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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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So far I've managed to get autographs from Bob Orton, Nikolai Volkoff, Terry Funk, Ted Dibiase and the Iron Sheik via the mail. Funk even drew a little state of Texas on an index card for me.


Also got my Ivan Koloff 8x10 from the Kickstarter. Little bummed with that as the pen was dying it looks like.


How does that work? Ive wanted a Sheik autograph for years but no idea how to contact the guy. Does he have a official site as wiki just lists a fan store.


On a side note Ive got Marc Mero's autograph. In fact I wasent expecting him to send me two. I just mentioned my mum being a wrestling fan and a big fan of Mero and he just asked her name and he sent a Marc Mero one to her and a Johnny B Badd one to me. It was very kind of him, me being in the UK and him mailing it to me free of charge.

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Not much. I don't think his work as Goldust was particularly strong the first couple of years. I sort of attribute this to being so good at being a babyface that he assumed everyone he'd be working with would be just as good. The Johnson match from KOTR is worth watching as a pure character performance. My favorites are probably the Michaels matches from 96, mainly house show fancams. There's a tag with Mankind that's a lot of fun, for instance. There are the Bigelow and Vader matches, Vader being stronger than Bigelow. There's not a hell of a lot to the Vega series. Frankly, as much as people are frustrated by the Dustin turn in the last year, it's given him a lot of strong heel performances that his career was previously missing.

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God I hope the Negro Casas-Fuerza Guerrera match from Arena Mexico tonight shows up somewhere.


It's out there.


I'd need to watch it again as i went through it quickly and with a lot of interruptions but my main feeling was that they really went at it, especially in the tercera, but the dynamic was a little weird with the crowd so behind Fuerza. I'm not sure if they planned for that. They didn't seem to commit on what route they'd go. There are moments where they had a lot of fun in a house-show sort of way that were great. There were moments where they did some really high end matwork and counters that were great. there were a few spirited exchanges which were great, but I don't think it all came together tonally. I'll be curious what other people think.

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I know I had better ideas than watching every Uncensored show to find out if it's the worst PPV series in history. Yet I'm still doing it. But I might have reached a breaking watching Perry Saturn as some sort of gothic monster on the 1999 version.

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I know I had better ideas than watching every Uncensored show to find out if it's the worst PPV series in history. Yet I'm still doing it. But I might have reached a breaking watching Perry Saturn as some sort of gothic monster on the 1999 version.


It still had some magic moments like Sting returning and laying out the NWO after a absence as well as the Nasty's/Harlem Heat Falls count Anywhere street fight.

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I'm not even a huge Seth Rollins fan but I feel like he has enough talent to be more than "Edge 2.0" But then the WWE always loved Edge way more than I did, I suppose in part because he was an easy guy to book shitty finishes around.

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I'm not even a huge Seth Rollins fan but I feel like he has enough talent to be more than "Edge 2.0" But then the WWE always loved Edge way more than I did, I suppose in part because he was an easy guy to book shitty finishes around.


Edge always seemed like a guy who could have great feuds with anyone except the Matt Hardy angle when that spat happened. I loved all the matches these two had but after he whole Lita/Edge thing when they battled on Raw something just wasent there.

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Sometimes I wonder if Kevin Dunn goes around tearing down NXT posters so Vince never sees them and realize how nearly the entire roster there is better than the almost everyone in WWE. There's going to be a point where he slips up and Vince ends up watching a Finn Balor match, and ends up launching ol' Kev into the sun when he suggests giving him a leprechaun gimmick on Raw.

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I'm not sure Vince would really get Finn Balor's character. I think in Vince's hands the gimmick could get too cartoonish. He'd might become a better working Boogeyman. But out of all the people in NXT, he's the most ready for the main roster.


But really, let's not kid ourselves here, Vince would watch NXT Takeover: Rival and immediately want to fast track Baron Corbin to the main roster, whilst writing off Zayn as bland, Owens as short and fat, Neville as colourless, Kalisto as a second-rate Rey Mysterio imposter, Bayley as frumpy, Itami as needing a more stereotypical gimmick, etc, etc.

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I'm not even a huge Seth Rollins fan but I feel like he has enough talent to be more than "Edge 2.0" But then the WWE always loved Edge way more than I did, I suppose in part because he was an easy guy to book shitty finishes around.


Edge always seemed like a guy who could have great feuds with anyone except the Matt Hardy angle when that spat happened. I loved all the matches these two had but after he whole Lita/Edge thing when they battled on Raw something just wasent there.


Yeah, that Kane feud was freaking great, eh?


I can't even think of one great Edge feud, let alone all of his feuds being great.

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Short video about WWF and WCW filiming shows in "Special Locations". Back in the day I used to think that it was really cool that WCW sometimes filmed shows at the beach, Club La Vela and other places. In my teenage eyes it made them seem cool, thus more important. Shame that Vince McMahon hates the concept (Michael Hayes has mentioned a couple of times on Legends of Wrestling and other shows that he thinks that WCW debuting Nitro at the Mall of America was "cheesy" so we can pretty much safely assume he's parroting Vince/Kevin Dunn on that one) because it would make their tired production values seem fresher on those occasions. Maybe they just want to save it for Tribute to the Troops or something.

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