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I actually think Baron Corbin is one of the best heels they have going right now. Especially since he's on the Smackdown side. I don't get the flak that the guy receives. He's not "just a tall dude" & I'm not seeing this bland shit people are talking about either. I'd argue the only thing he doesn't really have going for him is that his hair is thinning & his outfits aren't very good. I think he's a good promo, I think he's a decent worker, he gets pretty good heat & he has a great entrance. I loved his chair match with Kalisto. His finish is sick.

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I think the flak comes from him being another case of WWE pushing a green guy before they're really ready for it because he's a big guy. He was just starting to find a groove in NXT when he got called up and he's just been kind of aimlessly going from program to program while the announcers gush over him. It doesn't help that his matches have been largely bad when he's not doing big guy vs little guy stuff with Kalisto.

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His finish is sick.


I don't get that. This is one of my biggest pet peeves right now in all of wrestling.


The End of Days involves Baron Corbin picking up his opponent, holding them on top of him, and then hurling himself backward so he lands back first on the mat as hard as he can, with the added bonus of his opponent's weight on top of him.


He is essentially giving HIMSELF the Rock Bottom. HOW IS THAT A GOOD FINISHER?


Also YES...bald guys who don't want to admit they're bald and grow the rest of their hair long, with a few last remaining strands on top? These people are meant to be laughed at behind their backs, not admired.

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The problem is not Corbin, and I wouldn't argue that he isn't continuing to work hard and prove himself to be deserving of the spot they are putting him in. The issue is that, just like Strowman and Reigns and Cass, he got the opportunity in the first place without having proven anything while guys smaller than him had proven something and haven't gotten those same chances. It's nothing new, and it's the eternal frustration with WWE because there is nothing wrestlers can do to be taller. But I'd like to think no one is putting all of that on Corbin.

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He is essentially giving HIMSELF the Rock Bottom. HOW IS THAT A GOOD FINISHER?


And once again, you don't enjoy a dick spot.


(because he's a heel... a dick... see what I did here ?)



See, I'm not going to be a stingy reviewer like you. You're getting 4 1/2 stars for that joke. :D


Thanks. I'm trying to work comedy posts inside the context and conventions of PWO.

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He is essentially giving HIMSELF the Rock Bottom. HOW IS THAT A GOOD FINISHER?

And once again, you don't enjoy a dick spot.


(because he's a heel... a dick... see what I did here ?)

See, I'm not going to be a stingy reviewer like you. You're getting 4 1/2 stars for that joke. :D

Thanks. I'm trying to work comedy posts inside the context and conventions of PWO.

Your selling is the pits.

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Corbin seemed to be getting over pretty well at the beginning part of the year but losing clean to Ambrose at mania in the preshow seemed to hurt his momentum. And of course like everyone who gets the briefcase he has been doing a lot more jobs lately. Pretty sure he's going to lose to Cena at SS as well

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I may be reading into this unfairly but it might be nice for Dave to actually acknowledge his personal taste and discuss it more openly rather than presenting his ratings as if they were objective facts

Yeah I've come to peace with Dave's love of NJPW, great for him to still be so passionate after 35 years of doing the Observer and missing like 2 issues in that time, but he really doesn't get the idea of subjective personal taste. Money drawn is objective. NJPW being the best thing ever is not. NJPW's growth over 5 years is validation to a degree of what they're doing but how much money did Hogan draw while Dave hated it.

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I like Corbin and am one of the people who was praising his improvement back in NXT. His main roster run has been hit and miss for sure, but like a couple people in this thread pointed out, it's not exactly his fault. He was called up early and has been start and stop pushed. He wins the Andre match and then they do zero with him for months. He wins MITB and they do zero with him for months. I blame WWE "creative" and not so much Corbin. When given something to sink his teeth into he's good. I loved his Takeover match with Joe, and the Kalisto matches. I think him and Cena will probably have a damn good match as well

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I may be reading into this unfairly but it might be nice for Dave to actually acknowledge his personal taste and discuss it more openly rather than presenting his ratings as if they were objective facts


I agree with this, and it's something I'm not crazy about either. If everyone likes it, it's good. Perception is reality. I guess it's easy to fall into that considering that's true in the industry he covers to a very large extent.

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Like I said before in my opinion any star rating over 5 stars is just Dave trolling the internet.


Although I am sure if Ric Flair had friends who named wrestling moves after him there would be more 5 plus star ratings for him

6 1/4* for Omega/Okada II was the ultimate troll.

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