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WWE TV 01/22 - 01/28


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First entire RAW show I watched in eons.


Fuck me for doing so.

Ok, I admit it, I had to fast forward through tons of shit after a while.

So, Vince at past 70 shows more ass than Stephy. It's crazy how in another universe him and Austin are in term of chemistry despite the fact their prime was almost 20 years ago.


I don't see what the fuss is about Reigns vs Miz. It was an okay match at best, way patterned and with annoying tropes galore.


Ok, so the Manhattan Center show was just fucking with people, right ?


Damn, Bischoff has aged.


DAMN. Torrie Wilson hasn't. And where in the hell is Lilian Garcia keeping her portrait ? She's 51. Seriously.


Those unfunny cameos are so useless. Can't wait until that Jericho vs Naito match.


Wow. That worthless Taker segment. Gotta love how the Kane mention got crickets though.


The 8 women match was there. Chinlock galore in an 8 WOMEN MATCH. Post match was kinda cool though.


That was so awful as a 25th Anniversary show. These people can't write/book worth a shit at this point. TNA 2008 TV looks like prime mid-south compared to this.


And yeah, I watched it in English. Ouch. That's just rough.

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  On 1/23/2018 at 10:17 PM, Kadaveri said:

Raw did its biggest rating in 3 years, 4.5 million viewers.


What a weird decision to not do an angle on this episode. No reason for any of those extra viewers to watch next week at all.

I'm not sure what the big angle could have been though. Taker vs Cena stuff was rumoured but Taker looks so old that I think that would have come off as sad tbh.


Maybe they could have debuted Ronda and announced her for the Rumble.

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I liked the Cedric Alexander vs Mustafa Ali match. The Hideo Itami vs Jack Gallagher match was disappointing though.


I did like the AJ Styles vs Sami Zayn match from Smackdown as well. I thought it funny that Corey Graves called a Michinoku Driver earlier in the match, and then the finish was the Blue Thunder Bomb, when they both looked like the same move to me. However I'm not really a moves expert.


I rescind my earlier hope that Rusev would win the Rumble. Tonight they treated him like a JTTS in what was basically a short squash match before the main event, so obviously they don't really have plans for him.

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  On 1/24/2018 at 5:24 AM, SirEdger said:

Haven't watched 205 Live but apparently, Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali had a really solid match in the main event.


And also, a GM for 205 Live will be announced next week.

Evil GM Neville in a If you dont like it, you do better type slant

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  On 1/23/2018 at 9:50 PM, El-P said:

First entire RAW show I watched in eons.


Fuck me for doing so.


Ok, I admit it, I had to fast forward through tons of shit after a while.


So, Vince at past 70 shows more ass than Stephy. It's crazy how in another universe him and Austin are in term of chemistry despite the fact their prime was almost 20 years ago.


I don't see what the fuss is about Reigns vs Miz. It was an okay match at best, way patterned and with annoying tropes galore.


Ok, so the Manhattan Center show was just fucking with people, right ?


Damn, Bischoff has aged.


DAMN. Torrie Wilson hasn't. And where in the hell is Lilian Garcia keeping her portrait ? She's 51. Seriously.


Those unfunny cameos are so useless. Can't wait until that Jericho vs Naito match.


Wow. That worthless Taker segment. Gotta love how the Kane mention got crickets though.


The 8 women match was there. Chinlock galore in an 8 WOMEN MATCH. Post match was kinda cool though.


That was so awful as a 25th Anniversary show. These people can't write/book worth a shit at this point. TNA 2008 TV looks like prime mid-south compared to this.


And yeah, I watched it in English. Ouch. That's just rough.


It was the first time I had seen a Raw in ages.


I watched the Vince/Austin segment, the 8 women match, the Dudleyz interference match, the bit with Divas from the past and the DX segment where Bullet Club had a match.


Everything else got skipped.

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I actually watched 205 Live last night for the first time in a very long time. I was curious if they were going to announce the new GM and the plans for the title. (Which they didn't, but whatever.) I kept watching because Gran Metalik was wrestling in the opener and I love that guy. The opening 6 man was okay. Nothing exceptional, but solid action.


Then Hideo Itami fought Jack Gallagher. Oh boy. First off, I don't know why Gallagher is wrestling in street clothes, just because he is a heel now. Secondly, I don't know what happened, because the last time I paid any attention to Gallagher (which would have been during his angle with Neville, I guess) he seemed pretty popular and was getting some noticeable crowd reactions. We're not talking Road Warrior levels here, but he wasn't getting crickets, either. Now he is getting nothing. And I don't think it's just because he turned heel, either. He's not getting a negative reaction, he's getting nothing. I think this heel turn was a dumb idea, personally. I don't think people are going to buy Jack Gallagher as a "bad ass." Finally, I figured even though he has lost a step or two, KENTA would still be able to have a good match with Gallagher, considering the talent of both guys.


Not so much.


This match was boring, and the crowd was dead. There were some pretty loud BORING chants. I don't know if it is because of Gallagher's heel turn, I don't know if it's because KENTA has really gone downhill worse than I realized, or what the problem is...but this match was not so good. By the end of this, the crowd was pretty much out of it, so I thought.


I kept watching, because I really like Cedric Alexander. I wasn't disappointed. Man, Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali did something I have very rarely seen two wrestlers do. They pulled a dead crowd back to life. By the end of this match, there were "This is awesome" chants, and loud cheers. On 205 Live! I was pretty shocked, to be honest. This was definitely the best match I remember seeing by the WWE Cruiserweights in a very, very long time and was probably the best non-CWC. non-PPV Crusierweight match I've seen in WWE. Definitely the best 205 Live match I remember seeing. I expected it to be okay, maybe even good...but this exceeded my expectations. This was a very, very good match. I am going to watch it again, because I am not sure if I am over-rating it because it surprised me. Sometimes, when a match I wasn't expecting too much from exceeds expectations, I tend to overrate them. So I want to watch it again, but if you can I would go out of your way to check this match out. It was damn good.

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  On 1/23/2018 at 10:31 PM, sek69 said:

After noticing that Clown guy in the front row at the Manhattan Center, I'm more open to Dylan's theory that WWE corralled all their most annoying fans there.

Was the Bayern Munich guy there as well? Because that was the most annoying regular fan in 2017. Thank god he skipped the last 2 to 3 shows. That guy, besides apparently being a fan of Bayern Munich, which in my eyes puts him somewhere between cockroach and rat, spends the whole show staring at the screen (although he is usually sitting in one of the first three rows and could watch the match by looking straight ahead) and waiting for the hard cam to show him so that he can jump up and wave into the camera.

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