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Yes, uni students care about how minorities are treated. Mexican-Americans have been dying for fair treatment of Latinos on wrestling shows.

But I will continue to bang that MOST "lapsed" WCW fans are either dead or just saw it as a 1990s fad (they have moved on). I mean MLW having Tony and Cornette announcing didn't make them a real "major league". I get that AEW has some old timers with name recognition and it does HELP a LOT to distinguish it from, say, ROH or PWG and draw in former RAW viewers. But the real key to a potential BOOM will be getting NEW fans (gamers, teen girls, reality show fans, MMA fans, etc.) not 40-70 year olds. Hulkamania had new fans, Hollywood Hogan had new fans.

If they don't get casual TV viewers, and stay near their 350,000-500,000 online fans- that's fine, too. It would still be a profitable niche. But I have a feeling they will be closer to a million, so 500,000 new fans will come out of nowhere, basically. NXT is inside the WWE bubble. NXT fans tend to overrate its importance and popularity. I have a feeling NXT's fanbase are mostly cord-cutters who are used to watching it on the Network. NXT will have major problems getting "new" fans.

Vince moving NXT to combat AEW will (likely) backfire because an AEW ratings victory will increase this rebellious group's momentum and TV industry buzz and humiliate the Roman Empire. I don't think he knows the demographics pie chart crossover either.

At best, he will be introducing NXT to his mainstream fanbase who never checked them out on the Network. Let's face it, there's a reason why WWE never tells us how many people watch NXT on there- the older fans (50+) don't watch. It's way under the 2 million RAW viewers. NXT shows had some tapings with dead fans in small darkened arenas. So I assume that will change for USA, considering it is a $50 million show.

But considering Smackdown viewership is ALWAYS lower than RAW's (even though it has been more critically acclaimed historically), it is a huge ASK for them to tune in Wednesdays to watch "new people". Watch Vince go crazy and toss main roster people other there like he did with WWEECW. He may ruin NXT's hardcore fanbase. If they had a heart attack when he randomly made tag teams of out of them on RAW earlier this year (or when Enzo became 205 Live's champ) just imagine when he does something really stupid to pop a rating.

All this being said, I actually love to be surprised. It's no sweat off my back who is right or wrong with predictions or speculating on demographics and ratings. We could look at the past to see if there is a cycle and learn from history, but AEW (and Cody) have been breaking records and defying expectations. So that is why I am so excited about this war after 20 years of pure monopoly and brainwashing. I am behind Cody's passion to right the wrongs of Vince's treatment of his father, WCW, and pro wrestling in general. And all they wanted to do (for now) was to be a peaceful alternative- not to go head to head.

The fact that Vince tried to kill AEW while it was still in its womb will never be forgotten by AEW fans. WWE fired the first shot...

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Has anyone told Vince that no one watches shows live anymore?  People are going to catch AEW and NXT on demand or on their dvr or whatever.  You really don't have to choose one over the other.  It's never been easier to watch both. 

Also, if AEW is at least enough of a success to stay in business and offer good pay to wrestlers, it'll be a win for wrestling.  In my opinion, they don't have to go out there and be WCW and actually beat WWE in the ratings.  They just need to stay alive and not turn into a joke like TNA/Impact.  Offer workers a place where they can still be paid well AND they can get some creative satisfaction?  That'll change the landscape of pro wrestling more than a ratings win will.

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  On 8/21/2019 at 10:39 PM, Coffey said:

I wonder how many people will check out AEW solely due to them being more all inclusive?


The feedback on the Culture City association has been effusive and really touching. Their tech really works. AEW is a rare piece of entertainment you can take an autistic child to or someone with similar issues to without much issue.

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  On 8/22/2019 at 2:14 PM, War is Raw said:

But I will continue to bang that MOST "lapsed" WCW fans are either dead or just saw it as a 1990s fad (they have moved on)


Yeah it’s one of the most repeated inaccuracies that there are these fans who will suddenly start watching again after they recover from a 20 year Nitro Party hangover. The Nitro Party is over, Lee Marshall is dead and DJ Ran is no longer all up in their area.

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  On 8/22/2019 at 11:51 PM, joeg said:

I've been wondering about this, what exactly is it that AEW is doing to make their shows sensory inclusive? Are they distributing noise cancelling headphones and fidget toys? Do their shows have safe rooms? Just curious. 


Yes to all of the above at least as far as DoN was concerned. Free kits were distributed to anyone who asked and there were safe rooms as well. I am assuming this continued for the other shows but I've seen no reporting on that front. A post on r/SC definitely confirmed it for DoN though.

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  On 8/22/2019 at 11:51 PM, joeg said:

I've been wondering about this, what exactly is it that AEW is doing to make their shows sensory inclusive? Are they distributing noise cancelling headphones and fidget toys? Do their shows have safe rooms? Just curious. 


Explained in 90 seconds - but you are on the right track

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It's a strange narrative that AEW are presenting a fresh alternative but are using Schiavone & Jim Ross 

I thought it was meant to be cutting edge stuff. They've got a combined age of 121

Im not sure how old the lad in the mask is- and tbf he's better than I thought- but it's a strange move.

If I were a lapsed fan would I really want to hear the same old voices? I am bored of wwe for its obsession with nostalgia 

I dunno

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The Attitude Era had JR and Lawler were a combined 90 or so and DX was cutting edge for the time. It's what's presented in the ring that attracts the fresh alternative.

Plus having an older voice to call the action is a staple of the type of wrestling AEW is going for. You had Gordon Solie, Bob Caudle, Lance Russell, and so forth being the ones telling the audience what was going on in a manner that wasn't dumbed down or presented in a way that presumed the viewers were all victims of a traumatic brain injury. 

Besides, so far we've had far more of the Mid South/JCP/WCW era Jim Ross rather than the WWE "BAH GAWD" style. 

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BAD news!


This was the marquee match for a lot of people, including me, so it's a big blow.

My friend just told me Zzz-PAC is the replacement. Hope that's not accurate, because what a fucking downgrade. (Yeah, yeah, they'll probably have a good rasslin' match, but it doesn't carry nearly the same weight, intrigue, or starpower that Omega vs. Mox would have.)

UPDATE: It's official...

Yawn! What a snooze. I realize they were caught between a rock and a hard place with Mox's injury, and I'm sympathetic, but I don't care about Zzz-PAC or this match. 

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I think saving Omega vs Moxley is gonna be better for them in the long run. Show is already sold out and PAC vs Kenny will have the fans going home happy because it's a matchup they will enjoy for sure.


I think a lot of us called PAC not having the belt before All Out and freeing him up for AEW bookings too :lol:

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  On 8/23/2019 at 10:56 PM, KawadaSmile said:

It's incredible how PAC managed to just burn all the goodwill he's had.

From people saying "WWE is holding him hostage and doesn't use him!! He's so talented!!" to "Fuck, this guy is kinda boring now" in a matter of like months is fucking unbelievable to me.


I think it was that wwe wanted him to stay on 205 Live but he wanted to be on the main shows. Well SD. I kinda can understand his frustration there. I think he got a lot of hardcore fan support because of this

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  On 8/23/2019 at 10:56 PM, KawadaSmile said:

It's incredible how PAC managed to just burn all the goodwill he's had.

From people saying "WWE is holding him hostage and doesn't use him!! He's so talented!!" to "Fuck, this guy is kinda boring now" in a matter of like months is fucking unbelievable to me.


I think a lot of the goodwill was because people were mad that WWE was going to turn around and make Enzo the face of 205 after the "Neville: King of the Cruiserweights" run that a lot of folks liked. Didn't matter that Enzo actually popped ratings (and I say that as someone who can't stand the guy but facts is facts).

I think he lost his luster with the whole kerfluffle over coming in to AEW hot then disappearing due to visa/not wanting to job while DG champ drama. I  get the dude was probably just enjoying his job for the first time in forever, but he came off as kind of a dick over it.

I do appreciate the symmetry of him being the one to step in to fill in on this show after them having to rebook DON because of him.

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  On 8/23/2019 at 11:11 PM, Jmare007 said:

I think saving Omega vs Moxley is gonna be better for them in the long run. Show is already sold out and PAC vs Kenny will have the fans going home happy because it's a matchup they will enjoy for sure.


Agreed. Having the Omega vs Moxley feud really kick in when the TV is on is probably better actually.

  On 8/24/2019 at 1:55 AM, sek69 said:

I do appreciate the symmetry of him being the one to step in to fill in on this show after them having to rebook DON because of him.


Yep. It brings him back in the mix with what will probably be a terrific match (it is on paper).

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I was really looking forward to Moxley/Omega mostly because I’m going to be there and I anticipate the crowd energy would have been great for it.  PAC is probably going to be a technically better match but given the choice, I’ll take the one with a build/story as a main event of a big show.

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  On 8/24/2019 at 2:30 PM, NintendoLogic said:


Man, AEW just can't catch a break (no pun intended). I have to think they're going to start seriously curtailing outside work by wrestlers they have under contract once the show on TNT is up and running.


Will be the case for wrestlers below Ambrose's level at least. October's indie lineups will be pretty barren as a result.

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