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The Roman Reigns push


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It was in the WON this week that they are starting a slow transition to Cena as 1-A and that Roman Reigns is about to become the #1 guy. No one knows until these things play out, but my gut tells me Cena still has some huge years in him, even though the fan backlash against him is at an all-time high right now. That said, he's also getting older and his body is breaking down, so prepping someone else to eventually take over that spot is a good idea.


Reigns still hasn't been tested in a long singles match, so I think grooming him for that spot seems premature. He's going to need an assembly line of strong heels that WWE doesn't seem to have at the moment. I'm also not sure he can move merchandise like Cena unless they tweak quite a few things about him. He's definitely a guy that can hit his spots and look great when he's set up to look great, but he hasn't been put in too many situations where he's had to do more than that.


What does everyone else think? Is Roman Reigns ready to replace John Cena as the guy WWE builds around?

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I think the big question is whether he makes it to Mania without getting turned on by the hardcore fans that can make so much noise at shows. I'm already seeing seeds of it, with people saying Ambrose is the most talented guy in the Shield and should be getting the #1 face push, or people saying that Reigns is going to take Bryan's spot. It's going to be very interesting to see how he's treated in places like Chicago and NYC while being pushed as the #1 guy. If they overplay their hand, I could see him being the Batista to Ambrose's Daniel Bryan.


The best way to avoid this is to have genuinely really good singles matches, and to win people over on the mic like Bray did. If people see him as a bad worker who's protected on the mic, it could be rough. His match against Orton at SummerSlam will be a big indication of where he is, because that's one of the most hardcore crowds they get all year and they could treat it like Orton-Sheamus if they don't like it.

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I'd be pretty surprised if Cena's 1A is anything less than 2014 Tanahashi. He may not carry the world title but fully expect him to be the ace of the company for quite a while. As long as he's moving merchandise at a clip many multiples above the next batch of guys I would not expect to see him phased down. Its great that they're looking to elevate Reigns to that level and plan for it, whether it means penciling in a title win over Brock at Mania or otherwise sketching a long term path to get there. But until he's been asked to stand on his own in longer singles matches and promos it won't be clear what just what kind of potential he has.


It'll be fun to see how he develops and grows into that kind of role but unless someone takes off like a Cena, much less Rock or Austin, its probably too soon to relegate Cena to the in-house legends role.

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They can push Reigns all they want, have him beat the very best, hell, he can main event WrestleMania 31...


But I predict he'll end up the "Batista" to Ambrose's "Cena."


At WrestleMania 21, Batista wrestled in the main event. Batista beat the more established World Champion. Batista won the Rumble. I think its safe to say that while they viewed Cena as a huge star for the future, Batista got just a tad more spotlight in the years leading up to their first World title wins.


But the fans, as much as they cheered the Animal, didn't want to BE the Animal. They didn't want to have a beer with the Animal. They didn't say "Hey, the Animal is just like me." They looked at the cocky rapper guy in the street clothes and Nikes and did want and say those things.


That's the difference between Ambrose and everyone else right now. Ambrose is intensely cool. He's the guy that takes no shit and, though he may get his head stomped in every night, he's still cool - he's still not going to quit - he's still "unbeatable."


Roman Reigns has a better physique, the granite jaw, probably gets along well with management and is an all-around good person who can charm any woman he wants with just a smile...but how many wrestling fans view themselves that way? How many wrestling fans view their friends that way? Compare that to the dangerous cool and "outsiderness" of Ambrose, the redneck-by-way-of-Cincinasty attitude and the WWE would have to be blind not to see who has breakout potential and who is just going to end up the next Batista/Orton/"guy who fights the guy who makes money."

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I haven't seen anything from Reigns yet that makes me think he can handle a singles push of this magnitude. All I've seen so far is that he can hold up his end in tags as the clean-up guy, he can deliver the big power spots, and he makes the ladies swoon (which in the wacky world of pro wrestling could actually be a negative with certain segments of the fan base). None of this translates yet in being able to be a consistent singles guy, let alone the top singles guy. If this doesn't work out it could potentially be very damaging to Reigns' career.

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No way do I see Reigns being more over than Ambrose. Ambrose literally has it all, women love him, smarks love him, 'casual fans' love him, he can go in the ring, has charisma, is unique, cuts a great promo. There's nothing Reigns has over Ambrose, not even look if you ask me. Maybe a better hairline. I'm seeing a bit of push back against the Reigns push on more "IWC-consensus" places but I think that has a lot to do with standard hardcore fan annoyance in seeing the non-indie darling pushed "over" the indie darlings.


And although I loved Reigns in 2013 and thought he was the best worker of the Shield overall, with them getting more singles matches and even more individualized matches in their trios this year he's lagged behind. He still has a great moveset and hits his stuff wonderfully but he's yet to prove he can pull his weight in a great singles WWE style main event. I assume he can, or will be able to with training and good lay-outs, but who knows. His promos are competent, he gets some good personality in, but don't blow me away. He needs to grow into his role still, I don't get the sense that he's confident as a top guy. Ambrose on the other had has all the confidence in the world and he carries himself like a top, top guy.


I still see Cena around for several years and I don't doubt that Reigns will be a huge star in the future, but I don't at all buy him being more over than Ambrose as a top guy. Even if pushed that way; in fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see fan backlash if he's blatantly pushed harder than Ambrose while the fans think Ambrose isn't getting his due.

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I think it's time to go ahead and try to build Cena's replacement while he's still healthy enough to cover for a failed project. Kind of like what they just did with giving him back the belt when Bryan got hurt. If it works out and they find their guy, then they can finally pull the trigger on a Cena heel turn and make big money with Cena vs the new ace.

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I thought it was interesting the plan for Cena is to be a "champion emeritus" role like Bruno had before his fallout with the company. I'm not sure the guy who's gimmick is that he's hated by 60% or more of the fanbase is the best fit to be the beloved legendary former champion.


Not to sound like I don't approve of the idea, mind you. Beyond my own boredom of the character, they can only ride the Cena horse for so long until he completely crumbles to dust.


I do find it amusing they are so clearly positioning Reigns as the next top guy, but Ambrose has all the trappings to actually be that guy. It would be something if the Shield ended up being the next generation versions of Rock/Austin/Taker as the tentpole stars.

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What does everyone else think? Is Roman Reigns ready to replace John Cena as the guy WWE builds around?


I don't know if he's ready but the fans have been clamoring for "anyone but Cena" for a long time now. Reigns is gonna be OK, I think, but if they think he's the second coming of The Rock, I don't see it yet. He has a good look, he's been protected by booking & he's certainly over so far. I guess we'll see. I'm with you though, I don't think he's been tested in a long, WWE style main event singles match yet. Every time they have put him on TV in a single's match, like his RAW match post-Chamber with Bray Wyatt, the crowds have sort of soured on it. He has three big spots: Superman Punch, Apron Dropkick & Spear. But what does he do in-between? Does WWE want Roman Reigns as a babyface that takes a beating a whole match & makes comebacks? Maybe they'll just book him in squashes & multi-man matches to protect him even longer. He's slowly getting more mic time each week too.


I think Cena still has a lot in the tank but what else can he do at this point? Break Ric Flair's 16-title record & then what? I think if they were ever going to turn him heel it would have happened already.


So what does this mean for Brock Lesnar then? Beats Cena for the title at Summerslam, holds it until Wrestlemania & then loses it to Roman Reigns whom wins the Rumble? Would people buy Wrestlemania/WWE Network Subscriptions for WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar, the man whom ended the Undertaker's undefeated Wrestlemania streak against Roman Reigns? That's a pretty big rocket... At this point, I think people get Wrestlemania for the name alone anyway, so maybe. Plus it's not like Cena won't be on the card too.


I will admit, right now, Ambrose seems to be on fire. So we'll see how things pan out.

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Pretty much everything that needs to be said has already been said here, but they should slow burn this push a little more than they are right now. I like the fact that he's getting in Cena's face. And I'm pretty alright with a win over HHH, seeing as how The Shield already decisively beat Evolution. But Reigns is not ready to be the guy right now. He needs some house show runs against veterans that can teach him and make him a better worker. He's entirely competent on the mic, but he's not gonna drop hammers like Ambrose. He needs a lot more time to find himself as a worker and a character, and they need to wait until he does.


That said...the audience wants Ambrose right now. And if I were in charge, he's the one I'd hitch the wagon to.

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Actually, having the square jawed company man who can do toilet humor as the ace and the wildcard promo guy who is beloved on the internet as 1a has been their formula for the past 4 years, so Reigns and Ambrose make perfect sense.

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I admit, I don't watch a lot these days. I do go out of my way to watch Shield stuff. It seems to me that this is about 6 months too early for Reigns. From my view, Reigns has been one of the most protected guys in the ring since probably Goldberg. He was doing tags and six mans with two great workers who were making sure that he never had to do more than he was capable of. I watched those six mans with the Wyatts and those were awesome but if you think of great moments in those matches it was because of things Rollins/Ambrose/Harper/Wyatt did. It felt like Reigns was set up to do some cool shit and Rowan was just kind of along for the ride.

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Actually, having the square jawed company man who can do toilet humor as the ace and the wildcard promo guy who is beloved on the internet as 1a has been their formula for the past 4 years, so Reigns and Ambrose make perfect sense.

Exactly. Ambrose was born to be in the internet darling mid-card role where he has interesting storylines and cuts great promos while Bryan Alvarez bitches about him being buried. The backlash here started right away, before Reigns' push even began in earnest. Now it's time for confirmation bias to kick in and make it the narrative that Reigns sucks and Ambrose is Steve Austin.


That's not to say I don't love Ambrose, because he's probably my favorite guy, just that Ambrose being pushed and Reigns being pushed are not mutually exclusive things. I loved the Shield, so I hope they all do great, though the only one I think won't is Rollins. The turn sucked, his music sucks, and his new look sucks, in my opinion. He's fine as a worker, and I think the Ambrose match/feud will be excellent. After that is when I think he fades out.

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I understand what people are saying about Reigns as a worker, but I'm not sure you have to be a great worker to be champion in the WWE the way they work their main events (heavily gimmicked). The key is to have big spots that are over and a good sense of timing. He has both of those things. Also I think he's been undersold by many when talking about The Shield's in ring stuff. This year I thought Ambrose and Rollins were better, but in 2013 he was right there with those guys, arguably better at times.


Normally I would say "don't rush the push, and let it be organic," but I think Reigns push IS pretty organic in the big picture sense and they have to rush things some with Bryan hurt and the top of the card filled with stale guys getting weak reactions

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The Ambrose (new Austin) & Reigns (new Rock) comparisons are looking even more and more by the day. Ambrose has that Austin unpredictability and not giving a fuck attitude while Reigns is a smooth operator whose look is the key to his success.

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I do feel like Reigns has shown improvement as a worker lately too. He had a decent-length match with Barrett on SD a few weeks ago and it was perfectly solid. Barrett isn't a guy that carries a lot of people.

I'm not so sure. I think Barrett was over hyped for so long that people might not have noticed that he's actually gotten as good, if not better, than what people kept trying to project on him during the Nexus days.

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