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Reactions to the Honorable Mention List, Part 2


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I look at everyone listed so far and have to scratch my head fucking Okada is going to finish above them all. Recency bias is what it is.

Some people think the last 5 years of NJPW is the greatest 5 years of any company ever. Not recency bias, just weird NJPW bias.

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Why are people freaking out about results in the 200s? Do you know what a sample size is?


Because bitching and moaning is half the fun. And again, I believe we were brutal about it in 2006.


What is weird NJPW bias compared to weird Memphis bias or weird WWE bias ?

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Why are people freaking out about results in the 200s? Do you know what a sample size is?


Agree with this, we still haven't yet reached the point where wrestlers are appearing on 30 or more ballots. Where I work, we usually set a limit to only statistically analyze base sizes of 30 or more. Still haven't reached that point yet, so this is still within the grey area where outliers will have a more proportional influence. Don't take the list so far as direct rankings, more as groupings.

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Why are people freaking out about results in the 200s? Do you know what a sample size is?


Because bitching and moaning is half the fun. And again, I believe we were brutal about it in 2006.


What is weird NJPW bias compared to weird Memphis bias or weird WWE bias ?


Or weird Puerto Rico bias? i agree, it's all weird and fun. In the immortal words of that great scholar and philosopher:




And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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The only person off of my list that I was disappointed with was Asuka. I thought with her showing up in NXT more people would have checked out her stuff in Japan but since she was only on ten ballot, combined with Sasha being on thirteen, I guess people didn't.

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96 names left in the top 200, not bad.

You are no Dean, Scarlet-Left or Mando>Eddie for sure!

I'm not too far off them, already at 25 names down. The way this has gone I'm expecting either only a couple more to drop between 200 and 100 or more than twenty before hitting the top 100.
Just checked my list and I've lost ten going into the top 200 (Abdullah, Duggan, Stan Lane, Jeff Jarrett, The Sheik, Rick Steiner, Jimmy Snuka, Dave Taylor, Mark Rocco and Masa Chono). Of them, looking back I wish I'd given Chono's spot to Lex Luger. The others I can stand by.
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I kind of regret not having Tommy Rogers in my top 100 (I guess I consider him now my unofficial #101), but there's always the tag team list anyway. Speaking of great tag team wrestlers... Stan Lane and Dan Kroffat are in my top 100. Also, Kyoko Inoue is on my list. I was the high vote on El Samurai. That means 16 wrestlers that are on my ballot have shown up in the results so far.


#28 Mr. Gannosuke [#277] (high vote)


#48 El Samurai [#212] (high vote)

#49 Kyoko Inoue [#217]


#57 Yumi Ikeshita [#384]


#66 Dan Kroffat [#254]


#71 Bison Kimura [#420]


#73 Cuty Suzuki [#385]


#77 Super Astro [#283]

#78 Leo Burke [#296]

#79 Jinsei Shinzaki [#400]


#83 Javier Cruz [#502] (high vote)


#88 Marty Jannetty [#272]

#89 Espectrito [#370]


#93 Jacques Rougeau [#339]


#98 Stan Lane [#260]


#100 Ron Starr [#403]

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I'm curious how popular the list will be when it's all said and done. Like if other wrestling forums or websites will mention it & talk about it or not. Could maybe bring an increase in traffic, although I'm not entirely sure if we're looking to draw-in people from the Reddit, YouTube or WrestlingForum communities. :P

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Five drops off my list so far. I've not been the high vote on anyone as of #199.

EDIT: I was the low vote on Dump

#44 - Kyoko Inoue (217) 48.70 AVG


#67 - Masa Hiro Chono (223) 73.41 AVG

#68 - Lioness Asuka (219) 64.57 AVG


#88 - Satoshi Kojima (266) 70 AVG


#100 - Dump Matsumoto (288) 81.33 AVG

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Chris Adams was my favourite WCW Thunder worker. His stuff in Texas, well... He sure was holding on things together in a rather mediocre territory, worked well as a babyface and a heel, but I never felt he was better than *good*. Of course he didn't had the best opposition in the world but still. A better version of Brad Armstrong. Kind of a Ted DiBiase guy to me. The only thing I really didn't see that I wanted to was the USWA Austin feud, which may be his best stuff.

I don't know how many people would have watched it for this, but he had a match with Rocco on WOS that I really enjoyed in the early 80s (and I'm not someone who is high on Rocco).

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It's just that the list right now doesn't make a lick of sense. Osamu Nishimura beats Tomohiro Ishii and Ibushi beats Nishimura and then Pat O'Connor beats them all. And then Sekimoto and... the Big Show? WTF? Right now it's like you tossed a bunch of names into a bag and drew them at random, with some names being twice in the bag. Which is pretty much what happened. I can't imagine a wrestling fan who would agree with all the placements.


Maybe I'm just bummed cause Nishimura shoulda made the Top 200. Nish rules. I think I had him higher than the Destroyer.

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The pics for CIMA and Buzz Sawyer are broken for me.


Here too.


Who are the CIMA fans around here ? I remember him from early 00's MPro TV shows. Was really good back then.



The links are broken for sure


Well I'd say Alan, Case, and I are all pretty big CIMA fans and it would appear there are a few more that are less vocal about it. The thing of it is that he's been the Ace of what is the second biggest wrestling company in Japan for nearly a decade so I don't see how anyone would be too shocked that he has fans.

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