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WWE Network... It's Here


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I half-suspect that it's not a case of intentionally deleting stuff as a policy, but more that they've got caught up in some technical or bureacratic loophole. Two of the shows (an MSG house show and a World Class TV) are still available, but both have been moved to the respective categories. It's surely nop coincidence that these are the only two shows where a relevant category already still exists.


It's utterly ludicrous that they are deleting stuff while still keeping up things like Smackdown preview shows or the Hall of Fame 2014 Red Carper event.

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Every time people complain about stuff being removed from the Network, it comes back a couple weeks later. As far as I know they still haven't deleted something permanently from the Network. My guess is that they are pulling it off to one of those cute little flower boxes in the title. Besides since I have lived off of Classics on Demand for about 5 or 6 years, I am used to making sure that I watch things before the end of month. It isn't like they stuff was up in the last week.


I am more upset that they promised every Hall of Fame show and yet no 1994, 1995, and 1996 full show which has never been seen in full.

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Quite a bit of the stuff from the 12 Days Of Attitude disappeared and never came back. This isn't the same thing as the two or three days of stuff being down while music edits are made.


Should also add that the files themselves have been removed, so it's not just a case of them sitting there waiting to be added to a new category.


Even leaving aside the fact that they repeatedly promised nothing will be deleted, there's absolutely no reason to remove stuff. There are no licensing issues and server space clearly isn't an issue given what is left off. There's a bunch of stuff I'd have liked to have watched in Black History Month but didn't get time, and the only way I would have done so is if I made a particular point of not watching any contemporary wrestling for a couple of weeks and specifically working my way through the "temporary" stuff. At that point it stops being a useful VOD archive and instead becomes closer to a case of WWE deciding what I have to watch and when.


Also, while I'm absolutely clear this is not WWE's intention in any way, it does look a bit tokenistic to put up a load of stuff featuring black wrestlers and then remove it the moment Black History Month ends.

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After just adding one show in the last couple weeks, they just dumped a bunch of 1996 Raws to get them all the way up to September (they were in July before). I guess we'll soon see if my theory was correct and they start adding more Nitros when Raw catches up.

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It's kind of sad for me to think about how excited I was about the Network at launch and now I don't even consider re-subscribing. I guess I just thought they would do a lot more with their archive footage. I'm not hurting for wrestling to watch though so I'm not going to just give them my money for something that I was using MAYBE twice a month.

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I am more upset that they promised every Hall of Fame show and yet no 1994, 1995, and 1996 full show which has never been seen in full.

They have what they can from those years now (weren't meant for full airing I suppose)


From another forum:


They added a clipped / Best Of version of the 1995 HOF, which in the description sounds like an episode Vintage Collection... but it's not, it's a 25 minute version of the show with Gene and Renee hosting it and an apology on screen saying this is all that's left due to technical problems with the original video.


Edit: 44 minute version of 1994 and 48 minute version of 1996 are up now.

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...an apology on screen saying this is all that's left due to technical problems with the original video.


Amazingly sloppy by WWE's normally very high standards. Usually they've always been top-notch about preserving their footage...even dating back to the '70s and '80s. I wonder what the hell happened here.

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I can't even watch anything right now and it's been this way for a couple days. Just keeps skipping and jumping in and out of HD. Watching on Amazon Fire TV. Netflix and everything else works fine. WWE's website is useless when it comes to troubleshooting. Is there a way to notify them of problems without twitter?

Given that this is a couple of weeks old I'm not sure if you're still having issues, but I got a super quick response from their support account on Twitter (@AskWWENetwork) by making a series of post complaining about the Network not working on 2 different devices and tagging the main Network account (@WWENetwork) in them. They seem to be motivated pretty quickly by potential negative publicity.

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...an apology on screen saying this is all that's left due to technical problems with the original video.


Amazingly sloppy by WWE's normally very high standards. Usually they've always been top-notch about preserving their footage...even dating back to the '70s and '80s. I wonder what the hell happened here.



Pretty sure they weren't preserved since I don't think they were meant to be seen outside of a few clips on Raw or Superstars at the time.

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I can't even watch anything right now and it's been this way for a couple days. Just keeps skipping and jumping in and out of HD. Watching on Amazon Fire TV. Netflix and everything else works fine. WWE's website is useless when it comes to troubleshooting. Is there a way to notify them of problems without twitter?

Given that this is a couple of weeks old I'm not sure if you're still having issues, but I got a super quick response from their support account on Twitter (@AskWWENetwork) by making a series of post complaining about the Network not working on 2 different devices and tagging the main Network account (@WWENetwork) in them. They seem to be motivated pretty quickly by potential negative publicity.

I got an incident number from when I called their customer service. I ended up getting through to someone who actually was somewhat helpful, but he never called me back like he said he would and this has been going on for a couple weeks. I've called them a few times and referenced the number and all they can tell me is that it's being looked at by upper management. Apparently they didn't have an amazon fire device in their building so they needed to find one to test.


My live stream works fine outside of the same problems everyone else has. The on demand stuff is where it's really bad. The weird thing is, all the HD stuff works fairly decent. But if I try to watch old ECW or a World Class episode, it can barely play for three seconds without freezing.


Oh, and they play entrance music when you're on hold. I got to hear Jack Swagger's Real American theme while I was on hold. With the Indian Call Center. :)

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