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Funny thing is, for all the tales of guys being stretched at the Hart Dungeon (surely exaggerated as most old timer's stories tend to be), no one's ever told any involving Stu being an asshole just for the sake of it. His training seemed to focus on making sure you were the best working wrestler you could be and have the ability to defend yourself if shit got real,


Also it's rare that anyone in TNA can come off better than a WWE guy, but EC3 owning Jericho in his response on Twitter was great.

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If they put Axel over Rusev, I will give up ever attempting to figure out what this company has in mind, because it will be absolute proof that no one has a fucking clue.

Whereas I, if they do it with Cena costing him the belt as speculated above, will think it's a great piece of storytelling. And gives Axel an added push to this gimmick that's getting over, adds to the personal hatred in this Cena/ Rusev feud, and moves Rusev from the US title level to main event level without him cleanly losing the belt...for people who care about that shit.


Not that I think that's gonna happen, but I can see it making sense.



That would be a horrible piece of storytelling and would make zero sense, all while cheapening Rusev's year-long reign. I mean, holy crap.



For the record, his actual title reign has been under five months. You can't really "cheapen" the no pins/subs streak. It just has to end at some point before it becomes a legit burden.

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Funny thing is, for all the tales of guys being stretched at the Hart Dungeon (surely exaggerated as most old timer's stories tend to be), no one's ever told any involving Stu being an asshole just for the sake of it. His training seemed to focus on making sure you were the best working wrestler you could be and have the ability to defend yourself if shit got real,


There's tons of stories about Stu being a weird masochist to people for no good reason. Bret tells some in his book, without seeing that it was creepy.

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Did Stu really ever train anyone to wrestle? Most of the people he's credited as training are only people he may have stretched a few times while they were in Calgary.

He trained Stomper and Billy Graham, I know that off the top of my head.


So I'm watching RAW right now, and what's the point of these dummies still chanting "CM PUNK!"? He's not coming back, he's apparently happier than he's been in years, and he's trying new things that he's excited about. If you're a fan I'd imagine you'd support him in what he's doing now rather than chant his name at an event he doesn't want anything to do with.

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Did Stu really ever train anyone to wrestle? Most of the people he's credited as training are only people he may have stretched a few times while they were in Calgary.

He trained Stomper and Billy Graham, I know that off the top of my head.


So I'm watching RAW right now, and what's the point of these dummies still chanting "CM PUNK!"? He's not coming back, he's apparently happier than he's been in years, and he's trying new things that he's excited about. If you're a fan I'd imagine you'd support him in what he's doing now rather than chant his name at an event he doesn't want anything to do with.


They don't chant "CM Punk" for him personally as most likely have no clue what he's been up to since he left. The UFC signing was in and out of the sports news cycle in one day, and won't be back until he schedules an actual fight. They don't even chant it because they even really want him back. They chant it to get themselves over and think they are in on something clever.

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Did Stu really ever train anyone to wrestle? Most of the people he's credited as training are only people he may have stretched a few times while they were in Calgary.

He trained Stomper and Billy Graham, I know that off the top of my head.


So I'm watching RAW right now, and what's the point of these dummies still chanting "CM PUNK!"? He's not coming back, he's apparently happier than he's been in years, and he's trying new things that he's excited about. If you're a fan I'd imagine you'd support him in what he's doing now rather than chant his name at an event he doesn't want anything to do with.



It's more of a protest chant. It doesn't make them dummies.

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Wow, did people over react about HHH's "Internet fans" comment. All he actually said was " You're like these little kids banging around on the Internet thinking they know the ins and the outs of this industry, the politics of it...when the truth is they don't know a damn thing"

And it was in response to Booker's conspiracy theory. Number one, the comment is nothing to get all butt hurt about , and it is just a part of the fact that the Sting/ HHH angle is based on shit that only "smart" fans care about. Not one kid watching gives a shit about WCW, or knows what it is. HHH is playing "Evil WWE" against Sting as the oppressed WCW. It's an angle fucking based on message board shit, lol .


To be more suscint, it's old guys in an angle for old guys.

That Heyman promo fucking ruled.

And Jon Stewart was fucking amazing, that had to be do much fun for him.


Oh and the Wyatt / Taker stuff is great. I'm loving the idea of a guy like Wyatt going on about how he used to be scared of Taker, but now he sees he's a broken man and he wants to end him once and for all and claim his role as the monster. Only thing I'm worried about us the hint that it's gonna be an inferno match cause those stink.

Oh and Reigns losing means nothing cause it took Orton, Show, Kane, and the rest to get a cheating pin and afterwards Reigns destroys all of them besides Orton, which is part of the story, like a fucking terminator. I can't help but roll my eyes and give an "Oy vey" at the folks who are all "Reigns lost, but he's supposed to be strong leading to Mania". He got fucked, he didn't lose clean and look weak .And after getting fucked he looked like Godzilla.

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Yeah, Bray Wyatt vs Taker is great. Each week we get a rambling Bray Wyatt promo next to a coffin, nothing else happens. We'll probably get some surnatural Taker appearance where he points to the Mania sign (I want a euro each time this happens on RAW) in the following weeks. Yeah. Great feud.

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From what I saw of Raw, it seemed to have a lot of enjoyable stuff that made no sense on a meta level. I enjoy thinking about the booking, but I don't let meta concerns influence my enjoyment of the show itself. Plenty of people are saying this was the best Raw in a while so it's not like Johnny is alone.

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I actually enjoy Wyatt promos at this point because they're an opportunity to mute the show and check out something in the paper or online, go bs with the wife for a few or otherwise take a break from Raw. Hated it for months but I've now been able to make productive use of them. I'm all in.

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Wow, did people over react about HHH's "Internet fans" comment. All he actually said was " You're like these little kids banging around on the Internet thinking they know the ins and the outs of this industry, the politics of it...when the truth is they don't know a damn thing"

And it was in response to Booker's conspiracy theory. Number one, the comment is nothing to get all butt hurt about , and it is just a part of the fact that the Sting/ HHH angle is based on shit that only "smart" fans care about. Not one kid watching gives a shit about WCW, or knows what it is. HHH is playing "Evil WWE" against Sting as the oppressed WCW. It's an angle fucking based on message board shit, lol .


To be more suscint, it's old guys in an angle for old guys.

That Heyman promo fucking ruled.

And Jon Stewart was fucking amazing, that had to be do much fun for him.


Oh and the Wyatt / Taker stuff is great. I'm loving the idea of a guy like Wyatt going on about how he used to be scared of Taker, but now he sees he's a broken man and he wants to end him once and for all and claim his role as the monster. Only thing I'm worried about us the hint that it's gonna be an inferno match cause those stink.

Oh and Reigns losing means nothing cause it took Orton, Show, Kane, and the rest to get a cheating pin and afterwards Reigns destroys all of them besides Orton, which is part of the story, like a fucking terminator. I can't help but roll my eyes and give an "Oy vey" at the folks who are all "Reigns lost, but he's supposed to be strong leading to Mania". He got fucked, he didn't lose clean and look weak .And after getting fucked he looked like Godzilla.


Are you a gimmick or do you actually believe the stuff you post? Serious question.

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