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So it looks like they can't show Main Event since the deal for the UK WWE Network gives Sky exclusive rights, so either they have to work something out or create an entirely separate network just for the UK. Just when you think they can't bungle this any more.


These guys have a noted history of bungling super simple things so I'm not terribly surprised...

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Am I crazy for thinking the best thing they could do with Rollins right now - and by extension, Reigns and Ambrose - is to run an angle where it's revealed the Shield breakup was just a ruse to infiltrate the Authority, leading to them reuniting? I know it wouldn't make any sense given what's happened since the breakup, but you know what? Most of that stuff, including the breakup, didn't make any sense either. At least this would not make sense and lead to something cool that people would actually want to see.

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One thing which is a little odd to me is how deeply they've had the on screen characters of Steph and Triple H get behind Rollins, who is not the sort of guy the WWE would traditionally get behind. He's not physically Randy Orton or John Cena or Batista or Austin or Rocky or Angle. He has that indy background. Not only have they gotten behind him but they've given a lot of in-story reasons for them to get behind him. It's sort of warranted. Yes, he's been presented as highly vulnerable but he's also had more of a hand in the big plans than, let's say, Corporate Rock. They more or less present him as the heir to the Cerebral Assassin title, which is no small thing in corporate WWE's mind, I'm sure.

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For what it's worth, the talk at the time of the breakup was that they were already looking ahead to sometime around the end of this year to reunite the group where it would be a big deal.


Which kind of defeats the purpose of having them break up in the first place, right? I mean, these guys could have been with another guy in the group been a Four Horsemen-like group. They got the rub from Flair over Evolution earlier in the year. It just amazes me the complete and total lack of long-term booking thought that goes on in this company which isn't NXT...

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Yeah, I don't think they understood that they could keep the group together while still pushing them as singles stars. Circumstances would almost definitely present themselves a year or even two years down the line where it would make sense to have them face each other, but it would mean way more at that point. As it stands, Rollins didn't gain much from the Ambrose feud, and Ambrose lost a lot. And Reigns, while being pushed harder, was more over a year ago.

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One thing which is a little odd to me is how deeply they've had the on screen characters of Steph and Triple H get behind Rollins, who is not the sort of guy the WWE would traditionally get behind. He's not physically Randy Orton or John Cena or Batista or Austin or Rocky or Angle. He has that indy background. Not only have they gotten behind him but they've given a lot of in-story reasons for them to get behind him. It's sort of warranted. Yes, he's been presented as highly vulnerable but he's also had more of a hand in the big plans than, let's say, Corporate Rock. They more or less present him as the heir to the Cerebral Assassin title, which is no small thing in corporate WWE's mind, I'm sure.


this is true. I can't think of any other heel in recent memory that has been put over this strongly. Steph looks like she can't keep her hands off him and Hunter is the Denny LaChance to his Gordy LaChance (minus Denny dying in a jeep accident). That brief period where Hunter and Steph was goen he sure looked to be getting over pretty well as top heel now he's back behind them

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Am I crazy for thinking the best thing they could do with Rollins right now - and by extension, Reigns and Ambrose - is to run an angle where it's revealed the Shield breakup was just a ruse to infiltrate the Authority, leading to them reuniting? I know it wouldn't make any sense given what's happened since the breakup, but you know what? Most of that stuff, including the breakup, didn't make any sense either. At least this would not make sense and lead to something cool that people would actually want to see.


One last thing that bothers me about the Rollins push: him being the "architect" of The Shield doesn't make any sense. Not just because Ambrose was the group's talker and singles guy, but because he had been kayfabe banned from FCW and NXT after the second Regal match. If someone's going to assemble a group to wreak havoc on the WWE roster and go to an "outsider" in Heyman for work, it'd be him.

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I like The Miz because he seems like someone people genuinely want to hate. There's not a lot of that in pro-wrestling anymore. When Alex Riley turned on the Miz, Riley was super over as a babyface. When Sandow finally does the same, he'll be even bigger than that (and hopefully not squander the opportunity).


Should Miz have been in the title match main event of a Wrestlemania? No, probably not...but I remember dumping on WWE all the time for doing the same thing over and over. At least Miz was something different that they tried.

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So now the rumor mill is suggesting that a Roman Reigns heel turn is in the works, in hopes that like The Rock, he gets over as a heel and is then able to become a mega babyface.


Whether or not this is true, who knows, but if Lesnar is leaving, and it is true......Reigns as Heyman's new beast could make for some fun times.

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So now the rumor mill is suggesting that a Roman Reigns heel turn is in the works, in hopes that like The Rock, he gets over as a heel and is then able to become a mega babyface.


Whether or not this is true, who knows, but if Lesnar is leaving, and it is true......Reigns as Heyman's new beast could make for some fun times.


That's an infinitely better plan for him that I personally think will get over far better than beating Brock at Wrestlemania, even though guys tend to stall out when paired with Heyman.

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Who does he cash in on? If its Bryan that will get him nuclear heat


That's too meta. The heat would to on the company and not Rollins. It will be yet another 'See how WWE fucks everything up!" and not "Gee! That Rollins guy is a good-for-nothing bastard. I hope Bryan gives him what's coming to him!".



I think most people would be exited to see a long Bryan/Rollins program. Don't think there would be a lot of "fuck WWE" heat if Seth cashed in on DB.

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I can't understand the people who want Rollins to cash in after the WM main at all.


That would produce some nuclear heat but not in the way WWE would want. They have conditioned most of the fans to believe that WM is the culmination of things and generally follows a send the fans home happy booking strategy. To me having Rollins cash in at WM and take the belt would be akin to a "Finger-Poke-Of-Doom" moment.


The other thing as well is the best opportunity for him to cash in would be at the Rumble. If it was me booking - and just me alone - I'd have Cena knock Lesnar out of the ring, Rollins eat a weak pin so Cena gets the belt, have Brock realize he got fucked and go King Kong Apeshit on Cena afterwards, then have Seth cash in to win the strap after Cena is basically dead, and go on to RAW the next night to explain he intentionally took the pin because he figured Brock would do all the dirty work for him.



The only way I see it happening that way is as a last resort. If Rollins stalls out, him winning the belt at WM becomes the best heel tactic he could do.


Again, I get the intent of generating nuclear style heat but I honestly believe that would backfire so badly on WWE as a whole like the Rey Jr nuke that went off last year at the Rumble.

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