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Definitely can't wait to hear the details about this firing.


As others have said, not completely shocked - they've done nothing with him for months (if not a full year now) and at no point did it seem like that would change. Oddly enough, I actually feel like his in-ring work has been much more consistent in the past 3 months than at any other time - maybe not ever reaching the rare peaks of possible greatness he showed hints of when they actually pushed him, but just, well, less annoying and "forced" as a character, more confident in just being himself and not playing Mexican JBL and letting his ring work do the talking.


Funny, when the WWE doesn't go overboard in pushing someone down my throat or place ridiculous pressure on someone to come in and light the world afire and let them just develop organically, I tend to like them more. Too bad.

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Del Rio was a weird case to me. The guy was pretty damn good in the ring, put on consistently entertaining matches - sometimes legit great matches - and he had a real presence to him. But for some reason, he never truly clicked with the crowd.


He was a victim of shitty booking as most WWE wrestlers are (specially as time went by, the last 2 and a half years it went from bad to worse) but he was still constantly pushed as a top guy for almost 3 years (2010-2012) and for a good chunk of that run he barely lost. I remember him being one of the few heels in E' that would win clean most of his matches.


Edge beating him at Wrestlemania in the fucking opener after winning the biggest Royal Rumble ever was beyond stupid. But IIRC, Del Rio wasn't that over at that time either - I don't remember him ever getting back the heat he had in his first few months in the company - that still doesn't excuse him losing at Mania against Edge but man, I never really understood why he never clicked. A shame.

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I am certain I read earlier in the year that Del Rio's contract was up later on in the year and there was talk of him not re-signing. With the way they used him this year, it looked as though that was the case.


With Rey Mysterio's contract still in the air and this news, can AAA USA afford both stars in 2015?

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Dave had a post a few days ago about someone being released soon and that it would 'surprise' a lot of people. The first person I thought of was ADR. The constant Main Event appearances by someone with his resume, should send red flags flagging. Regardless of whether or not this situation happened, I didn't see ADR finishing out the year working for WWE.

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I'd say it was mainly due to them wanting him to be the next Hispanic superstar, then booking him the exact opposite way a Hispanic star should be.


How should a Hispanic star be booked? Serious question because we discussed this very topic on a soon to be released podcast of Booking the WWE.


Also, they didn't even wish him well in his future endeavors.

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Always thought Del Rio was an entrance. He was dull as hell in the ring.


I feel the opposite way. I think he could be quite dynamic and aggressive as a heel. He was also capable of taking a pounding when needed. or me his weak link was his character which at first was a blessing, and then a stale curse.

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The ADR release is a shocker, to be sure, but I think most of you are making too much out of his appearances on Main Event.


ADR vs. Ambrose seemed like a big deal, and it made me tune into Main Event for maybe the first time ever.


Never mind that the match sucked - it never got out of first gear - and the non-finish of Rollins interfering didn't help (even though it was understandable and logical considering the circumstances).


The truth is, ADR has been bland, stale, and phoning it in for a while now. Booking is partly to blame, but at some point, he clearly just checked out.

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Has Kevin Dunn ever been painted in a positive light? I remember he was seen as a boogeyman for all things that internet people hated about WWE dating back to even the Paul Heyman era, with the old meme that all of the problems with WWE TV were Kevin Dunn's fault.

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Don't know if it was posted here yet, but the Del Rio situation apparently happened because the social media guy made a racist joke about him and when Del Rio found out and confronted him, the guy smiled, laughed in his face, and didn't apologize.

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Has Kevin Dunn ever been painted in a positive light? I remember he was seen as a boogeyman for all things that internet people hated about WWE dating back to even the Paul Heyman era, with the old meme that all of the problems with WWE TV were Kevin Dunn's fault.

Another point of view would be has any majorly successful star in WWE bashed Dunn. That may be a subjective category, but I think the answer is no.

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