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20 minutes ago, The Thread Killer said:

I was literally just reading online that the whole reason Mandy Rose got sent back to NXT was because they had invested a significant amount of money into her contract, but she was not improving at the rate they thought she should and there was some question regarding her overall potential and viability as a long-term member of the roster. I don’t know how reliable the sources are, but apparently there was some question about her interest in improving or her willingness to learn. I guess the transfer back to NXT was looked upon as a last chance for her to get her shit together.

Then she supposedly refused to get vaccinated so some people are saying this OnlyFans deal was pretty much the straw that broke the camel’s back. But who knows how much truth there is to that, we will have to wait to see if more reliable news sources pick it up.

There was another big reason that probably won't be nor should be shared publicly about Mandy got demoted to NXT with no sign of a main roster return. 

This has been massively overthought and over politised on social media today. To me it is largely after a 10 year run it is just time for her to leave the territory. NXT is currently promo-ing the return of a 9 year younger version of her in Tiffany Stratton. 

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22 minutes ago, The Thread Killer said:

The problem is if people like Mandy Rose were actual legal employees then they would have even more restrictions placed on them by the company, not less.

Yes but also, a lot more benefits. 

22 minutes ago, The Thread Killer said:

I just don’t see any possible scenario where you can get away with working for a publicly traded company that has advertisers and network TV contracts, and still get away with producing adult content on the side. All corporations are far too risk and liability adverse for that to ever work.

The question is : would she have done it if she was an employee ? (and also not underpaid considering what WWE makes; Meltz mentioned it the other day, even with what Sasha asked WWE, which was a lot more than what they were willing to give her, she would be underpaid, like everyone is basically)

As it is, I can't see it as anything but incredibly petty bullshit and shady business.

29 minutes ago, The Thread Killer said:

I was literally just reading online that the whole reason Mandy Rose got sent back to NXT was because they had invested a significant amount of money into her contract, but she was not improving at the rate they thought she should and there was some question regarding her overall potential and viability as a long-term member of the roster.

Considering they built the entire NXT 2.0 around her when it started, and then kept on pushing her like she was the biggest star this side of Bron Breakker, who's basically still a rookie, they must not have been *that* down on her. Toxic Attraction was basically the top act of the show at least for the entire first period. At this point she seemed to have a bigger profile in the company than most female save for the top ones on the main roster.

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5 minutes ago, rovert said:

There was another big reason that probably won't be nor should be shared publicly about Mandy got demoted to NXT with no sign of a main roster return. 

.....and in WWE when a female talent is involved that almost always means there was some kind of romantic entanglement with someone higher on the card. 

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13 minutes ago, rovert said:

NXT is currently promo-ing the return of a 9 year younger version of her in Tiffany Stratton. 

This kinda doesn't do Tiffany justice. She fucking RULES.

5 minutes ago, sek69 said:

.....and in WWE when a female talent is involved that almost always means there was some kind of romantic entanglement with someone higher on the card. 

Possibly extramarital? Is she the only one being punished? Is the other person too big to be punished as well?

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17 minutes ago, rovert said:

There was another big reason that probably won't be nor should be shared publicly about Mandy got demoted to NXT with no sign of a main roster return.

She was driving the White Hummer. I can’t say more about it here…but if you call my hotline I can give you all the details. Kids, get your parents permission.

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26 minutes ago, KawadaSmile said:

This kinda doesn't do Tiffany justice. She fucking RULES.

She's great. Really well liked at the PC. Unbelievable. 

Anyways I believe I posted on here in October that "Toxic Attraction" will end up being Jacy and Cora on the main roster. And now Mandy is gone more eyes will be on Gigi and her being totally checked out. 

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11 minutes ago, rovert said:

She's great. Really well liked at the PC. Unbelievable. 

Anyways I believe I posted on here in October that "Toxic Attraction" will end up being Jacy and Cora on the main roster. And now Mandy is gone more eyes will be on Gigi and her being totally checked out. 

it would have shocked me to hear Gigi ending up getting Dennis Condrey'd out of the team, but she looked not-in-WWE shape last night which usually is the kiss of death for women there. 

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The latest Observer says Mandy was able to have her cake and eat it too as she was making main roster money in NXT without the main roster's restrictions on outside activities. Also, Lord Tensai was the one who stooged her out, so she lost her job due to T&A in more ways than one.

As for Sasha, the Observer says her release was negotiated over the summer and she'll be free to wrestle at the beginning of 2023. The speculation is that she'll issue a challenge to the winner of the KAIRI/Nakano match at the Tokyo Dome. She was in talks to return after the regime change, but the two sides were far apart on money. She wanted Charlotte/Becky money and they didn't offer her anything close to that because they thought she had peaked as a star and wasn't someone who could be on top for the next five years. Just another example of how Vince resigning is far from a panacea for the company's issues.

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24 minutes ago, strobogo said:

I find it hard to believe that Charlotte is a bigger "star" than Sasha inside WWE or out. 

She is objectively not as good a ratings draw as Sasha, as evidenced by years of quarters of both Raw and Smackdown. Why both Vince and Hunter always preferred her to Sasha, only they would know. I am just happy that Becky got so undeniably over that they had to let her surpass Charlotte in the pecking order. Even then, they fought so hard to treat her as a heel when she first started on her hot run. 

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1 hour ago, SirEdger said:

I mean, could Triple H's personal relationship to Ric Flair have influenced his bias towards Charlotte? I remember years ago when she was in NXT, Sasha was touted as NXT's top prospect for many people, in front of Charlotte.

Thing is, she absolutely was treated like a top star by a lot of fans, but I don't think WWE ever treated her that way. Her reign was essentially a glorified transitional reign between Charlotte's reign and Bayley's big coronation. So as we can see, even at that point in time, she was treated like an excellent hand that could be used to put others over. Like a Daniel Bryan, except she clearly has a lot more personal ambition than Bryan, and justifiably so. 

It is funny and ironic though that Becky was treated like the least of the 4 Horsewomen - she was the only Takeover defence Sasha had during her NXT title reign - and she ended up surpassing them all. 

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I wouldn't say they don't see Sasha as a star - it's that the positives of Sasha don't ourweigh what they see as her negatives, when their other top stars don't have the same negatives. I mean, you could argue that almost every woman on the roster has gotten the same run of shitty booking that Sasha has gotten and they haven't reacted the same way. 

She may be even right, but if everybody else  is a team player, you'll be seen as a malcontent. 

Plus, for most of the past few years, whether it's been actual injuries, getting upset at booking, or other more mysterious stuff, she's almost been as gone as much a she's been on TV. 

Also, to be blunt, Sasha should've known better, politically, than to put over who the WWE likely sees as her replacement in a main event match at 'Mania. 

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When they all got called up in summer 2015 it felt like Becky was third on the depth chart behind Charlotte and Sasha. She basically just put people over and almost all her promos were comedic or cutesy. Iirc Sasha didn't get much promo time but didn't lose that much and had the hot potato title run with Charlotte in 2016.

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1 hour ago, Strummer said:

When they all got called up in summer 2015 it felt like Becky was third on the depth chart behind Charlotte and Sasha. She basically just put people over and almost all her promos were comedic or cutesy. Iirc Sasha didn't get much promo time but didn't lose that much and had the hot potato title run with Charlotte in 2016.

I'd have to go deep into the DMs for the truth. But from what I remember Becky was always going to be called up just via the virtue of being Charlotte's travel partner/wheel person. But yeah by status she was the clear fourth of the four. Bayley was held back as Triple H needed *someone*. But all four were pitched from just Charlotte (and Becky) to the full four. There was a lot of back and forth. 

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