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You walk into a bar tonight and ask who has better fights, UFC or Strikeforce, and the answer will be, "What are you doing talking about Rick Martel from 20 years ago in an MMA discussion?"

I know it's a joke, but Dave thinking anyone in contemporary North America has a better idea of who Rick Martel is than what Strikeforce is shows exactly how clueless he is about MMA. Their last card just set a viewership record, yet Dave (or whoever is in his ear) is determined to write them off as not even the same sport.


I loved Johnny's inference that everything is pro wrestling, but only UFC can be MMA.

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You walk into a bar tonight and ask who has better fights, UFC or Strikeforce, and the answer will be, "What are you doing talking about Rick Martel from 20 years ago in an MMA discussion?"

I know it's a joke, but Dave thinking anyone in contemporary North America has a better idea of who Rick Martel is than what Strikeforce is shows exactly how clueless he is about MMA. Their last card just set a viewership record, yet Dave (or whoever is in his ear) is determined to write them off as not even the same sport.

You know, I'm a wrestling geek and it took me awhile to figure out that joke. :)

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Actually, he often makes the point that "MMA isn't hot. UFC is."

Which is equally ridiculous. Sure UFC's a global juggernaut but to suggest the rest of the sport isn't benefiting as well is selective memory on Dav's part of haw far underground the sport used to be.


I think Dave just doesn't understand sports.

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The WON hasn't slipped. Dave Meltzer has slipped.

In a way, it's sad reading those 1993 WONs that are posted on the Observer website, because they really are insanely better than the current version. Because he had only 12 pages to discuss the news of WWF, WCW, NJPW, AJPW, Mexico, USWA, SMW, and everything else, plus throw in an occasional Reader's Pages, the writing is so much crisper and edited better than the meandering mess that is the current WON, where he really only talks about WWE, TNA, and UFC in depth. What does it say that I care more about reading news from 17 years ago than I do about reading today's news? He really should drop the TV recaps for WWE and TNA, restrict himself to about 12 "pages," and focus on sharper, more concise writing, as I think that would make today's WON so much better.
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OMG did Dave and Bryan really think that Herschel Walker got a great reaction at RAW in Dallas because of his MMA stuff. A dude that was a RB for the Cowboys and when traded to the Vikings led to a Dallas dynasty. MMA bubble


The funny thing was I read that line and literally was like "wait...what?" and had to re-read it.


I don't know if it's better or worse that it seems that Dave's MMA bubble is more or less his pro wres bubble only with more mentions of rounds and less mentions of roids.

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Totally nothing to get worked up about but, WTF?

There was a story in the Hollywood Reporter regarding the proposed movie, “Barricade,” said to be the first movie from WWE Studios that will not feature a wrestler in a major role. The film will star Erin McCormack (“Where the Wild Things Are”) and Rachel Leigh Cook (“She’s All That” but better known to WWE fans for being in one of the “This is your brain on drugs” TV commercials that used to always play during wrestling).

She became all that, while quality thespians like this:


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fell to Hollywood's wayside.

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Wait, does Dave think those commercials only aired during wrestling shows?

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one and assuming he meant that the PSA frequently played - amongst other places - during wrestling shows.


LIke Skittles and video game ads in general.


What is it with Skittles ads on wrestling shows, anyway?

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Rachel Leigh Cook (“She’s All That” but better known to WWE fans for being in one of the “This is your brain on drugs” TV commercials that used to always play during wrestling).

By "best known to WWE fans" does he really mean "best known to aspie wrestling fans who follow wrestling and MMA and zero other sports or pop culture things"? Because She's All That was a pretty major release and there was a period in the late 90's when Rachael Leigh Cook, while not a famous or bankable movie star, was at least pretty well known.

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She's hardly a household name, though. That hilarious old drug PSA is almost certainly where most people would remember her from. The vast majority of her career has been spent in obscure little indy films; you can count the number of big budget Hollywood movies she's starred in on one hand. As big of a movie nerd as I am, I've only seen a grand total of two movies featuring her.

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