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Really interested on what you guys think of Reigns/Bryan vs The Usos from this week's SD (show is already out on XWT), It's been a while since I saw that kind of slow paced, story driven tag match - that wasn't a 6 man or Survivor tag - in WWE. I thought it was very good and refreshing.


I thought that it was awesome. The most that I've liked any of the four since Battleground last year.

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Since the Sting stuff is bound to get even goofier as Mania approaches, is it too much to ask for Hunter to bring in Nash, Hall, and Waltman as expert Sting hunters and have an entire Raw composed of vignettes of them searching for him Scooby Doo style?


Cracking up while booking this in my mind right now. They finally find Sting and tie him up only to find it's really Old Man Jenkins wearing a mask.

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Shawn Michaels:


On one more match:



"Oh yeah. All the time. All the time. If they don't believe, they request that I do. There isn't a time that, every once in a while I will receive a text or someone will make the comment of 'hey, we got this'. Put it this way: it's always there for me if I want it. There's only been probably, I don't know, maybe one time where where you go that's actually a pretty good idea. (laughs) But you have to be careful even about saying that, even to acknowledge that is, in fact, a good idea. You have to be quick to follow up with don't get me wrong, I'm not doing it. I have to give you props on a good idea."


On facing Daniel Bryan:



"Yeah, I realize that a lot of people certainly got that. I guess from my perspective it certainly is a good idea but it's one of those ones, I guess from my standpoint, a good idea is one that would really intrigue me. That's not one of those of those ones where you go 'wow, what are the chances of someone coming up with that?' That's teacher - student, that's been done, and again I'm not knocking it, I'm just saying that is not some kind of new, innovative idea. It's just two other guys doing a very rehashed idea but we think they can do it well so it will be fun for us to watch. Certainly at its core it's not a new and fresh idea."


Sounds like HBK struggles to resist the urge to step into the ring again, and could potentially consider it if the right idea comes along... Question is, what is the "right idea"?


I've always been under the impression that (come the time) if Michaels is still in shape and healthy, I could see Triple H requesting that Michaels is his final oppoenent when Hunter decides to retire from in ring competition. That has been done before many times, but... They have never met in a one-on-one match at Wrestlemania. It's the one thing missing from Triple H's extensive resume, a singles match on the big stage against the man he considers the greatest in-ring talent of all time.


The seeds were strongly planted in 2012 with the whole "Shawn was always better" comment from Undertaker. They've played on that a couple of times since. I believe the crowd have even chanted in when Shawn and Hunter were together in one segment last year. It's the perfect end for a heel Triple H, to get flustered by the idea that "Shawn is better" and to challenge him to come out of retirement so he can prove that "he" and not Shawn is the better man - with his own career on the line.

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I've always been under the impression that (come the time) if Michaels is still in shape and healthy, I could see Triple H requesting that Michaels is his final oppoenent when Hunter decides to retire from in ring competition. That has been done before many times, but... They have never met in a one-on-one match at Wrestlemania. It's the one thing missing from Triple H's extensive resume, a singles match on the big stage against the man he considers the greatest in-ring talent of all time.


The seeds were strongly planted in 2012 with the whole "Shawn was always better" comment from Undertaker. They've played on that a couple of times since. I believe the crowd have even chanted in when Shawn and Hunter were together in one segment last year. It's the perfect end for a heel Triple H, to get flustered by the idea that "Shawn is better" and to challenge him to come out of retirement so he can prove that "he" and not Shawn is the better man - with his own career on the line.


Please lord, no.

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I listened to the Shawn Michaels interview on Talk is Jericho today and he said he doesn't miss wrestling at all and loves the way his career ended because "the underdog doesn't always get the happy ending."


Not sure why one more HBK match would even cross somebody's mind.

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I listened to the Shawn Michaels interview on Talk is Jericho today and he said he doesn't miss wrestling at all and loves the way his career ended because "the underdog doesn't always get the happy ending."


Not sure why one more HBK match would even cross somebody's mind.


Some people just can't let their childhood favorites ride off into the sunset sometimes. I'd rather people focus on how to make the current product better than trying to bring Michaels back.

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If Shawn comes back it must be to put over a talent that needs it

No just no. If Shawn comes back it needs to be for the right reasons alough hes had a great career and doesnt need to return. He had his retirement match. If he did come back to wrestle the one guy id pick is Rock.


Dude do you understand how the wrestling business works. Older talent puts over new talent to create stars. You should lose your Dr. title for being so wrong .

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If Shawn comes back it must be to put over a talent that needs it


No just no. If Shawn comes back it needs to be for the right reasons alough hes had a great career and doesnt need to return. He had his retirement match. If he did come back to wrestle the one guy id pick is Rock.



Wrong diagnosis doc.....thinking like that has helped hurt the wrestling business for the last 20 years

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If Shawn comes back it must be to put over a talent that needs it


No just no. If Shawn comes back it needs to be for the right reasons alough hes had a great career and doesnt need to return. He had his retirement match. If he did come back to wrestle the one guy id pick is Rock.


If you think those are the right reasons, I'd say you are The Master, or possibly Davros.

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It's clear that WWE wants to legitimately sellout Cowboys Stadium next year and that they don't have much confidence in their rising stars to do so. So Austin and Shawn will likely both get offers to do matches on the show. Even if they don't accept, the show will likely be built around Rock vs. Triple H and The Undertaker's retirement match, which will help no-one new get over.

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It was a relief that we didn't get Brock/Rock last year at Mania, as that would have been a waste with no benefit to the actual roster (except for their WrestleMania paydays...maybe). Of course, we ended up with Brock/Taker, and it certainly remains to be seen if anyone's going to benefit from Brock ending the streak.

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I'm sure someone could disprove this thought in a half a second, but Shawn Michaels returned at SummerSlam 2002 and the buyrate for that show was 40k less than the year prior. So, Shawn Michaels returning at WM32 is going to pop what exactly? Network subs? Attendance?


Didn't WWE have to paper some of the Alamodome for the 96' Rumble in his own hometown for what was a very telegraphed "Watch Shawn win the big one in his hometown!" main event?


I'm not saying HBK on a card doesn't appeal to me or many fans, I'm just saying, in 2016, I'm not sure he's a difference maker any more than he was 10 years ago or 20 years ago when he, y'know, wasn't a huge difference maker.

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I'm sure someone could disprove this thought in a half a second, but Shawn Michaels returned at SummerSlam 2002 and the buyrate for that show was 40k less than the year prior. So, Shawn Michaels returning at WM32 is going to pop what exactly? Network subs? Attendance?


Didn't WWE have to paper some of the Alamodome for the 96' Rumble in his own hometown for what was a very telegraphed "Watch Shawn win the big one in his hometown!" main event?


I'm not saying HBK on a card doesn't appeal to me or many fans, I'm just saying, in 2016, I'm not sure he's a difference maker any more than he was 10 years ago or 20 years ago when he, y'know, wasn't a huge difference maker.


Agree with the overall point that I don't see Michaels making much, if any difference.
But just wanted to share this amusing Meltzer quote from January 1997.
"Bischoff made a remark that they didn't have to give tickets away at a 7-11 to get people to come to this [souled Out] PPV. That was in reference to the WWF which only could get 48,000 paid for its show last week." - Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer (February 3, 1997).
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It's a shame that there's no chance of Austin vs. CM Punk ever happening. Seems like such a perfect feud, character-wise.


Austin vs. Daniel Bryan would be great in the ring though...or so we think/hope anyway.


I have zero interest in another Austin vs. Rock, or Rock vs. Triple H. Been there, done that, won't be as good now. If they get Austin or HBK to come back, they need fresh "dream match" opponents, not the same old shit. Think of how magical Rock vs. Hogan was for that reason.

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