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The Steve Austin Show

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Austin needs to get Mark Henry on this thing.


Just two Texans shootin' the shit for a couple of hours. I'd be all over that interview.


I'd be real interested to hear what Austin thinks of the way Mark broke out these last few years. It's an interesting situation, with Mark having been there - basically dead in the water or an afterthought - for the bulk of Austin's run. It'd be good to get Austin's thoughts about Mark's "late blooming" success, and maybe even get him to pick Mark's brain about what he thought he was missing before that he picked up towards the tail end.

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Forgot to mention last week I loved the little random story after Bischoff interview part 2. Austin just going off on one about a "caaaaaaannndddllle" with "three wicks up in this son of a bitch". Then the stuff about him trying not to fart in the gym. Then the stuff about the dead squirrel. Awesome and totally surreal 15 mins of podcast right there.

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Yes, Austin is by far the best shoot interviewer in history.


Vader had some great stories - my favourite was the con they'd do in Germany (which I had never heard before). He'd attack a babyface from behind in between rounds when the referee wasn't looking and get a big reaction. Then a round or two later the babyface would do the same but he'd be caught by the referee and be given a big fine, something like 1000 Deutsche marks, which would be around 700 or 800 USD I guess. To help the poor babyface somebody would start collecting money from the crowd to help pay the fine, which of course was later split in between the wrestlers and the ref in the back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really liked Vader's interview. Much better than his KC Timeline I'll admit. It's funny how Steve has become the best shoot interviewer around.


Yeah, after the dry and boring KC Timeline I wasn't expecting much, yet it was excellent. Steve really knows how to drive his interviews home, he's been consistently awesome at it.

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If anybody needs any further proof of how great an interviewer Steve is, check out today's episode with Tommy Rogers. I really wasn't sure what to expect from Tommy, and yeah, he's kind of all over the place. But Steve does his best to keep things on track without being rude or invasive. I look forwrad to every Tuesday and Wednesday for this.

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If anybody needs any further proof of how great an interviewer Steve is, check out today's episode with Tommy Rogers. I really wasn't sure what to expect from Tommy, and yeah, he's kind of all over the place. But Steve does his best to keep things on track without being rude or invasive. I look forwrad to every Tuesday and Wednesday for this.

It's a truly fantastic bit of interviewing. Austin is like the wrestling Mix of Stern, Tom Snyder, and Carson.
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If anybody needs any further proof of how great an interviewer Steve is, check out today's episode with Tommy Rogers. I really wasn't sure what to expect from Tommy, and yeah, he's kind of all over the place. But Steve does his best to keep things on track without being rude or invasive. I look forwrad to every Tuesday and Wednesday for this.

It's a truly fantastic bit of interviewing. Austin is like the wrestling Mix of Stern, Tom Snyder, and Carson.



With a little bit of this guy to keep it country...



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As much as I love Austin's podcast I'll be skipping the Russo one. He was on MLW Radio recently, and the moment he started talking I turned the podcast off. He may be the first case of go away podcast heat.

I do not agree with anything Russo says, but I find him a fascinating listen. And I agree with Jim Ross in a lot of regards, but rarely enjoy listening to him on a podcast.
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