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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Does anyone know where "patient zero" for this Marc Mero motivational video going viral is? When it went viral at first earlier in the week I just kind of brushed it off, but today I saw it get posted on Facebook by my aunt and an older cousin, and I know damn well those two haven't heard of any other wrestlers besides Hulk Hogan. Just curious how this thing spread beyond minor curiosity to being posted by soccer moms all over social media.


It's a shame that Marc Mero is on the outs with WWE, both parties could be served well to capitalize by WWE handing over the "Be A Star" campaign to Mero, making him the face of it, and running with it.


I dont blame Marc. I always felt WWE sabotaged his career, I was a massive Johnny B Badd fan when he wrestled for WCW but all they wanted was Sable. Vince seemed a tad obsessed with Sable for my liking which in turn made the fans root for her all the time. Marc could have been a fantastic World Champ if given the opportunity which is something I would have loved to seen in WCW.


If Warrior hadent been fired in Summer 1991 would Taker's streak still have gone on over the years? This is something Ive always wondered as they had Taker & Warrior feuding over the summer months on the house shows & they did the angle on TV with Warrior getting conned by Jake & Taker and seems somewhere they would have faced off at a major PPV. Maybe they would have continued the storyline where Warrior beats Taker at Mania as I just couldnt see Undertaker going over in a big match against the two. I know you always had Taker winning at mania but back then maybe they didnt think about doing this undefeated thing.

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Well, 'Taker beat Giant Gonzales by DQ in a match where Gonzales basically squashed him & stretcher jobbed him (though he came back after). I don't think they were thinking about an undefeated streak then. That was in '93. I think they kinda lucked into the Streak, honestly.

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That was a very odd match looking back on it. When you think of a Taker match at Mania ending in a DQ. Question is who honestly would have been the best choice to face Taker at mania in 1993?


Randy Savage?

He was supposed to face Nailz. That's the angle they started up before the Royal Rumble and they were even on the cover of the magazine. I'm guessing Nailz would've eliminated Taker in the Rumble instead of the Gonzalez interference happening. Anyone know when they signed Giant Gonzalez? Was he already coming in before Nailz got fired for something else? Since he didn't get any vignettes and just showed up, it sure seems like he was hot shotted into the picture.

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I dont blame Marc. I always felt WWE sabotaged his career, I was a massive Johnny B Badd fan when he wrestled for WCW but all they wanted was Sable. Vince seemed a tad obsessed with Sable for my liking which in turn made the fans root for her all the time.


Hum, not really. Mero got the first ever garanteed contract from WWF. He was seen as main event material. He recieved a big push right away. But he just wasn't clicking. Mero said it himself, he had no idea what the "Wildman" was supposed to be. He got the IC title, then got into a feud with HHH, then fucked up his kneee really bad. That's when Sable got all those modeling gigs and with Vince Russo gaining power, boobs were more important than wrestling. When Mero came back he just wasn't the same (not that he ever was that good, and I'm a Mero defender) but did quite the good job job reinventing himself, although at this point it's obvious Sable was way more over than him. As long as it was Mero vs his wife, I thought Sable was pretty bearable, as Mero did a terrific job as a heel working with her. He said he didn't care about his own career at this point because the money was flowing into the same household anyway. But yeah, with the knee injury Mero couldn't work like he used to. It's quite surprising he never really showed up back in WCW apart from that one cameo in the crowd in 2000.

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So I'm watching the terrible Southern Boys/Master Blasters match from Havoc '90 solely for the finish and Cornette and Heyman sniping on commentary, and early on the crowd breaks out in a brief but loud "LOD! LOD!" chant for the Blasters. People are visibly laughing and pointing at them. Yeeeeouch.

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Justin LaBar ‏@JustinLaBar

BREAKING: Just got texts telling me #RAW in Hartford, CT canceled due to the weather. Talent told to stay in hotel & off roads @TribSports


Yeah I read this too. Says Smackdown is cancelled too.


Isnt WWE overreacting just because Bryan lost.


WHAT are you talking about?

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This stat from Place To Be's 100 Facts about the Royal Rumble is the most telling stat for the watering down of titles and their importance:


63% of the 2014 field were former or current WWE Heavyweight, World Heavyweight, Intercontinental, United States Champions, King of the Ring, or Money in the Bank holders.


Another 10% of the 2014 field (Rusev, Rollins, and Harper), went on to win the IC/US/MITB briefcase later in the year.

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Can somebody who's been up to speed on WWE B-Shows make a recommendation of three to four good Titus O'Neil singles matches from the past year? Stuff I can find on the network?


If memory serves, his NXT run past was pretty solid with a title match against Neville (10/23/14) and during Sami's Road to Redemption tour (10/31/14). Titus is an odd case though where even when he looks good, he has a moment or two where he looks out of position or lost.

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What is the earliest WWE Wrestling PPV not to feature any deceased talent?

Not sure on PPV, but I noticed everyone from Clash of the Champions 28 is still alive. Nasty Boys, Orndorff, Roma, Inoki, Regal, Dusty, Dustin, Funk, Bunkhouse Buck, Steamboat, Austin, Hogan, and Flair. It's a shorter card, but it's got five guys at 65+, Bunkhouse, 64, and Hogan and Steamboat, 61. Some have had health battles and scares, but that's pretty damn good!

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What is the earliest WWE Wrestling PPV not to feature any deceased talent?

The earliest I could find was the UK PPV Capital Carnage in late 98.


King of the Ring 99 had no wrestlers on the main card that are not among us anymore, however Paul Bearer was managing the Undertaker and Boss Man was working on heat.

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