frustrating.

“Every single one of us is pulling out hair out”, according to one source. While not on the same level of WWE issues like Monday Night RAW often being rewritten day of or even on the fly as the show is airing, we are told that AEW is not all sunshine and rainbows on gameday as some may perceive it to be.



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  On 5/21/2022 at 9:18 AM, Dav'oh said:

They had me until "Every single one of us is pulling our hair out”. Not one happy person in AEW, hey?


The whole "MJF is frustrated and probably won't re-sign" has been debunked already.

But yeah, of course not everybody is gonna be happy. It's not the honeymoon period anymore, so much talent competing for spots now. And really, Coach TK will have to settle the fuck down and delegate some if he doesn't wan't to drive himself insane. It's only human. The idea of running ROH honestly I never thought was a good idea, and seems even less of a good idea with weeks passing by. Two many belts that don't mean anything, too many talents and shows to handle, and the AEW brand should be the absolute priority.

As far as some people being frustrated, it seems pretty obvious. The Julia Hart angle has been a mess, should have been done in three weeks. Reveal Julie Hart as a member of House of Black already ! The Men of the Year vs Sammy & Tay angle is spiraling down a Kevin Sullivanesque vortex of insanity that needs to be stopped tomorrow. Do the mixed tag match already !  Some stuff don't get addressed like Anna Jay losing her BFF, that's a feud for Tay that writes itself. Tons of stuff could be better, for sure, and it doesn't seem illogical that some people are unhappy and frustrated. But "every single of us" ? Come on now...

AEW needs a Scott D'Amore. Best week-to-week-to-PPV guy of the last 20 years. I've just said it.

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As much as the increased roster makes for better TV by being able to rotate match-ups and help protect people, Khan really is losing the thread a little bit since this has probably been the least focused and creative build I can remember for an AEW PPV. Too many multi-man feuds where I've long since forgotten what the catalyst and major angles were, title feuds with really cold builds, BCC thrown into the Kingston/Jericho feud with the scarcest thread of logic and a little bit of cul-de-sac booking with Wardlow/MJF that can really only end with Wardlow killing Max who is fresh off losing the feud to Punk. Granted, Page missed a week of build with COVID but doing the whole "I'm going to steal your finisher" routine isn't really the hot sell I'm used to from Khan. In general, for a company full of fantastic promo guys, we've really not seen anyone knock it out of the park to build the show up. I just hope DoN sees the end of a lot of the more stagnant feuds and, once Forbidden Door is wrapped up, they can set up a clear plan to All Out. Let's heat Danielson back up and get him opposite Punk for the title, baby.

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  On 5/21/2022 at 9:38 AM, El-P said:

As far as some people being frustrated, it seems pretty obvious. The Julia Hart angle has been a mess, should have been done in three weeks. Reveal Julie Hart as a member of House of Black already ! 


They have started that angle in December, when Malakai was just a singles wrestler. We are almost in JUNE and Black now has two other dudes by his side. I fear that ship has sailed and we are not getting anything out of this but a sense of wasted time.

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