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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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The last couple of paragraphs may be the dagger in wrestlers' arguments. With many going out to parties, that shows they aren't worried about COVID. Not to mention lying about it on questionnaires while posting pics on social media. That's just dumb and gives WWE the ammo they need to shaft all of them. The company didn't put them at risk, their fellow wrestlers who lied did.

Fans brought into the PC without full knowledge of the situation may have something, as do the backstage crew who are unionized. But wrestlers may be out of luck. Again.

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24 minutes ago, sek69 said:

Those waivers won't protect WWE from criminal negligence if they are shown to have carelessly put people at risk.

Nothing is gonna happen, as by that logic you would have to prosecute a dozen or so US governors (not to speak of the orange guy). I mean, yeah, technically they would be guilty, but which prosecutor would ever go after them?

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Re-testing people with positive COVID results because they “don’t like” that result is beyond insane to me. I think that’s the biggest sign, amongst so many others, that this company has managed to cut itself off from reality in a legitimately damaging way. This is a good example of, despite craving that mainstream attention, them being so much better off on the fringe sectors of popularity because if this was anything else, they’d be getting slaughtered.

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It's the whole "re-do that match !" Savage vs Flair spot.

Also, being pissed at Renee because she DARED to take a test on her own (fuck me, are you trying to take care of your health ?!) is yet another validation of how awful these people are. I mean, the shitlist is getting so ridiculously long now.

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The section on the COVID outbreak in the latest Observer reads like the opening chapter of an apocalyptic novel. Not only has WWE not said a thing privately or publicly, none of the higher-ups ever contacted Renee to see how she was doing. This company's indifference to both public health and the well-being of its workers is truly sociopathic.

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I'd say Renee should have jumped to ESPN when they were after her, but they don't necessarily treat their employees much better than WWE in many cases

We all thought them going forward with WM and tapings was insane.  I thought Florida and Texas etc., Trump, Republicans were all insane the last several months.  Now that they've actually opened back up in Florida basically full scale.....I mean, none of this is surprising to me, the spikes.  But with WWE......they haven't even been testing until now.  I could go on such a F'n rant about this but everyone here would just echo what I say about this so it's a waste of keystrokes

I live in Western Ma where we had initial spikes in March, partly due to bordering NY and CT and the travel and residences etc, but we've actually got it under control and haven't seen the recent spikes that some of the eastern parts of the state have seen.  I'll admit to loosening up a bit more personally the last several weeks, but I'm still hyper vigilant and not even close to where a lot of people have been mentally for months in other parts of the country.  Still haven't stepped foot in a bar or restaurant or anything like that, don't see myself doing it anytime soon.  Sadly it's going to take reality slapping people in the face and even more people dying for some people to finally take this seriously.  Some probably never will.  Donald Trump hasn't.  Vince McMahon clearly hasn't.

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On 6/26/2020 at 8:04 AM, Alex said:

Holy sh*t at these Florida numbers


All I can say to this is I count my blessings that I live in BC - as does @Ricky Jackson - where our government basically told the NHL to take a hike when they wanted to soften some of our stringent public health measures so that we could have the privilege of hosting their ridiculous made-for-TV play-in tournament games. It's yet another reason our ranking public health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, has been nominated for Canada's highest civilian honour and had a profile in the NYT. And my mother and sister would tell you she has excellent taste in shoes and is getting her own tribute shoe made for charity by the designer.

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I work overnight security at a county park in Indiana. The fact the parks even reopened blew my mind. Then I saw that people were still actually coming out & camping, pandemic be damned. I have NEVER seen a single camper or coworker wearing a mask. Despite the fact that I was told that we must have a mask on when interacting with campers or going into any bathroom/shower house or face immediate termination. 

It really does feel like, at least in red states, no one gives a fuck. I wear a mask but if no one else is, I feel it kind of defeats the purpose of keeping ME safe.

The guy that worked the shift before me had to self quarantine because he said his wife had CoVid. Then my bosses were looking into getting confirmation of her positive but there weren't any sort of medical records filed. So they think maybe the guy lied to just get out of working? I don't know but he got fired & I'm still going to work every night until 3 A.M. thinking "great."

It's bad enough we get all the meth heads & homeless degenerates but now we might have CoronaVirus Homeless Methheads. It's like the ultimate video game villain. 

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I really feel like I live in bizarro world,  PA has done a pretty good job keeping things under control (except for the Philly area due to being close to NJ/NYC), yet I see people on my Facebook posting memes about how our Governor is a dictator because he didn't do a full 100% reopening the second that the tiny weenie militia types started crying about not able to get haircuts.

Props to Renee and Mox for getting their stories out too, she clearly has run out of fucks to give and has no reason to fear WWE since she could line up a job either in or out of wrestling within 30 seconds if Vince said boo to her.

Also  IMO the most disturbing part of the Observer story is the level of detail in how WWE has put more effort into rearranging flights to skirt around state mandated travel restrictions than they have taking care of their employees/contractors. 

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10 hours ago, sek69 said:
Jesus Christ, this company. 

Our leader our chairman our CEO... "Join the Dark Order..."

He's lying his ass off with "we're testing everybody" too. I won't even go to the "frontline workers" line.

Can't decipher if Charlotte's nods were her being kinda awkward about the load of bullshit or if she's a total WWE Bot at this point.

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