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Is TNA the worst wrestling promotion in history?


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I joked a long time ago that I thought TNA was like the undead combination of WCW and ECW leftovers.

It is exactly what it is. Over the past few years, I've watched the entire TV product of both ECW, SMW and WCW (almost). The only logical follow-up for me should be to dwelve into TNA. Either that, or going into wrestling rehab.


Please reward yourself by watching good WCW years 1996-1997. You've gone all around it, but haven't covered the good years for whatever reason.

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TNA would be wrestling suicide

The only logical follow-up for me should be to dwelve into TNA. Either that, or going into wrestling rehab.

I've watched everything available from TNA from the beginning up to the end of 2007 so far. While it has been painless enough from mid 2004 to current, getting through the 110 weekly PPV's should only be attempted by the most stubborn and determined of people.


El-P I think you can make it since you've held steady on Death of WCW.

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TNA would be wrestling suicide

The only logical follow-up for me should be to dwelve into TNA. Either that, or going into wrestling rehab.

I've watched everything available from TNA from the beginning up to the end of 2007 so far. While it has been painless enough from mid 2004 to current, getting through the 110 weekly PPV's should only be attempted by the most stubborn and determined of people.


El-P I think you can make it since you've held steady on Death of WCW.


Dip your toes into the WWA PPVs too since I like to think of them spiritually related to one another. The Luger/Sting match is funny in hindsight but it basically sums the whole affair up.

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I still don't understand why it seems so many people want TNA to go away. They may never get to the level of WCW at its peak, but why would a fan of wrestling want to see a company go out of business and put guys out of work? Is it that hard to enjoy TNA for what it is?


Then again, I've always noticed how it seems pro wrestling seems to be the only form of entertainment where the most diehard fans seem to also hate it the most. You really don't see movie buffs saying small studios should just go out of business because they will never be able to compete with the big companies with hundred-millon budgets.

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I actually do not want TNA to go away as it can be another payday for wrestlers.... ugh, let's not discuss that here.


What I do wonder about is that people tend to give TNA a chance much easier and earlier than other promotions. I can not see why people want to prefer TNA to 80s Portland or Vancouver. If you want to give a promotion or a style a chance and accept that it might be a waste of time why not watch some random independent promotion like ECWA or whatever crappy promotion has official releases on Youtube?

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Well I can only speak for me, but I don't mind TNA. I wouldn't say I'm a superfan, but it has a place on my DVR list with CMLL, WWC, ROH, and Raw/Smackdown. Of course the 80s territories would be better, but that doesn't mean I can't like TNA now. I think it strikes a chord with me because it has that lovable loser vibe like WCW where they fuck up but there's usually some good wrestling to be found.


Perhaps I'm just not as critical as a lot of others, I just enjoy wrestling that is available on my TV.

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I can not see why people want to prefer TNA to 80s Portland or Vancouver. If you want to give a promotion or a style a chance and accept that it might be a waste of time why not watch some random independent promotion like ECWA or whatever crappy promotion has official releases on Youtube?

New wrestling on TV has an inherent appeal to the vast majority of fans over 'better' old wrestling or wrestling on youtube.
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I still don't understand why it seems so many people want TNA to go away. They may never get to the level of WCW at its peak, but why would a fan of wrestling want to see a company go out of business and put guys out of work? Is it that hard to enjoy TNA for what it is?


Then again, I've always noticed how it seems pro wrestling seems to be the only form of entertainment where the most diehard fans seem to also hate it the most. You really don't see movie buffs saying small studios should just go out of business because they will never be able to compete with the big companies with hundred-millon budgets.

I love wrestling.


I don't like dogshit.


So I don't like TNA

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I still don't understand why it seems so many people want TNA to go away. They may never get to the level of WCW at its peak, but why would a fan of wrestling want to see a company go out of business and put guys out of work? Is it that hard to enjoy TNA for what it is?


Then again, I've always noticed how it seems pro wrestling seems to be the only form of entertainment where the most diehard fans seem to also hate it the most. You really don't see movie buffs saying small studios should just go out of business because they will never be able to compete with the big companies with hundred-millon budgets.

Yeah but there are plenty of small (compared to WWE) companies in wrestling history that are actually good.


It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion on the ocean. Or so I've been told.

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That is the first time I've ever read anyone pimp 80s Vancouver as something to watch.

Everyone needs to see Sgt. Al Tomko at least once in their lifetime. :)



Listen closely for the fan yelling "You stink Tomko!" right after the bell rings. Tomko was the top babyface at the time (also the promoter, booker, and the man usually blamed for the downfall of Vancouver wrestling).


Otherwise, this is horrible.

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Please reward yourself by watching good WCW years 1996-1997. You've gone all around it, but haven't covered the good years for whatever reason.

The reason why I didn't cover them was because I'm the most familiar with them, but I also kept them on the side to eventually come back to the good stuff.;)

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TNA is certainly the worst booked wrestling promotion in history. For the history of it's existence that is, other promotions certainly had bad spells.


Bad promotions of the past generally had bad rosters, and did the best they could with them. TNA has always had good wrestlers, it just uses them incredibly badly.

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TNA is certainly the worst booked wrestling promotion in history. For the history of it's existence that is, other promotions certainly had bad spells.


Bad promotions of the past generally had bad rosters, and did the best they could with them. TNA has always had good wrestlers, it just uses them incredibly badly.

They have always had some good wrestlers but the old "TNA has a great talent roster!" talking point is one I don't buy. For every ruined Samoa Joe, you've got shitastic X Division guy number 50837, or Ken Anderson, or Rob Terry, or Matt Morgan, or Abyss, or one of the non-Doc/Mike Knox Aces and Eights scrubs, et.


I get that people like acts like Daniels/Kaz and Bobby Roode more than I do, but TNA has more than it's fair share of complete dogshit

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I haven't watched TNA in ages but one of their trademarks when I did was this weird thing where a wrestler would say something and the announcers would instantly repeat it.


Samoa Joe: "I'm going to take out Kurt Angle."

Tenay: "I heard Samoa Joe say he's planning to take out Kurt Angle."


Gee, you heard that? So did every other fucking person watching the show.


It had to be some sort of decree from their creative forces at the time, because it was almost like a running gag. I don't know if they still do that, but I'd hope not.

This always drove me insane.


I have also noticed that Cole and co. have started to do it on WWE TV too (especially in the service of replaying the same Hunter/Cena angle 47,000 times in one week) and it is incredibly annoying.

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I've watched everything available from TNA from the beginning up to the end of 2007 so far. While it has been painless enough from mid 2004 to current, getting through the 110 weekly PPV's should only be attempted by the most stubborn and determined of people.


El-P I think you can make it since you've held steady on Death of WCW.

Dip your toes into the WWA PPVs too since I like to think of them spiritually related to one another. The Luger/Sting match is funny in hindsight but it basically sums the whole affair up.

You really want my brain to fry. This is harrassment !!!

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There aren't that many WWA PPVs.

A couple good Jarrett matches (bloodbath opposite BG James, a Brian Christopher match and a couple of super short carry jobs of Nathan Jones) a fun Steiner v Nathan Jones match, an Eddie Guerrero three way with Juvi and Psichosis, Allan Funk doing a Hogan parody gimmick and you like Devon Storm who got a regular showcase match push.


There is a ton of unwatchable garbage around that but it's maybe six ppvs so I imagine easily manageable.

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