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Reactions to the Honorable Mention List, Part 2


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Things I'm wondering about guys on my list now and who I expect to fall before we get to the actual top #100:


- How high can Scotty Steiner possibly go?

- Maybe I'm not the only one who still rates Dynamite Kid

- Who are those other closet Sting voters!

- Where are we gonna see Hogan and Dusty, and could they finish top 100?

- Can the perennially underrated Hase make it to the 100?

- There's also the question of ...




Isn't it exciting eh.

Every one of these guys made my list.
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On another note, has it ever been explained why they picked Chono to be one of the musketeers? I guess he does have a handful of great matches (Hase? Rude? couple of others), but did he ever really look like a great worker?

Hase and Koshinaka were former juniors, he seemed like a logical choice at the time.

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I still only have one off of my ballot, but I'm expecting a big shotgun blast of Joshi, Lucha and shootstyle workers in the 100-200 range to dramatically change that. All three of those genres seem primed to have comparatively small, but very enthusiastic voting blocs that consistently ranked those workers highly, but not high enough to overcome the more generally appreciated groups of talent from the big North American and Japanese companies.

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I just noticed that we still haven't seen Lex Luger.

Luger compared to HHH will be interesting.


Luger at his best was heads and shoulders above HHH for me, he just had a short peak. HHH has longevity on his side, and despite having a hell of a lot of memorable matches, he also has so many long ass promos, matches that leave a bad taste in your mouth, and stories of him being a dick backstage that I have no idea how people will rank him.

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Can we get a text list of the rankings in one post? Would be great to have as an easy reference.

Eventually, when I get to it.



Talked with Grimmas this morning and took this off his plate. Full list is up.




Please don't post in the thread until he gets a chance to lock it for me.



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Asuka the next to go on mine. Definitely enjoyed her earlier stuff to the GAEA stuff, and not surprised DEAN had her so high because I remember reading his GAEA reviews and he absolutely loved that stuff.


I don't think I'm going to be the high vote on anyone outside of my #1, now. Maybe Kikuchi, but DEAN might beat me to that punch, too.

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Kyoko Inoue at 211 is probably the single biggest difference between 2006 and now, if I had to guess.


And that SUCKS. Kyoko was #52 to me. GREAT fucking worker at her peak, way above Toyota. She's head and shoulder about a good half of the people that will show up next. First instance of a huge disappointment, although not surprising. Shit, and we're talking about the fact Lex Luger, Sting & HHH have not showed up yet. Booo people ! Booo !

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Ah fuck, my fourth soldier, Rogers was my #93.


I don't know why but I see it as a personal shortcoming every time one of my guys drops.


Tommy Rogers was, in my view, the 4th best pure tag worker in US history behind Arn, Eaton and Morton.

Dustin Rhodes.

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