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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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I hope he writes a book. I would probably re-read every page twice at some point, to break down his vernacular. Which is to maybe admit that deep down there is some actual genius at work, though utterly depleted by what has become so far his downfall. He is beyond redemption, to a great many of us, who even still follow the product.

I hope lessons are learned from this. That’s really all I can say in addition to what’s gone on so far. But in what I have watched of the product lately, I have a strong sense of this roster being a real squadron of not his vision alone, but the experience of those who had to pay in blood. He had to pay in the court of public opinion, over and over again and crucially now when his close approximation to the highest echelons of American politics has also coincided with these damning charges as to just how ghastly and perverse he has conducted himself. And how that affects his legacy forward.

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On 10/23/2024 at 4:20 PM, flyonthewall2983 said:

5 John Does have sued Vince, Linda and WWE in connection with the ring boy scandal

And we have more coming out from this...MAJOR CONTENT WARNING AHEAD:

The full document is grotesque enough that i might recommend not reading it - the sheer volume of all this is soul-crushing.

The main part we didn't know before was that Vince & Linda had video footage of Mel Phillips sexually assaulting a boy and covered it up.  Think that's all i need to say here...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I guess it's over. 

Yeah, not taking about WWE of course. They'll most probably be mighty fine (last time I checked, "Papa" Trip was giving away ridiculously gigantic belts to the Saudi government). Hell, Vince might be mighty fine now, I guess the federal investigation is a goner soon. 

I wonder if Taker and Hogan are gonna be featured at Mania next year... 

Well, "bon courage", as we say.

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Between all of this and Mark Shapiro publicizing a breakfast with rapist-in-chief Vince McMahon, Dana White, MAGATaker and Da Racist Hogan campaigning for a a guy who calls out for mass deportation of millions of people and using the army against political adversaries, the still going on sportswashing of a regime which just sentenced a 29 years old woman to 11 years of prison because of the way she dresses and her support for women's rights, the stench of TKO is as bad as WWE ever was. 

Although I still enjoy parts of AEW very much (parts of) and the rise to the top of Zack Sabre Jr. has been the most fun story of the year and legit made me happy, I find it incredibly difficult to even follow the news of pro-wrestling without getting at the very least annoyed in this time where WWE is back in the position of absolute dominance despite all the bagage, with its fanboys being more cultish than ever. NJPW is at least more interesting than it has been for the last few years with the new generation having to be pushed, but it doesn't feel hot yet. TNA has been the worse and most boring in the last 6 months as it's ever been basically since I began to watch it as it happens, and the WWE "relationship" has been hilarious (hey, we'll showcase your most over acts and some of the best talents like Grace and the Rascals on NXT and get them over to our audience and you can have... uh... oh yeah, Wendy Choo) and the TNA Reddit is the dumbest fucking place I've encountered on the IWC in forever. AAA is a complete mess and should be vaporized into thin air just of the fact Alberto el Rapist is their main event act. CMLL is fun to watch once in a while. It's been ten years since I've come back to follow the current product thanks to Lucha Underground. Peaked with early AEW in 2021. Seems like the activity on the board is as low as ever too, which was bound to happen eventually. End of a cycle, I'm guessing.

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Yeah, as far as board activity goes, if it wasn't for the European threads, this place would be as dead as I've ever seen it. Even with the European threads it probably is. Hell, Kawada has even given up. 

I've made my opinions known about WWE somewhat recently. I haven't cared in years and I dont think I will care again anytime soon, if ever. I don't care about Cody. I don't care about the Bloodline. I don't care about guys who have been around for a million years. I'm sure it's awesome without the scumbag around. I don't care.

On the positive side I do care about 80s and early 90s Joshi these days, though my overall wrestling viewing is still very low

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WWE would consider me a "lapsed" fan. This is incorrect. I am a repulsed fan, an ex-fan, a disappointed fan. Don't say I've "lapsed", like I'VE done something wrong.

The last Saudi Show happened to start between two English Premier League matches so I watched the start, the Bloodline match. It was awful, from the presentation to the entrances to the match itself. 

I don't think this shit has passed me by; rather, I've passed it by. The amount of contemporary wrestling I watch has never been lower, and it sucks arse because I - we, all - fucking love this sport.

Luckily YouTube etc let me watch all the territories and workers I only ever read about in the Apter rags back in the 80s, so I'm still watching "new" stuff (and all the Greg Valentine I can).


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I tried watching the 2024 product.  They seem to have embraced the idea they need wrestling on their show.  At the same time there is too much "entertainment" present while that is going on and it tends to hurt the matches.  Not only that, everyone seems to be working in a way that is both sloppy and yet not impactful-looking at all.  It's like they are performing some kind of overly rehearsed choreography with no kind of meaning to it.

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What a fucking clown show. Between RKJ at Health (holy fuck, this has to be a rib, as they say), the guy who paid for sex with a 17 year old girl as AG and Linda "I falsified my degree in education" McMahon at, well, Education of course, this would be downright hilarious it if wasn't tragic and millions of people were not getting negatively affected by this (negatively affected as in death and deportation, among other things). I wonder if actual journalists are gonna mention that she's got a lawsuit on her ass about her covering up sexual abuse of teenagers ? Not that it matters one way or another.

WWE is gonna be so fascinating for all the wrong reasons in 2025, with the booker being the son-in-law of the Secretary of Education of basically a fascist government, and the road-to-retirement of John "I can't say anything bad about Vince" Cena, which probably will do monstruous business because, as demonstrated by the result of the election, people are shit. Can't wait to see what MAGA legend shows up at Mania again and if Cody or Cena dare to do some raah-raah 'murica Great shit along the way.

I just want a John Oliver bit on Linda. Please. (and I wish we had a John Oliver in France too, would be much needed as we also have our own fascists one foot through the door already and pushing in)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, a new reality-TV show with coaches Taker, Booker T, Bubba Ray and Mickie James. Bubba Ray's getting the most out of his anti-AEW grifting. Can't wait for good ole advices of "bring weapons to the locker room", "don't be a pussy, nobody cares about your depression and addiction issues" and other good stuff like this. The fact that Taker was last seen promoting Trump's campaign and is now gonna be featured in a reality show tells you everything you need to know. Maybe they are getting more confortable with this likewise UFC...

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3 hours ago, Blehschmidt said:

They should just go ahead and call that show "Show Some Respect You Pussies"

I have a bad feeling that I'm not going to feel the same about Mickie James after that thing airs.

More likely she's there to be the Paula Abdul to Undertaker and/or Bubba Ray's Simon Cowell. It's not like any of them will be displaying their real personalities. Reality TV is faker than pro wrestling.

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