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Anyone know the exact date of the El Satanico vs. Lizmark April 1984 NWA middleweight title bout?

The only title match they have on record during that time is 9th March 1994 in Arena Mexico. Where did we come on April?

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That looks like a good call. It's kind of hard to tell with the VQ being so different for the Youtube uploads of the two matches, but it seems like the same crowd as for Hijo del Santo, Chamaco Valaguez and Cachorro Mendoza vs Fuerza Guerrera, Talisman and Jerry Estrada, which is also purported to have taken place on the March 9 event. The six man from March 2 seemed to set up a title match, too. With the scarcity of video from that era I'd guess that it likely came from a show that we have video of.


Then again I have no idea how reliable the sources are for 1984 lineups. I don't think Satanico vs Lizmark was listed for that date until earlier this year.

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Anyone know the exact date of the El Satanico vs. Lizmark April 1984 NWA middleweight title bout?

The only title match they have on record during that time is 9th March 1994 in Arena Mexico. Where did we come on April?



It is listed as April 1984 on the 80s lucha set. But it immediately follows the 3/9/84 trios mentioned above so that date is probably reliable.

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The AAA and Taya thing... TNA wishes they could be that bad.


There's so many levels of slimy too. Lying to both your women's champ and her fiancé who also happens to be your world champion. Making up bullshit excuses and doubling down when called out. Making an announcement to the live crowd to bury the talent you lied to. The kicker of course is doing all that to bend over backwards for someone who already quit on your promotion just last year.



First thing I thought was that Vampiro & Sexy Star are having relations. Maybe that's an incredulous idea to have, since she's married and both have children, etc. but that was what I thought. Pretty crazy drama all around though. That shit makes for better drama TV than the TV shows do. Even in Lucha Underground I always thought Sexy Star was booked way above where she should have been at.


Vampiro claiming it was all a work that Taya didn't know about was funny though. Taya worked into a shoot, brother~! It's all just a headache.

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Even in Lucha Underground I always thought Sexy Star was booked way above where she should have been at.


Indeed. Never cared for her work in LU, nor her character. The fact they actually made her push to the top work to me despite all this is a testament to how good this stuff can be. That being said, I wasn't disapointed to see her go away (although she'll still be on TV with the ridiculous delay of S3 part 2). The fact she seems to be quite the bitch really doesn't help her case. It's too bad Ivelisse gets injured all the time, she sure would deserve the spot way more (and from the shoot interview I've seen, she really seems like a nice person who had it quite rough to make it to where she is).

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I was recently in the midst of a mini road trip with a coworker who had a previous career in radio. He informed me that in the early 90s his station had a good relationship with the WWF because of their promotional work. Apparently Jerry Brisco called him up one day and said that the guy that did ring announcing for their house shows in Florida got let go and they asked him if anyone there would be interested. He asked if he could do it and they said "sure". So my buddy worked for a few years in Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and once in a while in other locations doing the ring announcing for all the non-televised matches.



Pretty neat.


We spent the last hour of our car ride talking about wrestling. He had completely disconnected and had no idea that there were so many promotions running right now. I think he is going to go to a CWF Mid Atlantic show with me sometime.

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You know what's one of the stupidest smart fan criticisms of wrestling? The whole ,"He/ She had their arm worked over and now they're using it." bullshit. Are pro wrestlers supposed to be ambidextrous?

It's about narrative shorthand and genre conventions, not realism.
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You know what's one of the stupidest smart fan criticisms of wrestling? The whole ,"He/ She had their arm worked over and now they're using it." bullshit. Are pro wrestlers supposed to be ambidextrous?

It's about narrative shorthand and genre conventions, not realism.


This is indeed correct.

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If you're not gonna sell a injured body part at the end of the match don't spend the first 2/3rds having it get worked over. If you can't figure out another way to "kill time" then ask for a shorter match. Spending a ton of time working a body part just to shrug it off when it's time to go into the finishing stretch is like having someone lose their arm in the first part of an action movie but magically have it grow back in time for the final shootout.

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There are three levels of this.


1.) Limb is worked over at a point in the match. When it comes time for a transition, limbwork is forgotten. It's never come back to or referenced.

2.) Limb is worked over at a point in the match. This sets up a transition somehow (for instance, babyface's back gets hurt and worked over allowing for the transition to heel offense. After a hope spot/cut off, the heel shifts to the leg because either a) the back wasn't working anymore or b> the heel's finisher targets the leg).

3.) Limb is worked over at a point in the match. Even after meaningful narrative transitions elsewhere, the limb is still remembered through subtle reactions or big narrative sweeps.


All that said, it's a microcosm of a bigger issue: Everything in a match should have meaning and weight and should be reacted to. Nothing that happened in a match should be dropped, or if it should, it should be paid off and moved on and some things are easier than others to do that with. It should all be built to a bigger whole. Sometimes limbwork can be transitioned out of in a satisfying, meaningful way. A lot of times, they don;t even bother.


(Note: I kind of want to type FLAIR FLAIR FLAIR FLAIR FLAIR FLAIR FLAIR FLAIR FLAIR FLAIR here, because you'd hope he'd do #2, but he really, really, really doesn't)

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There's a great 70's AJPW match with Billy Robinson vs Abby that speaks to this question.


The Butcher works over Billy's knee pretty strongly, and it's never forgotten. For the rest of the match he tends to favor that leg. There's even a spot where he goes to bodyslam Abby - which he'd done earlier in the match - but fails because his leg collapses under the weight.

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