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"He's ambitiously stupid" - Why Scott Keith's new book is scary bad


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Butterfly suplex, but Lita hammers away with the worst punches in wrestling. I don’t get the point of the chicks pulling punches - the phrase "hit like a girl" didn’t exactly come about by accident, you know.

Yeah, it's not like a shoot punch from, say, Lioness Asuka or Aja Kong would ever run the risk of hurting someone. C'mon, take it, bitch!

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Where to begin ...


My writing style has gone through many permutations over the years, and my style of recapping has also changed with it. Currently I do "live" play-by-play in Word while I’m watching the show and I have a little stopwatch program that runs at the same time. That approach assumes that you’re a fast typist and can form your thoughts on the fly. This approach often means that I have to miss a few moves while I’m making jokes about Kronik’s hair or checking Wikipedia for information about a jobber on an MSG show, but this the fastest and easiest for me.


What I used to do is the approach you describe, where I’d take notes in my trusty pile of notepads and then transcribe it to the computer afterwards. The advantage here is that you don’t have to think as fast and can add jokes and notes wherever you want, but of course it takes longer that way.


I don’t know if the play by play is even important — Meltzer and Alvarez don’t do it, and I enjoy reading their stuff as well. I do it becuase it’s a convenient thing for me to hang commentary off of and because that’s how I’ve always done it and people seem to like it. My recommendation is to just try stuff and see what works for YOU. If you don’t like doing play-by-play, don’t do it.

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Currently I do "live" play-by-play in Word while I’m watching the show and I have a little stopwatch program that runs at the same time. That approach assumes that you’re a fast typist and can form your thoughts on the fly. This approach often means that I have to miss a few moves while I’m making jokes about Kronik’s hair or checking Wikipedia for information about a jobber on an MSG show, but this the fastest and easiest for me.

This is the part I was referring to. What makes what he is writing have any value if he readily admits that he is missing possibly important parts of a match? And why the emphasis on making sure he gets his jokes in?

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Currently I do "live" play-by-play in Word while I’m watching the show and I have a little stopwatch program that runs at the same time. That approach assumes that you’re a fast typist and can form your thoughts on the fly. This approach often means that I have to miss a few moves while I’m making jokes about Kronik’s hair or checking Wikipedia for information about a jobber on an MSG show, but this the fastest and easiest for me.

This is the part I was referring to. What makes what he is writing have any value if he readily admits that he is missing possibly important parts of a match? And why the emphasis on making sure he gets his jokes in?


Because where would we be without the brisk witticisms of Scott Keith?


But yeah, that's true. I did some live play-by-play style pieces for Segunda Caida once. Personally, I found it to be unsatisfying as both a wrestling viewer and a wrestling reviewer, and I never returned to the style. In fairness I'm not a fast typist, and I like to be able to puzzle out my thoughts for a while sometimes to find the best wording for them. But still, you need to have really good jokes about Kronik's hair to justify this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Scoots gets called on his flippy flop regarding Taker:


Hey Scott, question, I was reading some old Smarkdown rants of yours from 02′ and realized you didnt care much for the undertaker in that time period, being thats hes been on a awesome run the past few years, what was your beef with him then? this is a direct quote from the end of a Benoit/Angle/Taker main event for the 1# contendership for Brocks title which taker won of course, "Wow, laying around on the mat while other guys do the work, no-selling finishers, and then getting to go over clean with your finisher. He’s a HOSS, I tells ya. Benoit & Angle rule, Undertaker, as always, can kiss my ass while he tanks ratings again. But see, he’s big, and everyone else is small, so obviously he’s who we want to see. Over and over and OVER again"


Scooty Poot sez:


I didn’t care much for Undertaker for quite a while, in fact. It’s really only since the Kurt Angle feud and his flirtations with MMA-style offense that he’s gotten really good. And it’s quite late in his career, oddly enough. And my beef was pretty simple – he had generally lousy matches but kept getting pushed to the top despite never drawing there. Even now it’s not like he’s a guaranteed four star match or anything – the feud with Big Show still produced mainly stinkers. But he brings it when it counts, so huzzah.


Of course as usual he no-sells two big points...


A. Taker's matches really haven't changed that much other than him adding some (as WWE calls it) "MMA style strikes", which is something Keith generally hates in a pro wres environment.


B. When Taker started doing the MMA stuff, he'd regularly mock him for it in his show reviews. Now suddenly it's the reason for his 180 on the guy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"[undertaker] kept getting pushed to the top despite never drawing there"


When wrestling was trendy in the mid 90s in Germany they had him on the highest rated show over here (~20 million viewers in a country of 80 million). Most people knew the Undertaker over here. Quite possible more than Hogan. And believe me, Vince didn't have the power nor the money to get him onto that show, especially in a country where wrestling was always looked down on like strip clubs.

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(~20 million viewers in a country of 80 million)

I wouldn't bet money on that but this number seems to be off by a factor of ten.

Edit: Ah, after reading the sentence twice I realized that you were not claiming that wrestling had these 20 million viewers. What show are you talking about? "Wetten dass"?

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I just looked over John's WCW list, and while I would probably rank them differently, I have seen all of those matches in the last couple of years and they are all still worth seeking out. The list would probably be completely different now with the sheer amount of TV out there but it would be interesting to check out.


As for SK's list.... I wonder if he has ever actually seen the Liger-Pillman handheld match.

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I guess the whole book writing thing didn't work out for Scoots after all:



I’m in the process of possibly ghostwriting a “behind the curtain” type of book for a guy who used to be in the business, but if I do another book on my own it’ll likely be an online-only or self-published Book of Lists so that I don’t have to deal with long publishing times or a host of other annoyances that come with the print media.



The mind boggles thinking about how bad someone has to be a writing that they get SK to ghost write for you.

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Guest LShunter

Comment by rytjslan

2009-05-04 17:46:39


I totally agree that if SK started doing Raw recaps/all the PPV recaps he would be quickly regain his spot as the definetive rspw guy.


However why not let a new generation of rspw guys do that for the new fans who love this shit they crap out every week. Scott sort of represents an era of wrestling (definietly its golden age) that is dead and buried and won’t come back until the WWE gets competition or Vince dies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder how he will respond to Meltzer's jab in the latest WON?

Apparently with this:


2009-05-13 21:22:06

Yeah, very classy on Dave’s part, especially since I’ve been paying $10 a month for his site ever since it launched. But hey, any press is good press…

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I like how his best comeback is how he doesn't deserve to be put down because he's been subscribing to his site for a year (as if Dave realizes that). If Dave couldn't put down any of his subscribers, he'd be left with very few people he could put down, as his newsletter is so widely read in the industry.

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