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Comments that don't warrant a thread 2010-2011


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I didn't really love Mongo Wrestling Alliance, but I will continue to watch it because A) It's a goofy 10 minute cartoon about wrestling, and most importantly B) HARRY DEAN STANTON does the voice of the old man. I will watch anything at all that Harry Dean Stanton is affiliated with.

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That was awesome.


Random question:


I was listening to an old WOL from 2003 and Dave had a trivia question that nobody got right, which was who were the two gold medal winners who have wrestled in the WWF. Angle is the obvious one, but nobody could get the second, and Dave never gave the answer.


Also reminded me of another WOL trivia question which never got answered, this one was from Alvarez, which is who are the wrestlers in the first clip of the WWE open?

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Iron Sheik ? Bad News ?

Somebody guessed Iron Sheik but he was never actually an Olympian


Bad News was a judo bronze medalist in the '76 olympics


Somebody guessed Patera but he didn't medal


Dave would pull trick questions on a lot of his trivia, but he clearly said "olympic gold medalist" so somebody winning a gold medal in the world championships or pan-american games or something like that wouldn't count, and there would be multiple winners in that case, and he also clearly said wrestled in the wwf, because somebody guessed Ali


I don't know, I'm stumped. At this point I'm thinking it's somebody who got an honorary special olympics medal

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Chip Minton would be the bobsledder, but he never wrestled in WWF.


Minton was a Bronze medalist, not gold. His whole heel act was built around him being a selfsih athlete who blamed the rest of the US 4 man team for loosing the gold for him.

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Shaquille O'Neal would be the other one.

I guess he'd count now (did he actually work a billed match when he hosted RAW), but the question was posed in 2003


It was Willem Rhuska.



I can find info on him doing some worked fights with Inoki in the 70's when Inoki was the "WWF World Martial Arts Champion" but nothing about him working a card under the WWF banner. I guess that counts but Dave was really stretching on that one

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Completely viral as I've been emailed that and the asian E-40 impersonator several times today.


The CZW match is completley made by the Runaways hynotized selling. The thinner Runaway (Harry Curie?) briefly looses the spell to adjust his tights but his partner (Joe Jett? Luther Ford?) is completely commited.

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So it looks like Edge is the guy Dave keeps blind-iteming about when mentioning a top WWE guy (and not someone you'd assume like Taker) who's looking to retire soon. That makes me wonder how much of this feud with Dolph is being booked to try to entice Edge to stay, since it sure doesn't seem to be helping Ziggler out at all.

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