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RIP Dusty Rhodes


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For some reason, the thing that first came to mind was Naylor's beautiful story of sitting in Florida at a picnic table at lunch one day, just him and Dusty. And there being this pause where they're sitting in the sun, unwrapping their food, and Dusty starts cutting this "living on the end of a lightning bolt" style promo about eating lunch with Rob Naylor. Just for the two of them. Just to amuse themselves. I always remembered that story. Those are the great, intimate moments in any life, when people are kinder than they need to be.

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Dusty is literally the reason I'm a wrestling fan today. My grandparents would spend winters in Florida, and my grandfather started watching JCP on TBS because he was a fan of Dusty from watching wrestling down there. I watched shows with him and he instantly became my favorite just based on his promos since he didn't really wrestle alot on TV at the time. Everyone loves the Hard Times promo, and it struck an extra chord with me since my dad was a steelworker and that promo was basically what happened to him at his job after he spent 36 years there,


I can't imagine anyone who's had a bigger impact for a longer period of time than him, he's done pretty much every role you can do in the business and the list of people he's worked with and/or helped is like a who's who of professional wrestling.

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Probably the single most charismatic in ring performer in the history of wrestling. Even when he was bad you still wanted to watch him, which is pretty amazing. This is cliche but no one in wrestling will ever be like Dusty again. Zero chance. Completely irreplaceable as a talent and behind the scenes contributor.

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Just saw Dale Earnhardt Jr. tweeting condolences, which is kind of mind blowing to see someone of that magnitude in their field. mention anything about pro wrestling. Of course he would have watched him growing up in North Carolina, but it was still amazing to see how many people Dusty had an impact on.

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Legend. Visionary. Must-see performer.


I'm glad someone posted the bit from 94' where he asks Dustin to make him his partner. What a great promo and overall feud (Dustin vs. Stud Stable). I wrote this in a Facebook group, but I'd like to repeat it here - Dusty had many, many great feuds, great promos, great rivalries and moments, but there was something so magical and emotionally powerful whenever he was in the ring with his sons. Whether it was the build to the 91' Rumble or even the more recent Rhodes Family vs. Authority angle, these storylines and Dusty's passionate promos during them were just on a whole other level than what pro-wrestling typically achieves.

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Dusty is one of the people I think of when I think "pro wrestler" (the others are Randy Savage, Stan Hansen, Terry Funk and Jerry Lawler).


He was just so influential and talented. Great to see that he always seemed so happy in his last years. You could tell he was having a blast working with his sons in the feud with the Authority.


Hard times, indeed.

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