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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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I am not excusing it just explaining it. Kendrick's comments are old news to WWE he passed their exhaustive background check in 2016. WWE made him sweat and wait being signing him. There was a long tryout and probationary period. Even before that William Regal wanted a year of good behavior on the indies and for him to stop smoking weed to rehab his image.

Vince and Johnny Ace were finally outed and ousted as "Me Too" level sex pests six months ago. The remaining WWE upper management is cancelable if the general public, real media and shareholders cared and it is on WWE Network in terms of slurs, black face etc.

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I like that HHH is trying again with acts like Kross or Eric Young. So many folks got kneecapped by Vince, they never even had a chance. Like Kross, I don't care about him, I hate the character, but this isn't putting him in a gimp suit. If he fails now, it won't be for lack of trying. He's already an upper mid card guy. That's not a bad place to float around.

Thats also related to the only thing I really like with the current Bray Wyatt shit. He came back, it was huge and people still love him...but his first feud is LA Knight. Which helps Knight get over after his HHH reboot.

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I would not be surprised if Eric Young ended up working as an agent. He's pretty banged up. He had a really good last stint in IMPACT, I enjoyed him a lot there. His match with Josh Alexander at Slammiversary was awesome. Good for him I guess.

The thing with Levesque bringing freaking everybody back, is that at one point, in an already overloaded roster, not even counting all the new NXT people coming up, you'll end up in the same exact situation as before, as there is even less potential top spot in WWE as there is in AEW. Will people be used better in term of what their strenghts are ? Possibly maybe. Then again, he's giving chances to guys like Kross & Knight, who are not exactly world beaters and are also of a specific body type. I wonder if he'll get ECIII back too, who always seemed to be built for WWE. If he wanted to correct Vince's wrongdoings, he should also sign Taya & Johnny Insertyourname back. 

Has Emma done anything since she came back ?

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3 hours ago, El-P said:

Then again, he's giving chances to guys like Kross & Knight, who are not exactly world beaters

Although I think the name LA Knight is ridiculous, for the first time in years I think the stars are aligning for this guy and he’s finally going to break through. He’s a solid worker and he’s got the proverbial “it factor” that you can’t teach. He is a natural on the microphone and he connects with the audience. I know some people like to slag him off as a hybrid wannabe Stone Cold/Rock type…but he is still head and shoulders above most of the WWE roster when it comes to charisma. He is one of the reasons I have finally started paying attention to WWE again.

When it comes to Kross? Yeah…not so much. He had a great look, and that was about it. When you are a bald muscled up guy, it’s probably not a great idea to grow your hair out and work for a company that tests for steroids, let’s put it that way. Especially when you have nothing else to bring to the table. 

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I always enjoyed E-li- Drake in IMPACT, for the time I saw in there, but I never saw him as a main event kinda guy, especially in a bigger league. Good for him though. The guy is 40 years old, so I guess now or never.

53 minutes ago, The Thread Killer said:

He had a great look, and that was about it. When you are a bald muscled up guy, it’s probably not a great idea to grow your hair out and work for a company that tests for steroids, let’s put it that way.

It's crazy how growing his hair back makes him look that much less menacing. I heard he's a really nice, very friendly guy IRL, and with the hair he actually looks too much like it !

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On 12/3/2022 at 7:57 AM, El-P said:

The thing with Levesque bringing freaking everybody back, is that at one point, in an already overloaded roster, not even counting all the new NXT people coming up, you'll end up in the same exact situation as before, as there is even less potential top spot in WWE as there is in AEW. Will people be used better in term of what their strenghts are ? Possibly maybe. Then again, he's giving chances to guys like Kross & Knight, who are not exactly world beaters and are also of a specific body type. I wonder if he'll get ECIII back too, who always seemed to be built for WWE. If he wanted to correct Vince's wrongdoings, he should also sign Taya & Johnny Insertyourname back. 

Well, maybe they could let contracts lapse on some of the guys that have been there forever. Do we all really still need Dolph Ziggler? Not to even pick on him specifically - but there's plenty of guys who aren't going to generate any real value for the company and I'd rather they be trying with new guys. (Also, they have a shit ton of money, so if they pay out a Ziggler type's contract and just use him on house shows, that's a win for everyone.)

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On 12/3/2022 at 2:37 PM, El-P said:

The guy is 40 years old, so I guess now or never.

When folks like Lashley, AJ and Balor are all older than him, I think it serves as another argument that the stars have alligned for that man. Age isn't that big of a factor anymore - you don't need to be in your late 20s/early 30s to hit your prime or be massively over. 

I don't think he'll necessarily be a WWE Champ or something like that, but he does seem to be like a guy to suddenly catch fire and be super fucking over, have a main event run etc. Plus him being able to talk so well will net him other roles, within and outside the industry.

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TV age is more important than chronological age, and Drake is a blank slate for most of the audience since hardly anyone saw him in Impact and the NWA. Dolph Ziggler is only a couple of years older than him, but it's hard to imagine him progressing beyond where he is now since he's been around seemingly forever without any kind of break.

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1 minute ago, Ricky Jackson said:

I'm picturing HHH in a dark office getting off the phone with Vince, who just told him he was coming back, immediately making a call and simply saying "release more allegations" and then hanging up

And then "It's all about the Game and how you play it" as the episode credits roll. 

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Vince still holds the majority of voting stock, so there really isn't anything they can do to prevent him from returning. Maybe he's tired of hearing about how much better the product is without him and wants to come back so he can inject WWE with a lethal dose of poison. Or maybe he just really hates Regal and wants to fire him again. 

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2 hours ago, NintendoLogic said:

Vince still holds the majority of voting stock, so there really isn't anything they can do to prevent him from returning. Maybe he's tired of hearing about how much better the product is without him and wants to come back so he can inject WWE with a lethal dose of poison. Or maybe he just really hates Regal and wants to fire him again. 

At this point I can picture even the Vince faction of the board (Linda and Steph) voting against his return, lol.

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2 hours ago, sek69 said:

It would be horrible from a stock price point of view to hand the company back to someone who has pending lawsuits.

But from a legal standpoint, when he retired, did he relinquish any kind of power? I assume he would have to be voted in back by the Board of Directors, first and foremost, right?

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