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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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Vince's age gives everyone an easy out where he can step down and go be Grandpa or whatever and anyone not in the wrestling bubble would be any wiser, but we all know Vince's ego will never allow that since it's been reported that once he got backstage after his Smackdown appearance his reaction was to say FUCK EM.

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2 minutes ago, strobogo said:

Feel like Netflix is fucking up not retooling the doc to be the ultimate Dark Side of the Ring

I think WWE had final approval so I doubt they would sign off on anything less than bowing praise for St. Vince the Great. 

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Also while of course it's never wise to bet against Vince until something actually happens, but there's a big jump from "Vince paid off some people he had a consensual affair with in order to keep it on the d/l" to "Vince paid off some people he sexually harassed and assaulted". That's beyond the usual boys-will-be-boys stuff that can get handwaved by execs looking to do business with WWE in the future. 

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6 hours ago, strobogo said:

Feel like Netflix is fucking up not retooling the doc to be the ultimate Dark Side of the Ring

Unless all the footage is destroyed this could be very well the case if what they have is good enough to illustrate what the culture of the company is, and the story creates enough attention that the story can be told a different way. But that’s being optimistic, I’m sure all the data has been erased assuming they shot it digitally.

Isn’t there a book being written too about the company’s history? I’d have to think that is kaput too sadly.

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Yeah the NFL is right up there with the Premier League in terms of moneymaking sports leagues, just look at how Washington owner Dan Snyder (who's as big of a creep as Vince is) and nothing really much can be done to him. All we get is congressional committees to ask him to please stop being a sex pest and he's like "lol, no".

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NFL has way more protections, is considered “too big to fail” like most corporations, and if they do it to Snyder, all the other owners can be gone after due to their other indiscretions. Vince is on an island in a business with very little respect from the public at large no matter what he’s done, and doesn’t have the leverage he had when he was first trying to go public given his enterprise is being run well enough by a consortium, not just himself. 

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The only thing McMahon can hide behind is what he's been fighting against since 1983. The fact that most people just disregard Pro Wrestling like they do the Circus, low rent Zoos, the Ice Capades, and Carnivals. And I don't think it's gonna work this time. The success has created a " Coming home to roost" moment that I think will have an actual impact. Even if it ends up with Stephanie McMahon and HHH in charge, he'll still be puppetmastering until he's dead, but this is the WSJ. This is reporting that sticks.

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8 hours ago, Johnny Sorrow said:

The only thing McMahon can hide behind is what he's been fighting against since 1983. The fact that most people just disregard Pro Wrestling like they do the Circus, low rent Zoos, the Ice Capades, and Carnivals. And I don't think it's gonna work this time. The success has created a " Coming home to roost" moment that I think will have an actual impact. Even if it ends up with Stephanie McMahon and HHH in charge, he'll still be puppetmastering until he's dead, but this is the WSJ. This is reporting that sticks.

Apparently it was reported on Fox last night as well. If Fox turns on him, he just might be in trouble. That would suggest all media outlets are going to cover the story, regardless of their political slant. I guess it all depends if the media keeps after the story or if they let it die. But as has been suggested, I would imagine even if he is “removed” he will still be calling the shots from behind the scenes. I remember on Prichard’s podcast he discussed how they had a plan for Vince to essentially be calling the shots from in prison if he was found guilty during the steroid trial in the 90’s. I think the only thing that is going to keep him from running that company is death.

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On 7/8/2022 at 7:38 PM, SirEdger said:

Netflix kicked them to the curb.

So fucking hypocritical of Netflix.

I'm not condoning Vince's actions - of course not - but Netflix has no problem openly glorifying the transphobic behavior of a washed-up comedian but is quick to lose money on a Vince documentary? 

You'd think this latest round of shit would only be a plus for the doc, but I guess not. 

Like someone else said above, maybe it was only ever going to be a puff piece, and that obviously won't fly now.

Shame on Netflix, then, for only agreeing to bankroll propaganda instead of something serious. 

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My guess it that this has something to do with Bill Simmons. 

Simmons' website, The Ringer, has been fairly "hands off" about this story. In fact, their most recent story about the WWE was a lengthy piece about Austin Theory...with no mention of him, y'know, potentially *cough* definitely *cough* being a pedophile. With Simmons being the exec producer of the Netflix doc, I think there's something going on here.

If this blows over, the Netflix doc will come out, but it all seems to hinge on what other major news outlets pick it up and start doing their own investigating. 


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Kind of ironic to me that right around thirty years ago is when the company fired Kerry Von Erich. The squandered effort by the company into pushing who was for awhile the most over guy in the country besides Hogan, is a bitter part of the story for me. Wasn’t their fault he was off the rails exactly but some guilt has to be laid at Vince’s feet in somewhat the same fashion it should be his own father’s, for keeping him going when he eventually became a risk to himself enough that they had no other choice in a time in the company when such media scrutiny was knocking at their door. I remember a shoot interview with Percy Pringle talking about the moment Kerry realized he was fired back in 92. Just put on his gear and left, didn’t say a word.

I’m only thinking of this now, because for as much as I think Vince should face the music I am sad that it will wind up being of no relief to the other people and their families whose lives were affected by his unrepentant greed, and the further defects in his character this whole sad state of affairs is exposing to a possibly harsher light then the Meltzer’s and the TMZ’s of the world. Fucking insider trading. It’s the misappropriation of funds and not of the justice due to Owen Hart’s widow or Ms. Chatterton or anyone else in the long line of usual suspects at this point of being thorns in the company and his side.

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Don't forget that Vince tried really hard to fuck up the Kerry/Jerry Lawler match at SuperClash III by stooging Kerry off to the athletic commission over some archaic rule they had on the books barring amputees from competing in wrestling.  Granted that was more an attempt to screw over Verne instead of Kerry himself, but using his disability (that to my knowledge posed no danger to him or his opponents) was one of his more underrated disgusting moments.

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Look at this, I'm off the board and news because I'm way not in synch these days and want to avoid "rassslin' matches and angles" spoilers, and this shit is going down. I'm soooo grabbing a beer and watching the world collapse right now. Even some of the most powerful end up facing consequences at some point. Hopefully it's this time for good ol' Vinnie Mac. And yes, that has to be the tip of the iceberg too. Get on with the full-on exposé and let's have us some mega Dark Side of the Ring specials on Vince next year.

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