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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 4


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Watching some early 91 WCW and you can tell how happy Dusty is to be back in the company and booking again. He can't hide it


I love the moment at Wrestlewar '91 when Hansen and Vader are killing each other about 6 inches from the commentary table. Jim Ross sounds legitimately afraid for his life but Dusty is practically bouncing up and down with glee to be back in the thick of things.

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Is Kane one of the worst bumpers ever?


Is it bad? I legit never noticed. Do you have any matches that stick out to you with him being particularly bad? I'm curious now.


It's not bad in a "delayed, no jump back bump", but every single time he took a pedigree, he fell on his knees. That happens with tons of other moves, too.

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Not sure what everyone thinks about MJF here, but his documentary by Kenny Johnson was released today:


I'm a big fan of the guy, so I'm going to be giving this a watch shortly.


Edit: Watched this. It's unbelievable. Must watch even if you aren't a fan of MJF.

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Who is the better worker? Big Cass or Erik Rowan.


Inquiring minds want to know. :lol:

Rowan by a wide margin. We are probably better workers than Cass. I think being near someone worse like Enzo protected Cass.





Watching some early 91 WCW and you can tell how happy Dusty is to be back in the company and booking again. He can't hide it


Why did he go to WWE in the first place?


If there were problems maybe he would have been better doing the indies for a couple years.


Dusty left after he was fired as booker by Jim Herd. He left as a talent in January and tried to get Florida going again using his own money. This put him in a hole financially. That is when he went to the WWF. Meanwhile things are falling apart in WCW and Herd has to go crawling back.


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So im slowly plowing through WWF in 2001 watching the weekly TV and PPV but now ive hit a roadblock because the last show I saw was Mania.


At the time I hated the Austin heel turn and still do now as im sure alot of others just wished McMahon had gotten stunnered at Mania. So do I bite my tongue and force myself to continue watching or do I just say screw it and go for a different year?

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So im slowly plowing through WWF in 2001 watching the weekly TV and PPV but now ive hit a roadblock because the last show I saw was Mania.


At the time I hated the Austin heel turn and still do now as im sure alot of others just wished McMahon had gotten stunnered at Mania. So do I bite my tongue and force myself to continue watching or do I just say screw it and go for a different year?


I say skip ahead and watch the month of Jericho and Benoit vs. Austin.

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I really like MJF but only in settings where he's not wrestling. During (or maybe more specifically before, in pre-match promos) his own matches his heel work degrades into the same old bullshit in my eyes and while it's not strictly bad it's just boring. Even more boring are his actual matches. Absolutely love the guy as a corner man or a commentator but I'd rather not see him in the ring until he gets a few more years of experience under his belt.


EDIT: I don't know if there was an actual story behind it, but the name change is hilarious to me too. Did he not know about Feinstein or what that name might mean in indie wrestling, especially in the northeast? Too funny.

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I really like MJF but only in settings where he's not wrestling. During (or maybe more specifically before, in pre-match promos) his own matches his heel work degrades into the same old bullshit in my eyes and while it's not strictly bad it's just boring. Even more boring are his actual matches. Absolutely love the guy as a corner man or a commentator but I'd rather not see him in the ring until he gets a few more years of experience under his belt.


EDIT: I don't know if there was an actual story behind it, but the name change is hilarious to me too. Did he not know about Feinstein or what that name might mean in indie wrestling, especially in the northeast? Too funny.

My understanding is that he genuinely didn't know that there was a controversial figure in indie wrestling named Feinstein.


I'm not saying he doesn't have room to improve but I don't really see exactly what you're saying you don't like about his work? That it's...what, exactly?

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I really like MJF but only in settings where he's not wrestling. During (or maybe more specifically before, in pre-match promos) his own matches his heel work degrades into the same old bullshit in my eyes and while it's not strictly bad it's just boring. Even more boring are his actual matches. Absolutely love the guy as a corner man or a commentator but I'd rather not see him in the ring until he gets a few more years of experience under his belt.


EDIT: I don't know if there was an actual story behind it, but the name change is hilarious to me too. Did he not know about Feinstein or what that name might mean in indie wrestling, especially in the northeast? Too funny.

He can be the Dollar Tree EC3. Cousin Rob records all his matches and even pays for kids to watch him wrestle.

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Are there any good historical resources for pro wrestling in Japan in the 50s and 60's. I am toying with the idea of doing an All Japan podcast where I go through the matches in chronological order but I want to also go back and hit matches in the JWA. I have quite a few matches from that era but I would like a good resource on the formation and things like that so I can properly communicate the history.

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Let's assume that SummerSlam is Brock Lesnar's last match. Let's say that the build is that he is challenging anybody on the current roster to try and take away the Universal Title before he goes to UFC with it.


Who's music would get the loudest pop for answering the challenge?

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