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Reactions to the Honorable Mention List Part One


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I cracked up at Honky being 49 on someone's list. Man, I need to see that one.


DEAN's list appears to be fucking incredible and needs to be posted after the fact.


I believe I had Pat Roach at 97 which means I, also, accidentally clicked the prompt to make myself anonymous so that's on me.

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Aja looks odd in that Kimura pic. When is that from ?


Anyway, cool that Bison got some votes, underrated brawler. Although... that's the first time I noticed it, but her name as it's spelled on her tights actually would read "Let's fuck" in French, with a slight spelling mistake (a missing "s" at the end).

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Hell yea, it's so fitting that my first pic that shows up was Jamie Dundee and I was the high vote for him. Love me some JC Ice. Funny as hell and one half of one of my favorite tag teams ever. To me he was strictly an entertaining guy and those were the merits on which I placed him. I can't even suggest a great match outside of the RnR series in 95. When it came down to it I had to have him on my list

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A pretty surprising run of results tonight.


Who is Lisa that had Nash at 53?


Four Mike Rotunda voters! And I wasn't one of them.


And two votes for unusual people in the 20s!


I've got a feeling this is going to be a bit like X Factor at the start of the series when it's a parade of all the really appalling acts who Simon Cowell makes faces at. That's always been my fave bit of X Factor. :D

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Octogon being that high is totally weird, it means someone is a big lucha fan, but unable to notice when someone is a total bag of laundry being carried by better wrestlers. Also B-Boy? What the fuck?

That's well harsh, that. Sure he's limited but Octagon was good at taking a beating, had fun comebacks, and got kids on the edge of their seat. I kinda love the guy. Just not top 100 love the guy.

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