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Wrestling Resolutions 2018

Mad Dog

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- To get more into Joshi, specifically signing up for and watching STARDOM World.


- To watch the entire SMW run start to finish.


- To finally sign up to be a patron for Between The Sheets podcast and hopefully scrounge up some extra cash to appear on an episode since I enjoy the series so much.


- To get back into good enough shape physically to get back into the ring and work some matches.

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I want to make a better effort at keeping up with the current indy scene.


Absolutely have to attend at least one show, if not a few shows, this year.


Finish viewing of pwo2k year 2000 at the very least.


Finish my Microscope project on Typhoon.


Get back into Puerto Rico and Portland sets.


Continue traditional year-end awards with my girlfriend for the third year in the a row.

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1. Watch the Goddamn Portland Set. I haven't been as motivated as with other sets because I've already watched the Buddy Rose comp twice all the way through. But Fuck. I gotta watch that Portland Set.


2. Figure out technology so Stacey and I can continue our bogus journey.


3. Complete and release for public consumption at least some of the multitude of projects I've been working on behind the scenes.


4. Figure out how to get more than 24 hours in a day so I can watch more wrestling!

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1. Pick up writing the revived JWA for the PWO Armchair Booking project.


2. Spend a little more time drinking in Osaka with Asian Cooger and our various wrestling friends, and go to at least a couple of Dotobori Pro shows, maybe write that up a little here in a new thread.


3. Poke away at the awesome 2k project as time permits.


4. Play at least one year of the Management of the Ring Mode on Fire Pro World once it's released.


That's pretty much all I'll have time for in '18. I'd like to go see a few live shows in Osaka from the national-level companies as well but I can't commit to that. I'll most likely go to see Dominion, at least.


I love Matt D's match review trades idea, but I might not have the time to participate.

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Finish the year 2000 on PWO2K.


Going by my spread sheet I reckon I'll end up watching somewhere in the region of 1200 matches for the year. I'm currently at 468, so approximately just over a third of the way through. I didn't start until a few months in so hoping that finishing the year is feasible.

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Return to PWO2K viewing, but allow myself more frequent viewing excursions from other time periods, including the present. Discover what balanced watching means for me.


Get my collection more organized so I have a better feel for what I actually have.


I use a spreadsheet for mine that has been described as "highly detailed" by some, "awesome" by others and "insane" by others.


Happy to share if you're interested

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- get the portland and pr sets

- get more into and at least somewhat catch up on modern joshi

- finally dig into at least the high end stuff in shoot and wos

- go to at least 20 shows

- be better/more consistent about blogging

- back up, expand, and better organize my digital library

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Show wise, I think I'm done with WWE weekly TV. But I'll watch NXT Takeover shows, Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania & probably SummerSlam. Definitely going to watch Wrestle Kingdom. Would like to see more Lucha Underground (I haven't finished the third season and I know a fourth season is coming) & maybe more PWG - they have some people that I like.


Mostly I just don't want to burn myself out. My resolution I guess would be to watch more old stuff and less new stuff because the newer stuff tends to bum me out & the older stuff tends to hype me up. Especially if they're adding a bunch more stuff to the WWE Network.


I was thinking that maybe I should start burning shows off to have/catalog too. Just to have DVDs back-ups. Like, what happens if the WWE Network goes away? I just won't have access to any of those shows anymore. Not sure about this one though.

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