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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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He's absolutely in ass-saving mode for sure, but I could see him spinning that Diva Search era stuff as doing what Vince wanted him to. Like brother @Embrodak said both can be true that he was also being used by Vince as part of his kinks but also he (apparently) was completely okay with it. It might make him a victim in the technical sense but nowhere near the level of any of the women Vince has preyed on let alone the one in the lawsuit here.

Also I was reading how the lawyer stated they are getting swamped by all the other people reaching out with similar Vince stories, so it looks like the dam is about to burst.

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15 hours ago, NintendoLogic said:

Keep in mind that sex trafficking is a serious felony, so everyone named in Grant's lawsuit could potentially be facing criminal liability. And the feds have already raided Vince, so who knows what they currently have on him and his accomplices. In other words, we might be seeing a classic Gambino-style roll-up. A high-ranking executive who used his position to take advantage of women in his employ for decades trying to paint himself as a victim will be a tough sell to say the least, but as much of a scumbag as Laurinaitis is, he's about a thousandth as reprehensible as Vince. If Johnny Ace getting off scot-free is the cost of taking the big man down for good, so be it.

I suppose if Laurinaitis hopes to get a pass on the criminal charges front by going "I was a victim as well" the DA will probably want more details than just corroboration on the (potential) charges against Vince. So I suppose he would have to spill the beans on a lot of other dirt.

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Probably fits better here than the Meltzer thread.




“He's the f’n cerebral assassin, best politicking dude in history, literally wormed his way from a green, entry level wrestler into a (still, average wrestler) absolute top of the office, executive, you think he doesn't pay attention to what's going on around him?” said one of the biggest company stars of the modern era. “Think he did that without knowing every little thing everywhere in that company? Yet somehow this slipped past his radar?”

“The thing about that place is if TKO starts cleaning house, they're gonna show up with a bucket and some Lysol, then realize that shits in the walls, in the floorboards, they're gonna have to bring out the sledgehammer (because) that shit is gonna turn into a demolition job. Down to the foundation, sledgehammer pun not intended.”



So Jericho? Or is that too presumptuous?




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36 minutes ago, PeteF3 said:

It's not? He main-evented multiple PPVs and was part of one of the biggest merch-selling acts of the era in the Shield.

I guess it depends on what you understand by "one of the biggest stars". Top 5? Top 10? Top 20? Also what is meant by "modern era". Even assuming Meltzer meant the last 10 years and not the last 15 years, Mox is definitely not Top 5 and very likely also not Top 10. I suppose he would make a Top 20, but without coming up with a list my gut feeling would be that we would be somewhat at the bottom of such a list. Though I guess it depends on how many part timers you would include.

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Regardless, the point here is that HHH looks like a goner and potentially Prichard & Nick Khan as well.  Will be interesting to see how far it goes, like i'd bet Heyman & Shawn knew at least some of this was going on but have enough plausible deniability to get off free.

Imagine if, say, Stephanie were to serve as a witness...there were theories floating around that she left Hunter because he stayed with Vince after the previous scandal broke.  And maybe Shane could show up for this too, given his strange position as the one Vince never believed in.

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6 minutes ago, Embrodak said:

If Haitch were to be pushed out, for whatever reason, who would they pick for his replacement? There really is no heir apparent, as I doubt they’d keep HBK and boot Triple H. Would we have a Jim Herd situation where they appointed someone foreign to wrestling to run it?

Oh maybe Papa John.


Road Dogg was never an executive, was he? I wonder how much he knew.

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Is Wall Street going to accept a man who kept zero books and leached the talent's credit cards and wrote rubber checks and et cetera last time he ran a wrestling company, as head of a billion dollar concern? Unlikely.

They're in a dilly of a pickle. Years ago talk was Wall Street would reject HHH, if, as thought at the time, he eventually took over from Vince.

You can't just replace the upper echelons of a global behemoth with carnie folk.

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