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Reactions to the Honorable Mention List Part One


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2006 Ranking: unranked
Points: 45
# of Ballots: 2
Average Vote: 78.5
High Vote: 68 (ChuckScumm)
Low Vote: 89
"probably should have been 69" Timothy Buechner

So happy this stupid joke made it on to the list thread.


It made it in because the other vote was number 68. Almost a perfect prediction,

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Honky Tonk Man? the 49th greatest wrestler ever? I'm gonna assume that the same person who put Bob Sapp at 66 did this. From now on I'm assuming all insane anon high votes are the same person.


Some poster should join the board as "Insane Anon."

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HTM voted 49th best wrestler ever is a sign we should have made this a PWO exclusive.


Tommy Dreamer's pic is wonderful.

Nice odd indie sleaze series with Kid Kash, Jun Kasai, Tommy Dreamer, Ian Rotten and Gedo back to back. When you think about it, Kid Kash and Ian Rotten as 64th best wrestlers ever is also quite the mindfuck.


James Storm is sexy as hell in that picture. If I were a girl, I'd do him.

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I wouldn't worry about some "weird" votes (weird being a relative term to be honest), with a sample size of 151 ballots we're in the safe zone where a few outiers aren't really going to skew the rankings of this list notably. It'll be more noticeable in this portion of the honorable mentions, but the further we go, the less they will weigh on the rankings.

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The diversity of opinion in this process is what I'm really enjoying. Only one of my votes have come up so far (Dave Taylor) but I can see how someone who values different things about wrestling would vote for most of those who have come up. For the life of me though, I cannot see what someone would be looking for in a wrestler that would make Honky Tonk Man the 49th best wrestler they have ever seen.


I do want to say that I love that Tommy Dreamer picture.

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I feel like PG-13 as a team was so good that it almost makes up for their lackluster singles outings. It's hard to penalize them for that because they clearly got a facet of wrestling the others struggle with. That being said I'd maybe include Brian Christopher ahead of both and he wasn't even nominated.

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